Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1827: Sliced ​​flashback to life

Chapter 1827: Sliced ​​Flashback Life

This chapter requires Doka Doka (so there is definitely no Bohemia), everyone can go to bed first, I can finish writing within 2 hours, thank you my grandma

When this sentence floated in the air leisurely, a bare foot of the figure also stepped into the threshold.

Before the bare foot board fell on the ground, Lin Sanjiu felt the air blast around him. Not far away, among the corpses beside the coffin, two people saw that the situation was bad and turned around and fled. The window on the side of the mourning hall—but this is not a real wooden house after all. The two slammed into the window lattice one after another. There was no blockage in front of them, but they couldn't even reach out their hands.

If it hadn't been for their collision, I'm afraid Lin Sanjiu wouldn't really realize that coming to this window is a decoration.

"Ah," the man walked into the door, yelled softly, and covered his mouth with his hand, "has it hurt? Doesn't it affect the game for a while?"

The two corpses slid down from the window with their backs bent over and stood upright for a long while. Obviously they were hit hard. Hearing that, one of them was thin and chubby and took two steps back, while the other corpse nodded busy. While retreating, people smiled and said: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't affect... I must take an active part in the competition for you."

Zeus let out a light squirt from his nose, provoking a smile.

A long white silk robe slipped from the man's body like water, revealing half of his chest, his muscle skin was so strong that it almost glowed, and his figure looked a whole size bigger than an ordinary person.

He is too tall. At this time, it looks like an adult has got into a child’s toy castle. Even with his head down, the back of his head is still tightly attached to the ceiling, and his hair rustles every time he takes a step—Lin San Jiu looked at his appearance and immediately lowered his gaze.

Not because she was afraid of the other party finding out, but because she really didn't want to stare at Zeus's face for too long.

As far as the facial features are concerned, it is really difficult to single out Zeus's fault: he has light brown curly hair, big eyes are deep and bright, and the bridge of his nose is straight and tall... No matter which one is picked up, it is very beautiful.

…If it's picked up separately.

Lin Sanjiu was not the only one who avoided the face of Zeus.

The other corpses that were fully guarded, although they dared not look away from Zeus for a moment, none of them had their eyes raised up and facing his face—probably all of them were after a quick glance. Like Lin Sanjiu, I don't want to look at him anymore.

"Hey, why is everyone so quiet?"

Zeus’s huge eyes rolled in the room, as if the eyeballs could fall out of the eye sockets at any time, and slip from one eye socket into the other—after all, they were close to each other, the inner corner of the eye. Almost all of them are about to run into each other.

"Seeing the **** you are thinking about, is your reaction so plain?" Zeus sighed bitterly, "Aren't you competing because you want to see me?"

The fat corpse who tried to escape from the window just now clapped his hands in a "chicking chick" voice. The sound was so clear that it frightened the other people; Lin Sanjiu quickly glanced at him and found the stout There was even a cold sweat on the corpse's forehead, and the scars on his face surged.

"What a honour, we are so honoured!" The fat corpse clapped and shouted, not forgetting to bow again: "I never dreamed of seeing your deity!"

Taking advantage of him to attract everyone's attention, Lin Sanjiu slowly took a step back.

Zeus smiled almost lovingly—or so he thought—and revealed a mouthful of neatly white teeth, except for the skin at the corners of his mouth which was piled up layer by layer and piled high on his cheeks. It looks very normal.

"Okay, very good." He cleared his throat and helped the white silk robe that was about to fall from his shoulders. The wheat-colored skin shone in contrast with the white robe. Looking at his body alone, he does look as fit as an ancient Greek god, but he can’t move his gaze to his face—"My athletes, I came to you today because I heard that among you Someone’s pious voice."

The corpses looked at each other guardingly.

Lin Sanjiu stopped immediately and stood blankly under the eyes of the other people. Li Bao and the Queen of Souls were holding her birdcage and standing behind her with their heads down, their whole body tight.

"Come on and ask me what's going on!" Zeus suddenly raised his voice and screamed sweetly. The hearts of everyone almost jumped out: "Why don't you look at your face so much!"

The rest of the corpses were shocked in place, each of them clenched their hands in silence, apparently holding some self-defense objects; only the fat corpse clapped his palms again and said, "You Before we finish, how dare we interrupt at will, please tell us!"

"What you said makes sense." Zeus glanced at him softly and raised a hand; the fat corpse was shocked, and took two steps back, only to realize that Zeus was only tilting up. He pointed an orchid finger and slowly drew a circle in the room-finally stopped in the direction of Lin Sanjiu.

"It's you, my pious child." He opened his arms to her brightly in his huge eyes. "You must be very excited when you see me?"

In an instant, Lin Sanjiu was trapped by everyone’s uncertain eyes—she only felt that her blood flowed twice as fast, and she swept around quickly, staring at Zeus’s throat. Said: "You...what do you mean?"

"Last night, when you talked with your friends, you expressed that you wanted to win the first place and to meet the highest **** Zeus, right? I was very touched by this, and there are not many people who are so religious now. , So I found you all the way." When Zeus said this, he squeezed countless layers of skin on his cheeks and cracked a smile: "Well, you have seen me now, what do you think?"

Have a fart idea!

Lin Sanjiu's mind almost became a mess, and for a while, he came and went to remove a few swear words. He couldn't even think of a way to deal with it. Only one thought suddenly became particularly clear-her He couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the shopkeeper's body lying on the ground behind the mourning hall.

So, is it because she came here to stay for one night, which caused the owner to lose his life?

Suddenly, she felt a pang of guilt, and she had to press it down hard, only to breathe a little.

"That, that... Excuse me, doesn't it need to win the most first place in order to see the Supreme God?"

With a familiar voice, Lin Sanjiu was shocked by the shock—it was Ji Shanqing. When she was about to stop him from drinking, the gift bag had already spoken again: "Why my sister didn't even get a championship, so... I saw you...?"

Zeus smiled undiminished, his eyes narrowed: "Because she is pious."

"There should be a lot of people who wish to win the game? Why did they find my sister?" Seeing that Zeus actually had questions and answers—even though the answer was almost the same as that of shit—you couldn't help but ask again.

"There are a few," Zeus flicked his brown curly hair, his voice was a bit feminine: "I'm not just looking for her. I know all those who want to see me, and also I have found them all. Next, I will bring you to a new arena. Only those who win there can truly get my favor."

Lin Sanjiu and Li Bao looked at each other quickly, and both found surprises on each other's faces.

"I...I understand!" Ji Shanqing swallowed, "No wonder the stone wall just vaguely wrote a sentence that the person who has won the most games can visit the Supreme God...I've long been surprised!"

As soon as the gift package turned his head, he pointed the tattered little face at Lin Sanjiu, a bit eagerly and authentically: "People in this world, teleportation, competition, rest...definitely have their own time, if people If you count too many, it’s not right at all. There is no uniform time slot. In this way, what else can we talk about comparing the number of champions? But I heard him say that if it is to single out all the people who want to win the game If you take it out and regroup a game elsewhere, this problem will be solved."

He looked like he was explaining the rules to Lin Sanjiu, but while speaking, he quietly winked at her. Lin Sanjiu was taken aback, and suddenly understood-she was alone at the moment, but with the gift bag and the Queen of Soul, it was inevitable that she would be embarrassed at the beginning and end, and she must not have a conflict with Zeus at this time.

She raised her head, looked away from Zeus's face, and asked softly: "So, you are looking for everyone who wants to win the game, right?"

Zeus raised an orchid finger on his cheek and nodded.

"I...I also have a friend who also hopes to win the game and meet the highest **** Zeus." Lin Sanjiu held his breath and said to him as calmly as possible: "You let these unrelated people go, and then let me Collect the corpse for the shopkeeper... I'll take you to find him."

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