Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1809: Xie Feng's choice

Chapter 1809 Xie Feng's Choice

This chapter is about half an hour away, I rarely wrote a long one

Every time it was teleported, it was like being swallowed up by a cloud of darkness.

When Lin Sanjiu opened her eyes again and found herself lying on her back, she even wondered if she just slept just now.

It's just that there was a strange smell floating in the air at this moment, it smelled like sweat and blood had been covered for a long time, and the furniture hadn't seen the sky all the year round—this strange smell made her aware immediately. I am now in another environment.

…There was darkness all around, only a faint light and a faint noise came out from somewhere.

Blinking a little dazedly, Lin Sanjiu quickly adapted to the dim light in front of him, and quickly and silently got up and sat up—a glance away, she saw Ji Shanqing’s hazy shadow with the [recorder] , Leaned on his side; the heart that had been holding it was let go, Lin Sanjiu let out a sigh of relief.

As an "object", it seems that he can indeed follow him in the world...

She gently pushed Ji Shanqing, and the gift bag suddenly woke up.

Although he was frightened, Ji Shanqing, who was always as smart as a fox and cherished his life, immediately reacted to the situation at hand, and quietly got up without making a sound. He stood his ears and listened, but he was a little timid, and he leaned close to Lin Sanjiu.

"This...Where is this place?" He asked in a low voice with an almost inaudible voice.

Lin Sanjiu shook his head and waited for a while before repliing with the same volume: "...We seem to be in the bedroom of a family."

After the darkness that enveloped the field of vision gradually faded into a diluted ink color, everything around the two finally revealed their original outlines little by little.

There was only a crumpled bed sheet on the double bed beneath him, exposing the hard and yellow-stained mattress underneath. This bed is obviously too big for this small bedroom. Lin Sanjiu was able to see the thick black and yellow curtains by the window as soon as he stretched out his hand while sitting on the bed; in the only open space in the room, it was still crowded. An old-fashioned wooden dressing table and a tall old wardrobe were stuffed side by side, leaving only a passage that people could barely walk through.

From outside the half-open bedroom door, there was a burst of white light that was constantly flashing, familiar and unfamiliar; accompanied by the faint electric noise and the noise of many people talking together, Lin Sanjiu thought for a while. Only then did she realize that it was a TV set that she hadn't seen for a long time.

…There is a TV that is broadcasting, so there should be viewers.

Except for the sound from the TV, it sounded dead and silent outside.

There was only a burst of faint light, which changed color with the TV program; a host’s happy laughter was turned low and echoed in the air, making the house more silent and dead: "The link just now is really thrilling! Then! Let’s call on the recent popular niche..."

Since the TV can still receive the signal, the end of this world should have just arrived not long.

If the end of the day is not long, it would be good news for me—except for the evolvers that have been transmitted, locals who have just been approaching the edge of death and have begun to evolve, it’s hard for Lin Sanjiu to have anything to do with Lin Sanjiu. create a threat.

After thinking about it, Lin Sanjiu got up and got up from the bed—just when she moved, the old mattress suddenly squeaked, and the squeaky sound of the aging spring suddenly tore the air.

Almost immediately afterwards, the sound of the TV went off instantly, and the whole house fell into dead silence.

There are people outside.

Ji Shanqing glanced at Lin Sanjiu quickly, his expression pale with nervousness.

"It's okay, just to ask about the situation," Lin Sanjiu comforted him in a low voice, remembering the combat ability of the gift pack, and then asked: " wait here."

A few seconds have passed since the TV was muted, and there was still a silent silence outside. Generally speaking, after hearing a change, ordinary people will ask a few questions, or get up to see the situation-being able to wait quietly for the people inside to come out in this way indicates that the people outside may have rich combat experience.

With this thought in mind, when Lin Sanjiu slowly opened the door, her whole body was stretched tightly, and she was on the verge of breaking out.

She looked around in the living room, and in the next second, she couldn't react.

In an empty food box and debris on the ground, a single sofa in the center of the living room is now being overcrowded by a man who looks at least three hundred jin and looks obese. He was covered with piles of fat, as if it was about to overflow from the chair; even if he sat still, his forehead and cheeks were full of sweat.

Lifting his eyelids and glanced at Lin Sanjiu, the obese man didn't care at all about the strange woman who walked out of his bedroom, his face didn't move even, he just pressed his ham-like fingers on the remote control— With a sound of "pasha", the music on the TV program rang again; the light from the screen came up from his chin, reflecting on his gluttonous face, making his facial features almost look like humans.

Seeing the obese man move his muddy eyes back to the TV, Lin Sanjiu was also stunned.

She couldn't guess that the first person she saw in the new world would have such a reaction.

After hesitating for a second, she couldn't even find a word: "Um... Have you always lived here? What happened here?"

The obese man didn't even look at her, but stared at the variety show on the TV, his gasp was low and heavy.

"...Hello?" Lin Sanjiu began to feel a little absurd: "Is this your home?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yi Dang: "So annoying! So annoying!"

Lin Sanjiu withdrew two steps long ago and looked at him vigilantly.

"Don't bother me! You can do anything, I don't care!" The fat man's voice was unusually high, and it was raised high: "Let me be quiet!"

"Okay, okay, you continue to watch TV," Lin Sanjiu only felt that the situation was weird right now, but she should be more cautious when she first arrived-she took a step back: "I'm leaving now."

The obese man took a few breaths, his eyes were about to turn back to the TV, just when Ji Shanqing heard the movement in the back room, and walked out lightly—seeing that there was another person in his house. , The fat man suddenly let out a harsh, anxious complaint: "It's really endless!"

Could it be that besides himself, there are countless evolutionaries who have been teleported into this person's home, so he has become accustomed to it? Perhaps the situation in front of him was too inexplicable, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't help even raising this completely unreliable conjecture.

With Ji Shanqing's agility and intelligence, he was also completely confused; seeing the man suddenly calmed down and watched the TV intently, the two looked at each other and winked at the door in unison.

Although this man didn't seem to be capable of fighting at all, it was better to leave as soon as possible.

Lin Sanjiu opened the anti-theft door lock as gently as possible, allowing Ji Shanqing to walk into the same dim corridor first, one step behind her; just as she was about to close the door, she said exactly the same "The previous link was really thrilling!" Then we will invite the recent popular niche..." Suddenly it spread into her ears.

Hasn't this episode been broadcast?

Lin Sanjiu raised his eyes unconsciously, and saw that in the dimly flashing light of the TV, the fat man was turning his head slightly, and a pair of yellow eyes were squeezing out of his face. Inside, staring at her tightly.

There was a creak in his heart, but the man turned his head again.

"Come on," Lin Sanjiu waved to Ji Shanqing as soon as he closed the door. "This person is weird."

Ji Shanqing turned his back to her, but did not move his head up.

Just about to ask, "Why don't you go?" Lin Sanjiu's eyes followed the direction he was facing, and fell in the corridor, and he immediately understood the reason why the gift pack stopped.

…At a glance, she only felt that the corridor was so narrow and cramped because it was an old residential building; however, upon closer inspection, Lin Sanjiu realized that she had mistakenly thought it was a “wall”. One side of the house was originally stacked up by cardboard boxes one after another, all the way to the ceiling, occupying at least half of the aisle.

"This..." She couldn't find a word again. "No way?"

"Yes, it's all food and water," Ji Shanqing replied lowly, stepped forward and touched the cardboard box, his tone still in a trance of disbelief. "...My God, how much does this have to be?"

From the words on the box, in addition to non-staple foods such as bagged cakes, eight-treasure porridge, instant noodles, and pastries, there are also boxes of rice, flour, grains, oil, salt, sugar, and bacon. …I couldn’t fit it in the corridor, so I piled it all the way up the stairs; walking a few steps along the stairs would find that every floor was filled with supplies, whether it was upstairs or downstairs.

Since leaving the extreme temperature hell, Lin Sanjiu has never seen such a large reserve of food—roughly speaking, the food here is at least enough to supply a large supermarket for half a year.

While staring at the boxes beside them, the two of them walked down step by step, but they were all overwhelmed.

"If you get the red Nautilus back here," the gift package murmured, " least three hundred crystals can be sold."

Lin Sanjiu suppressed the Lou brothers and sisters who had risen in his mind for a moment, and shook his head: "If these materials were collected by the residents here to cope with the end, why are they left in such a big way? , Are you not afraid that we will steal his things?"

This question obviously stumped Ji Shanqing: "...It can't be because there are too many, so you don't care?"

Lin Sanjiu walked down the stairs suspiciously—at the corners of some floors, there were also several commercial refrigerators with "buzzing" noises, filled with cold food such as quick-frozen dumplings, steamed buns, and pizza—she thought After thinking about it, I can't say whether these things are owned or not. It's just to be cautious, but nothing is collected at all.

Ignore the weird place for the time being. Anyway, a world with abundant supplies is better than a world without supplies.

Suspicious and somewhat happy, the two walked out of the residential building in the dark.

It seems that the doomsday has indeed just arrived in this world not long. In this old-fashioned townhouse in the 80s and 90s, almost all the street lights have been broken, and the cars have tipped over on the road. Some The shell is shrunk, and some of the glass is broken; the doors of every building have been removed, and the houses on the first floor are also empty. The broken windows and door openings in the black hole are like a hole in the eye, sinking. Watching these two people who broke in suddenly.

The night wind whispered from the side, and while the two of them were chilled, there was also a faint cry that sounded from somewhere in the distance.

In the doomsday world, such crying sounds are too normal. Lin Sanjiu listened attentively, and then his eyes fell on the gate of the community.

She still has no idea what caused the demise of human society in this world. Only from this gate, it seems that the residents here are desperately resisting something outside.

The original two-meter-high iron fence gate was completely locked, let alone a thick plank nailed firmly on it; sharp glass stubble and knife points were densely tied to the top of the gate, like thorns. The iron wire entangles the entrance and the fence.

"Probably to guard against depravity..." Lin Sanjiu murmured, "No wonder there are so many materials piled in it. It turns out that this community is used as a fortress."

Although it is not difficult for her to climb over this gate, she is not in a hurry to go out at the moment.

The reason is also very simple—since the residents of this community have worked together to transform this place into a large-scale shelter, there will definitely be other people here; the last fat man was a freak, and the others may not be, Lin San Wine can just ask the survivors here to inquire about the situation in the world.

"Sister, you have a good idea, it's very safe," Ji Shanqing didn't hide his happiness at all for not having to go out to face an unknown world immediately, and immediately pointed to the building closest to them: "Just Go there and ask? There are a few windows upstairs that are lit."

Although a few windows were lit, the doorway and corridor were as dark as thick ink. The cardboard boxes on the ceiling occupies most of the space, making people trip over if they are not careful in the dark. Ji Shanqing stumblingly walked in countless cardboard boxes, and soon the distance between Lin Sanjiu and Lin Sanjiu became larger and larger; in a hurry, the gift bag stumbled and screamed, the shadow in front of him Suddenly stopped and turned his head.

"Sister, you went too fast," Li Bao said, panting, and walked towards the shiny eyes in the dark: "Huh? What are you looking at?"

The owner of the eyes spoke, but a strange, sweet voice came out.

"I'm looking at you."

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