Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1828: A glimpse of the future

Chapter 1828: A Glimpse Of The Future

This chapter is also very fast, and under the inspiration of the end, I crammed crammed.

Obviously she asked Bliss to search for Yu Yuan, how come the people from the Twelve Organizations have found him now?

Lin Sanjiu walked out of the tavern full of misgivings, and returned to Exodus with the greatest gain.

After the exhibition halls were separated, she never had the opportunity to contact Bliss, and after having to feign death, it was even more impossible to find each other. Could it be said that Bliss didn't find Yu Yuan and gave up, so that Yu Yuan was found by the Twelve Organizations?

This is certainly possible, but she couldn't help but think of another possibility.

If there is someone in Luzer’s personality who is a member of the Twelve Organizations and learns about Yu Yuan from Bliss, then... is it possible to use this news to induce her to appear?

"It's really annoying," Lin Sanjiu waved his hand, and his consciousness was immediately released, and the barbell she held high in the sky suddenly hit the floor-"Why do they have to kill me?"

When the barbell weighing 80kg was about to land, her consciousness surged again, and she re-drilled into the narrow gap below, shaking it up. This is a good training for the flexibility and resilience of consciousness; this can be heard from the wheezing of the teacher Yi.

"No matter if this is their trap or not, I have to check it out." Lin Sanjiu controlled his consciousness and lifted the barbell into the air a little bit, and began to feel strenuous: "...Hey, are you okay?"

"It's going to die—"

Teacher Yi squeezed out a sentence, followed by a loud bang, the barbell still hit the floor, and a white shallow pit was immediately smashed—the sound echoed in the gym for a long time, Lin San The wine almost didn't hear the sound of the door being opened.

"what are you doing?"

Bohemia's head came in through the crack in the door.

She has recently been baptized by the modern technology of human society and lived very well. Chemical products such as body wash and lotion, as well as agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables, and fresh meat, are rare luxury goods in the Twelve Realms; she is like a mouse that got into a Yicang for a few days. I came down to raise myself oily and smooth, and my skin became whiter and brighter.

But even if there were so many books and music on the spaceship, it didn't stop her from following her and peering at her head.

"I'm training consciousness." Lin Sanjiu replied, and suddenly remembered that her consciousness level was very high: "Aren't you training?"

Bohemia laughed from her nose: "Just do you exercise like this? I don't."

"Then how did you exercise?" With that said, it seems that Lin Sanjiu has not seen her consciousness outside the starry sky of consciousness. "What is your concretization of consciousness?"

"...It's the'Garden of Crossing Paths'." Bohemia stepped into the door barefoot, and with her footsteps, countless decorations on her body were shining. "When I train, I need to use my own spirituality to communicate with the divine nature of the universe, and to achieve resonance on a higher level... I have never used your stupid muscle training method."

What kind of spiritual divinity, he is exactly a hippie.

"My consciousness is actually a school." Lin Sanjiu deliberately wanted to ask her some questions about consciousness, but was afraid that she would see that she was still far from the highest level; after hesitating for a few seconds, she was agitated. He blurted out: "—I have a friend who was found by the Twelve Organization."

Bohemia sat down cross-legged, although she looked "It's my shit," but she waited silently for her to continue talking.

"Don't get me wrong, he was not pursued by the Twelve Organizations." Lin Sanjiu explained, putting away his consciousness, and sat down face-to-face: "He was left out after being injured, as if he was accidentally rescued by the Twelve Organizations. Get up."—If this is not a trap set by the Luzer personality.

"Hey, he's very fateful." Bohemian noodles didn't change their color, and he didn't even pretend to be concerned. He grabbed a handful of cashews from his pocket and asked as he ate, "You unexpectedly Didn't you rush to save people?"

"I'm going," Lin Sanjiu felt something was wrong when he said something. She called out consciousness, to see if she could use it to pick up the nuts in Bohemia's hand: "But I didn't find him at the time... Then the timing didn't allow me to look for it anymore."

"This person is lucky." Bohemia stared at the consciousness in mid-air, and slowly moved her eyes along with it to her hand—consciousness is obviously invisible and colorless, but in the eyes of people with stronger consciousness , It seems to have nowhere to hide. "Generally speaking, the Twelve Organizations will not take the initiative to do this kind of charity, but if they ran into them in a crisis, they would help them. After all, we are all their money bags-what are you doing!

With such a delicate operation, Lin Sanjiu didn't control his consciousness for a while, pushed Bohemia's hand, hit all the cashews in her palm, and rolled to the ground.

"You are all boring!" Bohemia didn't seem to know that Lin Sanjiu's consciousness control was poor: "Wasting food, you pick it up!"

"Good, good."

Lin Sanjiu swept the ground twice with consciousness, and finally changed his hand: "Then what will happen to them after they save someone?"

"How to deal with it, what to do. If the injury is serious, it will probably be sent to the medical station." Bohemia picked up a cashew nut and blew it a little distressedly, but looked at her opposite. With a glance, the woman finally stopped eating and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Is there a medical station?" Lin Sanjiu was taken aback and stood up: "Where?"

Yu Yuan was seriously injured, it is indeed very likely that he was sent to a medical station.

"Don't you know? There are several."

"Tell me the one closest to the Black Market."

However, Bohemia said one sentence from the left to the right for a long time, but still did not clearly state the location of the medical station. Although he could go there and inquire again, Lin Sanjiu was not sure if Yu Yuan was a trap, and he dared not come into contact with people at will. Besides, if someone who understands the situation leads the way, it is undoubtedly safer; and Luzer's personality may not have expected that the goal is not acting alone. Thinking of this, she raised her chin at Bohemia: "Go, you come with me."

Bohemia's face suddenly collapsed.

"Why should I go? What's up to me?" She swept the cashew into her hand, reluctantly: "Go by yourself, I still have a book I haven't finished reading."

"I cut Shales off."

"Why are you like this?"

Anyway, Lin Sanjiu is like this. In order for Bohemia to be able to use it for herself, she added another promise: "You take me a trip, and I will give you French fries when you come back."

This is a food that has never been tried in Bohemia. In the evening of the same day, the two left Exodus together, and after several turns, they finally returned to the area where the Black Market was located early the next morning. There are many people in the daytime. In order to recharge his energy, Lin Sanjiu sneaked into a private garage after signing in, and slept until the night before touching the medical station.

Judging from what Bohemia said, the so-called medical station seems to have been rebuilt from a building left by the "Disease Control Center" just before the end. Individuals with medical background technology, medical abilities or items, after registering in the twelve organizations, can take up corresponding positions in the medical station and earn a certain amount of labor service fees—it’s just that the evolutionary has a strong physique and is in medical treatment. There are not too many doctors in the station.

"I know a cat, and it will definitely be willing to come to the medical station as a resident doctor." Lin Sanjiu thought of Hu Miaomiao, and couldn't help sighing slightly in his heart.

"...What are you talking about?"

Bohemia rolled her eyes in the dark night, still feeling sorry for her being lured out by coercion. "Stop talking nonsense, there is a medical station in front of you."

Lin Sanjiu raised his eyes and saw that a five-storey building was standing among the sparsely low bungalows in the distance; the signboards in the past had long been gone, only when the rows of round street lights slowly Only when it floats through the air can the old sign with "medical station" written in front of the building be barely illuminated.

From the windows of the room in the building, a few lights were shining sporadically at this time, but the open door looked like a dark and faint hole. Although there are not a few doctors, this is not the kind of formal hospital that was formed before the end of the day, but the rule of "night duty" seems to have been retained; it just seems that people on night duty are also very inattentive.

There was dead silence around the medical station, and there was no suspicious movement except for a few occasional bugs.

"You look at it for me outside," Lin Sanjiu whispered, stopping first. As soon as Bohemia walked, she was clinking and it was really not suitable to sneak into the medical station with her: "The main thing is to pay attention to whether anyone is following me in."

Bohemia didn't want to look at her masked face, and only gave an impatient "um" from her nose.

"Be alert! Don't doze off!"

"Never talk nonsense." Bohemia swung the back of her hand vigorously towards her a few times, and the bracelet and bracelet lightly touched with a clear and sweet sound; but when Lin Sanjiu turned her head for the second time, the position of the woman with long curly hair was standing. The upper part was already empty-Bohemia quietly disappeared from the place without making a sound.

Sure enough, there is no mediocrity in the consciousness starry sky.

Lin Sanjiu put his hands in his trouser pockets nonchalantly, and walked slowly towards the door of the building. With the mask's disguise, even if someone is watching this place now, it is impossible to find her true identity at the first sight. She must not arouse any suspicion now.

In the open door like a black hole, there was a faint darkness floating in it. When she walked to the door, she felt a burst of cool air that was colder than outside, mixed with bursts of pig iron-like smell. Lin Sanjiu walked into the hall, looked around with a little light seeping in from nowhere, and turned back to the stairs.

According to the instructions of several signs in the lobby, the patients who need to be kept in the hospital live upstairs. But when she came to the corner of the stairs, she slowly stopped.

…Even in the medical station, there shouldn’t be a human head thrown on the stairs, right?

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