Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1829: The first day of the new world

Chapter 1829 the first day of the new world

This chapter will be published soon

"...Are you asking for a phone number from a degenerate species?" Lou Qin never expected that such a request would come out of Huang Xiaoni's mouth.

She had been mentally prepared for a long time, thinking that the other party would ask her to self-harm, jump off the building, etc., and she was feeling heavy. When she heard that it was such an easy task, she was a little stunned for a while.

How could it be so simple and not life-threatening? In this way, where is the advantage of the person who made the question?

Huang Xiaoni's words are not finished yet.

"Task requirements-the time limit is 20 minutes, and you must get a real phone number. Whether you can still get through is not within the scope of consideration. The time is based on when you return to the person who asked the question. The gender of the fallen species is different. Limit, the timing will begin now!"

As soon as her flat, non-undulating voice fell, Lou Qin immediately turned around and ran.

During the duration of the [Truth or Dare] ability, Huang Xiaoni had to wait for her to return, so she didn't worry that the other party would take the opportunity to attack Lin Sanjiu with Dan Li.

Twenty minutes is not short, nor long—before she starts to torture the phone number, she must first find a degenerate species.

However, things in the world are just so unsatisfactory-when the fallen seeds are not needed, I feel that they are everywhere, and I can't finish them; when they are needed, Lou Qin ran for five minutes in one breath, but didn't even see a single one.

She estimated the time in her heart and stopped.

She couldn't run too far, lest she didn't have time to rush back to where Huang Xiaoni was-Lou Qin was a little anxious looking around.

Where do things like Yinling usually appear?

This street is mainly filled with bank buildings; each one looks brand new, and even at night, there is a flash of elitism, and it doesn't look like there is a ghost in any way.

Honestly, I rarely hear any strange talk in the bank, right? …After thinking about it, Lou Qin stomped his feet, randomly picked an office building and rushed in.

Although she is not sure, she seems to have heard of ghost stories that happened in the office-as long as there is a corresponding strange story, the possibility of Yinling's existence is greater.

The office building was also dark and austere, only occasionally the pale and unstable light flashed in a few corridors.

When Lou Qin ran over with a heart, the lights often flashed suddenly and sharply, and the space was flickering and dimming. It was easy to dazzle people and think that there is a person in which corner—but when Lou Qin is standing When he looked over suspiciously, it was mostly just a projection of something.

"Are there any ghosts!" Lou Qin ran several floors in one breath, flustered by the flickering lights. After every second, she was more anxious than the last. "Come out one!"

After running past an education consulting company, Lou Qin followed the signs on the wall and turned into a corridor—the women's toilet was at the end of the corridor. And logically speaking, the women's toilet should be a place where grotesque talks are frequent.

From a distance, she saw the toilet door ajar, a potted plant at the door was kicked crooked, and a piece of toilet paper was stuck on one side of the wall; although the deserted feeling after being abandoned by humans is full, it does not seem to be ghostly. trace.

"Really, it has been at least 9 minutes now, right?" Lou Qin took a breath and walked to the bathroom unwillingly. She has always had no idea of ​​time, and she is a little confused: "The torture number may take 5 minutes, and it takes two or three minutes to run back, that is to say—"

When she thought of this, she was almost at the door, and she inadvertently raised her eyes, and suddenly found out that behind the wall was not a piece of toilet paper, but a half-white face.

The face was no longer where she was just now. At this time, she walked a few steps and almost ran into her, her snow-white face almost touching her eyelashes.

Slowly, the upper part of the face was squeezed together, a black hole, toothless mouth was bent up, and a smile appeared at her.

Lou Qin couldn't help it, and suddenly broke out with a half-shocked scream-she backed up a few steps, and the sound of the heartbeat of Gudong Gudong hadn't calmed down, and then rushed up again.

"You came just right," her voice still lingered, but for her brother, for Lin Sanjiu, and also for herself, the girl whispered with white lips, "Give me your phone number!"

As she spoke, her fist lit up and struck out against the snowy white man’s face. She deliberately failed to hit the snow white man’s face. The ears of the snowy white man’s face turned into a plume of smoke, and the smile on the face disappeared immediately. Only big white eyes turned to his ears in disbelief.

"Give me the phone number!" Lou Qin had already rushed into the toilet, and planted this degenerate who was still wearing an office OL uniform in the corner. "Otherwise I will kill you!"

When faced with an evolutionary with relatively rich force and experience, the average fallen species has little room to fight back; if a real sword fights Lou Qin with a real sword, this fallen species may have disappeared a long time ago.

But now, it turned its snow-white eyeballs without black pupils, and slowly began to smile again.

"You... hand me... a piece of... paper..." it said slowly, "I... just tell... you..."

He didn't even ask why, and immediately grabbed the opponent's weakness.

Lou Qin frowned suddenly.

The force value of the ordinary fallen species is indeed inferior to the upgraded evolver-but there is a prerequisite.

This prerequisite is that the evolving person is not drawn into a specific ghost story setting, because there are some special moments in the ghost story, and the fallen species have the so-called "peak" power.

If you take the most famous Sadako as an example, this strange story should probably be set to "watch the videotape"—when Sadako climbed out of the videotape and attacked the evolutionary, there was a "peak" power—this time It’s possible that the Yinling is a hundred times more dangerous than usual.

Louqin, who had done a lot of homework before coming here, certainly wouldn't be fooled by this.

"...I know what you are talking about." She sneered, her fists clenched, and she trembled with anger. "...When going to the toilet in the cubicle in the women's bathroom, the woman in the next cubicle will suddenly say that she has no paper and ask you to pass a piece of toilet paper over—then it is said that the moment the paper passes, the wrist will be covered. Grab it and drag it to the underworld on the other side...right?"

The face did not say a word, but two snow-white eyes rolled onto her hands.

"...Don't give...I...paper, I...don't say..." Yin Ling smiled maliciously, "You can... kill... me."

It seems that it has heard Lou Qin's self-talk just now, knowing that the other party is short of time and has little choice.

Lou Qin only felt a sudden jump in her blood vessels—she had always taken a bit of youthfulness, and she was rarely held in such a way in the Red Nautilus, not to mention that this was still a degenerate species—even if she repeatedly warned herself in her mind. "Don't be impulsive" many times, she still didn't hold it back. She punched out and grabbed one of her arms. Lou Qin said aggressively amidst the other's hiss. "Don't you tell me!"

The screaming of the Fallen Seed stopped quickly-it glanced at the fly-ash-dissolved arm, smiled, slowly lowered its body, and lay down like a big spider.

" door...toilet...waiting for you..." he said, pressing down, and something on his chest suddenly dangling under the light of the bathroom.

Lou Qin was taken aback for a moment.

Without waiting for her to figure out the idea, Lou Qin's hand had already picked up the Degenerate Species, and his eyes fell on its chest immediately. After staring at its chest for a few seconds, Lou Qin suddenly couldn't help but laugh. sound.

"I have never seen something as stupid as you," the girl's crisp voice revealed a lightness of relief: "Yu Meizhen!"

In front of the chest of the fallen species, there is a metal nameplate pinned to it. The upper row of small letters reads "Blue Sky Soaring Education Consulting Company", and the slightly larger word below it is "Study Abroad Consulting Teacher Yu Meizhen".

The Fallen Kin opened his mouth, as if he was anxious to say something, but it turned into smoke in the next second.

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