Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1777: Proof of sincerity

From last night to now, I wrote this chapter several times. It took me eight hours. I knew I would get stuck, but I didn’t know how to get stuck.

For a moment, Lin Sanjiu almost thought the puppet master was crazy.

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I heard that if a person suffers from hatred for a long time, her mind will be somewhat abnormal-but she opened her mouth several times, but she couldn't even make a little formed sound; she couldn't ask for the effect of "[the torrent of time]" How much time is left", I can't ask "what do you mean by being teleported away".

Before she knew it, she had actually aged to such an extent.

Lin Sanjiu could not speak, but Bohemia did not dare to speak. The air was silent for a while, and the puppet master suddenly glanced down from the corner of his eye and swept over her.

"Don't get me wrong," he smiled darkly. "[The torrent of time] will make people age and die, but it doesn't mean that you can really live well to old age. It's just an assumption."

This sentence fell into Lin Sanjiu's ears, and she didn't react for a while. When its subtext slowly settled down, she finally understood. She suddenly got a burst of strength from nowhere, and suddenly raised her head: "You--you say that, it means--"

The puppeteer turned and walked between the trees. He didn't even mean to stop. He walked far in the blink of an eye. Only his voice was still clear and clear: "Your luck is like a dog pee. , Good luck can smother a person at a time."

This, this means that the effect of [the torrent of time] is over, right? If she is striding towards death, the puppeteer is too happy to say "This doesn't mean you will be safe and old" at all.

"Help... help me," I don't know if it is a psychological effect or a body is gradually rejuvenating, Lin Sanjiu has the strength to speak again.

Bohemia didn’t hear it at first, she was busy groping her hair and cheeks; until her fingers were hooked by the long golden brown curly hair again, she breathed a sigh of relief, looked left and right, and hurriedly reached out. Lin Sanjiu pulled up from the ground.

When Lin Sanjiu was lying on the ground, she had to rely on the strength of others to stand up; but when her feet stood firm, her back could be straightened, wrinkles and spots were stretched out by the smooth and plump skin, and her vision It becomes clear again as if washed with water.

Only a tiny margin, the two of them almost became dead on the ground——

Just now when Lin Sanjiu was dying, she just couldn't feel happy. Now that her energy and strength returned to her body, she immediately seemed to be full of fuel, and she couldn't help but feel angry when she thought of this. The puppeteer didn’t mean to kill her, but he would definitely not be distracted for her safety-it doesn’t really matter, but Bohemia has been in a dangerous situation because she was repeatedly affected. Several times.

"You wait for me here." She whispered to Bohemia, "Don't go there when I didn't tell you to go."

"What are you doing again?" Just as she was about to walk away, Bohemia suddenly grabbed her backhand: "Do you still want to catch up and settle the accounts?"

Lin Sanjiu actually didn't know exactly what she wanted to do-she hesitated for a few seconds, and replied: "I... I will talk to him."

She also knows that this is similar to idiotic dreams.

"I really don't understand you," Bohemia glanced at the figure in the distance, and whispered eagerly, "Even if you want him to live, what can you do with him? I think he is more You may be mad at you first. Besides, why do you feel upset? You know the puppet master...sir, that's how it is. If you don't leave, you should be prepared for this."

Lin Sanjiu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't answer anything for a while.

"Let's go," Bohemia reached out and pulled her up, her golden-brown eyes flashed with the sunlight that was gradually brightening at noon: "...After all, aren't we still dead? I still know what I looked like in my last life, this It might be a clue."

After being so disturbed by her, when the two of them followed the puppeteer out of the woods again, Lin Sanjiu was finally able to suppress his own stomach. She didn't look at Bohemia's widened eyes. She only chased up a few steps, and asked in a low voice behind the lacquered black shadow: "When you used [The Torrent of Time], didn't you even look at our position?"

"You look great?"

Just four words can rekindle her anger. Lin Sanjiu deliberately kept the sound pressure lower and flatter so as not to lose control of his emotions: "...If you want to regret it, come and kill me openly. I'm definitely standing and not running. But my friends shouldn't be affected. Implicated."

If the puppeteer suddenly turned around and knocked her out, or sneered at her so-called friendship, even if he acted to show that he didn't care what she said, she would not be surprised-but these few He didn't do anything.

He didn't even turn his head.

The bright, neat black hair combed toward the back of his head, against the pale complexion, seemed as vivid as thick ink, which was startling.

In the slight, rhythmic creak of leather, Lin Sanjiu held his breath and followed him for a while, before finally hearing his barely audible word.

"you can go now."

After a pause, he continued, and still didn’t look back: "You said you would help me find Miyadoichi. Now you have brought me the great witch, this promise has been fulfilled. You can go, take it with you Your trash fish roll away together."

Lin Sanjiu did not expect such a reaction. She slowed down and asked in a low voice: "...When he comes, do you want to see him alone?"

"I heard that nosy people don't live long, I welcome you to continue."

"Because... Gong Daichi is dangerous? You don't want us to be involved?"

"You are really a passionate genius."

Lin Sanjiu bit her lip, and was about to ask "How about your injury?" Then she suddenly reacted-she originally thought Doctor Cat was waiting for them outside the forest, but now she walks between the hills. It has been a while, but there is no sign of Doctor Cat anywhere.

"Didn't I say that," the puppet master said coolly, "...I have been teleported away once. Didn't you find that my puppet is gone?"

"Wait," Lin Sanjiu's thoughts were dragged back to this question, and he beckoned Bohemia closer: "Are you teleported away?"

This doesn't make sense at all, and it is impossible for him to go to another planet in space and come back in a short period of time. "Being teleported away means you are no longer here... But since you are still here, how did you teleport away and come back... So, Doctor Cat..."

"I smell a burning smell...Is my brain burnt?"

While she was struggling with the language knife alive, Bohemia also caught up, still looking honest. The puppeteer stopped abruptly and turned around slightly-fortunately, Lin Sanjiu stopped in time, so he didn't bump his head.

"...You really won't leave?"

He still didn't look at them two, his gaze fell far away between the mountains and the woods. The cyan lines float under his misty white skin, as if the sun is slightly stronger, and he will evaporate and disappear at any time.

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while. Bohemia winked at her for a long time. The meaning was obviously very clear, but she just didn't see it: "I...I think there are many companions on the road. It's not a good idea to have a caring."

The puppeteer was silent for a while, then turned his head, picked up the speed again, and walked forward. I don't know when the plain slowly faded out, and fields with roads spread across the ground, and human traces are about to reappear in front of my eyes.

"You will go."

No matter what he said, Lin Sanjiu was deaf to his ears. She decides when she will leave, and does not intend to listen to others tell her what to do; but this pride can only circulate in her stomach, knowing it is enough.

"So, what's the matter with the teleportation you are talking about? Where is Doctor Cat?"

"Look at the road and farmland in the distance." The puppeteer asked as he walked. Although his tone was calm, the speed was so fast that the two behind him could not breathe: "What do you think is missing?"

What's missing?

Lin Sanjiu looked up and saw that the human area that was getting closer and closer looked very ordinary: telephone poles, street lights, highways, street signs, invisible fruit trees, large advertisements standing beside the road. brand……

"Yes... missing people?" she asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Bohemia snorted from her nose: "If you can see people wherever you go, it won't be a doomsday world. What's more, you are still so far away."

"Your slowness is amazing." The puppeteer gently raised his hand and compared it on the far road: "Didn't you find it? In such a large area, there is not even a mushroom."

"Really!" Bohemia couldn't help but whispered, "The grown-ups are aware of the facts-shouldn't this kind of human development area be the mushroom society? Ants don't live in the city. Don't they? Say, there is a human society that doesn't depend on either side?"

"No." The puppeteer waved his hand to stop the two from moving forward, "Stop at the edge of the highway, don't go up."

Lin Sanjiu's question about his stomach can only be ridiculed when asked, without saying a word, following the puppeteer to a halt on a **** hundreds of meters away from the highway.

"[The torrent of time] should be a by-product of the great flood."

With a single mouth, he shocked Lin Sanjiu and the other two. "The great flood disrupted the law of teleportation and threw me to the next world in less than fourteen months. I got [the torrent of time] because of the sudden onset of the flood. When the teleportation happened, I was The people who followed a few ant dens came here all the way, crossed this slope, and got on the road... Then, the people in the ant dens turned around again. I walked along the road for a while, wondering if they were coming. What is the purpose of the trip? When I lowered my head, I found that my body was gradually disappearing."

This is indeed the performance during teleportation-Lin Sanjiu couldn't help asking: "Where did you teleport to?"

"Edible truth." The puppeteer seemed uncomfortable to say so much to her. When listening carefully, he could distinguish the vague irritability: "...I was sent back to the edible truth."

"Impossible." Her first reaction was these words. Looking at Bohemia again, it was obvious that she had the same thought: "You can't teleport from the same world to the same world, because it's not called teleportation at all. Even if it was a great flood, it was—"

"Who said it's the same world?" The ice-knife-like voice cut off her unfinished words. The puppeteer glanced at the far road and the direction of the road, and smiled coldly: "...on the road is another doomsday world. I accidentally crossed to another doomsday world, after the flood Attacked and sent me back. Now, is your brain burnt?"

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