Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1830: This must be a day trip to the brain in the tank

Chapter 1830 this must be a day trip to the brain in the tank

This chapter needs some work, about 1-1.5 hours. I can’t sleep well in the last few days, which affects efficiency.

"To us,"

As the receptionist said, he looked up at the blue sky, as if his thoughts had drifted elsewhere: "...It is a very simple thing to get rid of libido. It is not only technically simple, but also ideologically there is nothing that cannot be passed. Humm. Its impact on human psychology is too far-reaching and unpredictable, bringing countless distortions, struggles and pains, but there are not many obvious benefits. In the words of your commodity society, libido is already an obsolete product. Up."

For half a minute after his voice fell, Lin Sanjiu was unable to speak.

As soon as Doctor Cat heard the words "human psychology", he closed his eyes again, which coincided with the attitude of the early medical mainstream towards psychology; and the Bohemian expression was so dazed as if the receptionist suddenly sang just now. An Italian opera-among the few people present, only Lin Sanjiu realized the weight of these words.

No wonder…

Looking at the receptionist's half-faint smile, the little question deep in her mind was finally solved.

Since experiencing the "garbage worker's morning", the vague question has floated deep in her consciousness; it is neither big nor important, but it makes her uncomfortable like sand in her shoes.

A man with a very outstanding appearance chose to become a garbage worker because he can get the greatest spiritual satisfaction in this job—and the receptionist said at the time: "For us, things that can make us physically and mentally happy There are too many, and the joy of appearance only accounts for a very small part."

...How is this possible?

Anyone who has a certain understanding of human psychology will know that it is almost impossible for this ethnic group to ignore appearance. "Judging people by appearance" is a biological sexual behavior that has been passed down from the ape-man era and is genetically encoded in humans. One of the most important reasons is the connection between appearance and sexual reproduction.

The most primitive aesthetic is also the basic aesthetic that prevails among different cultures, that is, a kind of identification and pursuit of health: ruddy complexion, clear eyes, neat teeth, rich hair... People think that unhealthy individuals are ugly Yes, courting the opposite **** with healthy characteristics is essentially to be able to better multiply the next generation. Even the same-sex courtship that does not have the function of reproduction also reflects similar consistency; as for the various aesthetic diversity developed in the culture, it is something to follow.

If humans have no sexual drive...

Lin Sanjiu couldn't think anymore when he thought of this. Because her imagination was not enough to make her guess what a human mind would be like without libido. Libido is not only a force in sexual reproduction, although it comes from sex; a psychoanalytic theory even believes that it is the root driving force of all human behavior. Even the eunuchs who have lost their officials, or the elderly who are in their twilight, Libido has always driven and affected their lives in a variety of psychological forms—

"Hey, that libido, what the **** is it?" Bohemia leaned over and asked softly.

It was too complicated to explain to her—Lin Sanjiu was still immersed in various thoughts aroused by shock, just waved his hand like a fly. Bohemia stretched her face suddenly, glanced at Doctor Cat sleeping on her skirt, and finally held back her breath.

"This... how is it possible?"

Lin Sanjiu looked at the receptionist, unable to understand this concept for a while. Because she couldn't imagine it, she didn't even know where to start asking, so she could only murmur and repeat again: "How is this possible?"

"In order to prevent you from falling asleep too," the receptionist glanced at Doctor Cat and smiled: "I won't go into the technical details. I'm not a psychoanalyst, and I can't introduce it in accurate academic language. The impact of this series of changes... If you are interested, you can read related academic papers—oh, I forgot, you won’t read the text here."

He frowned slightly, and seemed to find it a bit tricky: "I can only describe to you my personal feelings and understanding... My hobby is writing poetry, so the language may not be precise, please forgive me."

Lin Sanjiu nodded.

"Due to work reasons, I have a much deeper understanding of other human societies than ordinary locals. But the deeper I understand, the more I feel that the mushroom society is rare and precious...Of course, that is another topic. In mine In understanding, other members of human society are always in a state of being judged by others, right?"

"what do you mean-"

"When a person walks into the eyes of others, he can never get rid of the series of value judgments that follow... For example, what does the person do, what car does the person drive, whether it is fat or thin, skin tone, and where People... endless kinds of judgments. If you don't judge by these standards, your society will never know how to treat a person."

This is indeed true.

Lin Sanjiu looked at Bohemia beside him. The conversation has developed to the present, and it seems that it has digressed very far; Bohemia tilted her head and heard bewildered, but she was still trying hard to understand what the two said. As for whether her thoughts were shaken, Lin Sanjiu couldn't guess at all.

"But in the mushroom world, when we look at a person, we only see that person. We will not judge the person in value because of any external factors-you are beautiful and rich, and I will not yearn to envy you. ; Your five sense organs are underdeveloped, and I will not hate to avoid you. When your eyes remain on the surface of whether you are strong or beautiful, what we really desire is the spiritual connection between people. As you say See, there are actually no concepts such as money, status and rank in our society. This is not only because we have generally found spiritual pursuits...the other reason is that after eliminating the pursuit of money that will only bring negative effects , We have removed the biological judgment standards in the body. This allows our society to look directly at the purest essence of a person."

These words are very informative and not easy to understand. He stopped here, as if he wanted Lin Sanjiu to digest it.

"When you first arrive, you may ask, without the stimulus factor of money, what is the motivation for people to advance society? My answer is that in order to make human progress, there are factors that are far more powerful than money, such as beliefs, ideals, Hobbies, sense of mission...too many. Similarly, you may ask, without libido, what is the driving force for people to make society run and race to multiply?"

Lin Sanjiu nodded unconsciously-the wound on the back of his head was painful again.

"The first thing to say is that giving up fertility is a personal choice, and not everyone has to do it. However, the current trend is that more and more people realize that they can get rid of this heavy and primitive biological instinct. The benefits of coming. So people like me have been increasing in the past two decades."

He smiled slightly and slightly covered his mouth with his fist, and for a moment he seemed to be a little shy of a teenager. The popularity here is pretty good, and it’s not easy to tell their age. Lin Sanjiu can’t say how old he really is—"Secondly, even if we give up our fertility, we will continue to fulfill our role as a group of human beings. Responsibility as a member...Because we like this place and the world. Because we like it, we want it to be maintained for a long time and cleanly. For this reason, we are willing to donate all the sperm and eggs, or raise our own clones. body."

The last words came to her ears, and Bohemia took a sharp breath.

Even if the genetic similarity between parent and child does not make the voices of the mother and daughter look so similar... Lin Sanjiu glanced at her and whispered, "Do you remember the reflection Meijia saw in the puddle? Being able to ignore the wounds and swelling, she is completely the teenage version of her mother..."

Thinking about it this way, when they first entered the world, they once saw a report of a fire in a kindergarten in Lao Da's home. The unhappy parent on TV, he held in his arms, as if he was a young self.


Lin Sanjiu suddenly became a little uncertain.

so what?

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