Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1837: Deviated consciousness training

Chapter 1837: Wandering Consciousness Training

Lin Sanjiu understands why Captain Flywheel allows passengers to eat more—there are too many items in the "Hundred Thousand World Transition Dream", right?

Moreover, the content of each project is rich and broad, let alone experience one by one, even if she is just immersed in one of the projects, it can take her half a year. "Trust me," the guide said with a smile, "Even if you stop after half a year, it's not because you have read the content of the project, but because you can't watch it anymore."

The predecessors who built this facility do not know how much time and effort it took to build such a vast information exchange facility?

What the guide read to her was only the most popular and frequently used item; if you read it to the last item according to the popularity ranking, according to the guide, it takes at least an hour to read it.

Taking into account that she has no niche needs such as "eggiving children"-no mistake, it is indeed "eggs" or verbs-not to mention the hobby of "experiencing fringe personality", Lin Sanjiu still limits her choice to popularization In the project.

Concerned about the endless background sounds of "Consciousness Studio, Consciousness Studio, Consciousness Studio" from the teacher, she clapped a board: "I choose the advertising area."

Obviously the person opposite is not a real person, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but explain: "I don't want to watch advertisements, I want to find someone."

"Whenever you go to a society that can function normally, the first thing you do is to find someone with an advertisement." Teacher Yi wants to be dissatisfied or dissatisfied, with a bitter tone: "Which time is really successful? Who holds the advertisement? Come home? How about satisfying me first..."

That's how it is said, it's okay to think of it as a summoning ceremony. It is possible that Lin Sanjiu will be hung up by everyone in this world, although when she advertises for a puppeteer, she always feels that this is a ritual to summon evil spirits.

"Is anyone looking for him?"

As soon as her advertisement was sent into the "sea", within half a minute, there was a response from the countless faint rays of light flowing past her.

It's not words, sounds, and images. "Advertising, Recruitment, Reward and Statement Zone" is a bright and soft chaos full of fresh almond smell: it is chaos, but she can feel the endless fragments of consciousness floating in it like an elf; every piece of consciousness is It was a faint light, and when it passed by her, it would leave a clear corresponding message in her mind.

In response to her advertisement, he would take the initiative to swipe past her; for other messages, Lin Sanjiu could do much more. For example, if she wants to read the "recruitment to eat the king", only the relevant fragments of consciousness will respond to her as she rushes past; if she thinks the speed is too fast or too slow, she can also adjust the flow rate.

The puppeteer is originally a big person who attracts attention. In the Karma Museum, his conspicuousness will rise to a higher level—because everyone is waiting to see what consequences this person's Karma will bring to him— Lin Sanjiu felt that it would not take long for this advertisement to get a really useful reply.

In addition to advertisements, she was also a little interested in what she wrote about recruiting rewards, but Lin Sanjiu knew very well that she did not have the luxury of being able to leisurely satisfy her leisure time.

"Consciousness Studio!" As soon as she withdrew from the advertising area, the voice of Teacher Yi rang in her mind again.

If Teacher Yi is a living creature and unfortunately has feet, Lin Sanjiu feels that her brain and consciousness will be shattered to pieces by her chopped feet—"Your consciousness is about to be used as a brick by you, why don't you? Anxious? Don’t you want to look at the starry sky of Consciousness anymore? Even if you don’t want to do this, don’t seek improvement, and are willing to spend your years and waste your potential, don’t you have any curiosity about other people’s consciousness?

"That's not..." Lin Sanjiu whispered, feeling that Teacher Yi seems to have been promoted and changed from a teacher to a head teacher.

"Hurry up, then!"

"I'm going to the Consciousness Studio." She honestly said to the guide.

"Okay." The guide glanced at her up and down, and said, "Do you have any experience of entering the Consciousness Starry Sky? It shouldn't—ah, I did. I really can’t tell. Consciousness Studio and Consciousness Starry Sky are essentially similar. , So please protect your own body properly. You need to make sure that others can’t touch it, and it won’t roll into the sea with your unconscious movements, etc...Many evolvers like to get into cages ,for reference only."

Forget it.

Lin Sanjiu flipped through the card library for a long time, and found that there was really nothing that could trap him-this seemed like a nonsense, who would have nothing to collect the things that trapped him?

Looking around, she hit the abacus on the humanoid objects again, and called out the painter, the mentor and the goddess.

They squeezed and stood on the flying platform cautiously. When they looked up and saw the "One Hundred Thousand World Shift Dream", they were all stunned for a long time and opened three identical grass carp mouths. After they finally recovered, no one asked Lin Sanjiu what he was telling him to come out and do. They only turned their heads into electric fans, as if they could not see enough of the surrounding scenery.

…Release more of them in the future, but don't forget. Lin Sanjiu thought a little guilty.

"After you hold me down, you can watch any scenery,"

Her request has become farther away from their original function time and time again. "If someone wants to move me, you can attack him-the painter, and the attack is up to you. As for you two, hold me down and don't let me fall into the sea."

The requirement of "holding down" is simple, but the painter may be the first time in life to decide who the enemy is. Hearing that he is holding the paintbrush, the paint is dripping on his feet, and he is still at a loss as to what to do.

Even the three-legged cat method, which is so inconsiderate, has passed the level of the guide.

"Welcome to the Consciousness Studio," the guide said softly, "This project is divided into several categories. You can choose the appraisal service (for a fee), experience the consciousness of others (for a fee), and a preliminary understanding of consciousness. (Charge), to forcibly stimulate consciousness (low success rate, high risk, and charge)..."

Anyway, they charge.

Lin Sanjiu was sitting on the flying platform, pressed firmly on her shoulders by two humanoid objects, and could only look up to listen to the guide. Of course, her neck was not comfortable; when she moved her neck, her thoughts changed from "uncomfortable" "It flows to "Hold the body" again to "The body moves", and finally to the "Great Miko".

"Wait," she nearly threw two humanoid objects into the sea as she jumped up.

"You just said that this place is very similar to the starry sky of consciousness, so after entering, I lose my perception of my body, so I can find something to protect my body, right? But then, why does my body still have unconscious movements? "

Obviously after entering the starry sky of consciousness, her body lost the ability to move like a vegetable-not only her, but from what she heard and witnessed, it was like this in Bohemia, like this in J7, and so was the great witch.

It seems that this is not the first time the guide has been asked this question. He smiled and said: "Building a'hundred-thousand world transfer dream' in the human world is a fusion of material, thinking, and consciousness. It corresponds exactly to the human being's body. , Heart, and soul' a unified creature."

"and then?"

"To put it simply, abandoning the feelings of the body to enhance the connection of the consciousness level is like shielding the eyesight and enhancing the sensitivity of smell. Although feasible and quick, it should not be a long-term solution, nor should it be a way to enter the consciousness starry sky. main method."

The guide said: "If you only temporarily enter the consciousness studio to browse the content, it won't cause much problem. In the long run, it is very likely to cause a gap between the body and the spirit... In severe cases, it will even appear. Separation. Therefore, the Consciousness Studio is willing to try to maintain the connection between the body and the spirit of the experiencer. It is inevitable that your body may roll into the sea. For the relationship between the human body and consciousness, and more details You can find the answer in the "initial understanding of consciousness"."

In other words... Maybe she can find a solution to the Great Miko’s problem?

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone! I have been under too much pressure in the past two weeks, and I can’t guarantee a stable update.

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