Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1808: Intersecting links

Chapter 1808

This chapter will be ready soon, and I was surprised that it was updated again

There was a heavy and muffled "bang", and as the ground trembled twice, a member of the smiling mermaid was thrown in the air by a black shadow and fell heavily to the ground. This is a big, fat man. After landing, his own weight has suppressed him for a long time without breathing well. The man who was going up to help him waved his hand, and the fat man got up from the ground with a little effort.

The process of getting up is like a hill protruding from the horizon—the fat man stared at the figure of his opponent not far away, then wiped his face suddenly, and laughed like self-deprecating: "...I can't see it, the girl is strong That's great. Okay, you've passed this level."

Withdrawing his fist strength, the grim expression on Lin Sanjiu's face also disappeared, and he smiled peacefully at him.

Comparing with this hill-like man, Lin Sanjiu, who is 1.78 meters tall, is simply a short bamboo pole, and his arms and legs seem to be too thin to see-but from this slender body, in the blink of an eye She burst out with an astonishing force, and she became the first evolutionary to end the competition in the third round.

Lin Sanjiu didn’t even sweat half a sweat on his forehead. The sprints, fights, moves, and one-handed shocks in just a few tens of seconds were useless for even 30% of the strength, so it hardly caused anything to her. Burden, she hasn't even opened her bone wings. Seeing that this fat man was also free and easy, after she smiled, she also humbly said: "It was you who gave in."

She said this very politely, and the fat man nodded and stepped aside.

Lin Sanjiu won the first one-on-one elimination. The next three members of the smiling mermaid were also defeated one by one; except for the sudden rise in the second round, she planned to get familiar with the use of bone wings by the way, so she wasted a little time, and the other people The battles are all swiftly decided without much difficulty.

Just when she was about to ask "who is next", she saw the blue and white porcelain vase running towards her.

"A few more people came here just now who wanted to enter the dungeon to do work, which made our side lack of manpower," the blue and white porcelain vase buzzed and complained: "I think you are good at fighting, don't try again—"

When Lin Sanjiu heard this, he thought he could sit back and wait for the copy. He didn't expect that the blue and white porcelain vase hadn't finished saying: "How about you replace our members and compare them with two games? Don't worry, even if Really lost, you can also enter the dungeon with your strength."

It seems that for the smiling mermaid, detecting a copy is not a small but not a big thing. The rules set by the executives are changed casually-even if they are not facing people who want to send themselves money, Lin Sanjiu has always been very easy-going, not to mention the blue and white porcelain vase-she immediately responded with a "OK".

"Great. Have you seen the girl over there?"

The blue and white porcelain bottle raised his hand and pointed at Lin Sanjiu's back.

In the direction of his fingers, a girl with long hair and a checkered scarf was standing at this moment.

The climate of the Red Nautilus is very pleasant, neither cold nor hot; because the weather is always at twenty degrees, so there are people who wear it—for example, the girl in front of me is wearing a very short fluorescent Yellow tight-fitting short sleeves, and a pair of sports shorts; large areas of skin on the legs and chest are bare|exposed in the air, but they are wearing a large and thick red checkered cashmere scarf.

Although the color of this body is quite miserable, it is far from strange in the Twelve Realms.

After the introduction of the blue and white porcelain vase, the girl wearing the checkered scarf seemed to be a little excited—"Sister, be merciful!" When she spoke, her dark eyes were staring at Lin Sanjiu, "Just now I've seen all your battles, it's very powerful."

Lin Sanjiu replied, and just wanted to ask when the blue and white porcelain vase would start, but when he turned around, he saw that the other party had long since disappeared.

"Is this your fifth round?" She asked politely, trying not to look into the other person's eyes: "Then we might as well start as soon as possible."

The girl's pupils are more than two times larger than normal, and they are all dark, as if they are about to disperse-there is so little white left in the eye sockets that it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Okay," she said, tilting her head, with a strange smile on her face. Her long hair, which was dyed in light green, fell down, making her look messy: "My name is Sajie, I would like to show you more."

Lin Sanjiu, who was about to talk about courtesy, and also reported "Ajiu" as his title, before the word "A" was spit out from his mouth, the person in front of him was suddenly drawn into a phantom, and he ran straight into him; The two were standing and talking, and they were very close. She didn't even have a gap to dodge. Sajie had already rushed to her stomach, raised her elbow slightly, and was about to fall on Lin Sanjiu.

This trick was just used by Lin Sanjiu on a rival player five minutes ago.

The time left for her to react is less than half a second, and all she can do at this time is to resist. With a move in her mind, the [protective force field] lightens slightly, and at the same time that the white light disappears, the opponent's fist is already A heavy blow hit her lower abdomen.

Since recovering his physical body, of course, Lin Sanjiu naturally does not have a diamond-like body surface like when he was still a conscious body; with her current strength and toughness, plus a [protective force field], After taking Sajie's punch, he couldn't help but step back half a step, still a little bit painful.

"Sister is amazing," Sa Jie immediately smiled, showing a row of white teeth: "It's worthy of your move, it's useless to hit you!"

Hit her with her moves, which is not very flattering.

"Well, then it's okay to show your true strength." Every muscle in Lin Sanjiu's body seemed to have been energized by the punch just now, aroused his spirit, and it all came back to life; a war intent was swiftly flowing through Her blood vessels.

What she never expected was that Sajie suddenly jumped as if he was very happy, and the skin on her chest also trembled: "No! I know I can't beat my sister...I just give up!"

Lin Sanjiu was stunned, feeling uncomfortable as if a punch fell in the empty space-the blood that had just been activated was completely useless. It's just that since they all conceded, she couldn't say anything. Seeing Sajie wading towards the blue and white porcelain vase, she still didn't react to standing still.

"I said," As she walked away, Teacher Yi suddenly spoke, and somehow suppressed her voice very low. "Will that girl be a bit perverted?"

Uh? Lin Sanjiu is a bit silly.

"Just now you were fully prepared for her blows, but you didn't pay attention;" Teacher Yi sounded a weird ambiguity: "I noticed it all. Didn't she just reach your shoulder? When she came up, she breathed deeply I noticed the smell on your body, especially on your shoulders."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt a little tingling on his scalp—just when he was about to ask, "Did you make a mistake?" Sajie suddenly happily yelled: "Sister!"

She turned her head to look, and saw that a pair of dark eyes not far away were looking at her, and exclaimed happily: "They said I have enough combat power, I can still download a copy with you!"

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