Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1838: Lin Sanjiu's inspiration

Chapter 1838 Lin Sanjiu's Ingenuity Moves

It was the first time that Lin Sanjiu felt so economically embarrassed since the gift package wrote a container of Hongjing with a big pen.

Even though she is careful and stubborn, she still feels a little stretched out—there is no other reason. The currency charged by the "Consciousness Studio" is not money, but consciousness itself.

According to the guide, a person’s consciousness enters very deep, and a single tap into the air is like flowing thick gold, with many characteristics, or it can transmit information to the human brain, or it can reflect several spatial afterimages—this This kind of consciousness is undoubtedly very valuable.

There were also people's consciousness that slammed into the flying platform like a brick, and they had to move their feet quickly so as not to smash their toes. Unfortunately, Lin Sanjiu had a lot of this kind of consciousness.

The guide is like a casino slot machine that eats money. Lin Sanjiu continuously conveys consciousness to her, and she doesn't know where they are all sent. The guide eats endlessly, and always reminds her "not enough". After Lin Sanjiu finally reached one-third of his consciousness, the guide finally raised a hand: "Enough."

Before she let go, the guide added: "It's enough to enter the'Preliminary Understanding of Consciousness'."

"With so much consciousness, is only enough for one project?" Lin Sanjiu was taken aback, "I still want to experience the consciousness of others and do a personal analysis and appraisal..."

Even if it is a guide like 3D projection, it is embarrassing to hear the words.

"It's a lot, it's all steel rods," she said softly, "not very valuable."

...This guide doesn't know how to be polite.

"If the three of me want to try, do you have to drink up my consciousness?" Lin Sanjiu didn't think that one day he would have to bargain with a consciousness product: "If I buy everything, you will give me a bargain. A little bit? Give me a little consciousness and take the car home."

The life mentor patted her on the shoulder appreciatively.

The bargaining skills of mankind before the end seems to have caused the guide to be confused for a short time. "If you are willing to accept the limit of browsing time, in terms of your consciousness, you can try them all..."

Lin Sanjiu felt that the time limit she proposed was quite enough: one hour for a project, three hours in total, at this time, even Bohemia can put down his job. "no problem."

It was really okay. Even Teacher Yi was willing to risk falling asleep and gave her the green light.

"Then, please put your hand up." The guide stretched out a hand to her and said encouragingly: "I am about to take you into the consciousness field of the dream of one hundred thousand worlds. According to your request, the first One project will be'A Preliminary Understanding of Consciousness'."

Use the physical hand to touch a consciousness creation, and then can you enter the realm of consciousness?

I don’t know if it is going to be a class like my own mechanics of consciousness garden, or watching an introduction film and other explanations?

Lin Sanjiu sat down on the flying platform again, full of wonder, put his hands up; the guide slowly lowered his head.

When she raised her head again, Lin Sanjiu saw his eyes on her face.

At that moment, there was not even a gap in the heart.

The self-existence of "Lin Sanjiu" suddenly dissipated from heaven and earth; there is no Lin Sanjiu in the world, but everything in the universe is her, and she is the universe.

She gradually grew from a flower bud, and opened her petals; she was a sea turtle kicking up when she swam past, and she was blowing into a piece of sand in the water; the particles at the other end of the universe were experiencing Lin Sanjiu who had just entered the inner core. .

That moment came naturally, but caught off guard.

Lin Sanjiu, who dissipated in light and shadow and everything, just in an instant, suddenly condensed into a new self, swimming from the amniotic fluid to the light, born in the squeeze that shapes the continent and the mountains-as if a hundred times apart Ten thousand years later, Lin Sanjiu was born. She took a deep breath again, shuddering in the cold and new life, and heard her first cry decades ago.

That's it.

It turns out that after a person dies, life is not over...death only means that a person has returned to the state before birth, a state that exists among all things in the universe.

Consciousness is a way of maintaining a connection between human beings and the state of "everything is me" through the subconscious mind. This is also the reason why consciousness is invisible and invisible, but it can touch matter, because it is originally a force "borrowed" from everything in the universe—

This thought can’t be finished. She just saw the splendid, tens of thousands of snowflake-like worlds before her eyes, but suddenly retreated quickly and out of her reach. When she opened her eyes, the world became a guide, the sea and the sea again. Flight deck.

The "dream of one hundred thousand worlds shifting" still circulates slowly on the two people's heads, with light and color changing; but compared with everything she has just experienced and experienced, it is nothing more than a draft, a concept, and a brief introduction.

"I... I just..."

She muttered and looked around. Her legs and body came back, and she was still sitting on the flying platform; the five hands of the three humanoid objects were all pressed on the back of her shoulders, and the painter held the pen in the other hand. They all stared at Lin Sanjiu, no one spoke for a while, their eyes gleaming in confusion and curiosity.

"Welcome back," the guide said, "the initial understanding of consciousness is over."

1. One hour has passed?

When the three humanoid objects met her surprised eyes, they nodded one after another. The instructor also said: "Thanks to the items, you are not tired to stand."

"But I don't seem to realize anything—"

Lin Sanjiu's words just started, and he stopped.

No, it shouldn’t be said that I didn’t realize anything; indeed, no one gave her a lecture, no one gave her all the one, two, three, and four of consciousness on paper... But like life, people live by day by day, When I was alive, I didn't feel any difference between my previous day and the next day. Only when I looked back, did I suddenly realize what path I had traveled.

After coming out of that wonderful state, the things experienced in the past hour gradually began to settle in her mind. If you give her a little more time to calmly think, she should be able to produce more and clearer cognition.

"In the next period of time, you will continue to develop new insights from this experience."

The guide also affirmed her thoughts and said: "The knowledge of consciousness is not a textbook. For everyone, consciousness may be different, so the things you realize are naturally different. But even if Everyone experiences different experiences, and still cannot change the essence of consciousness..."

"I don't understand," Lin Sanjiu asked hurriedly, "You mean, for everyone, consciousness is different, but the essence of consciousness is the same?"

The guide nodded. "Yes. It's like a movie. Some people see romantic love, some people see the changes of the times, and some people feel terrified... But none of them can change the essence of the movie being composed of the same scenes of images."

Lin Sanjiu seems to understand a little bit.

It's just that how to find the solution to the great witch's problem from that experience just now is the next task that requires a lot of brainstorming.

She just didn't expect that the package tour of Consciousness Studio, which she had finally bargained for, just experienced the first project, Lin Sanjiu felt a little overwhelmed-whoever lived with the ancient universe once again , I have experienced my birth again, I am afraid I can't easily turn this page over in a short time and don't want to think about it anymore.

Fortunately, the guide seems to be prepared for this situation.

"It's okay. If you want to rest, I can wait as long as I can." She said thoughtfully: "What do you want to do during this period? I can read you free projects and activities again..."

Lin Sanjiu was out of mind, one ear went in and the other ear went out. After the guide had been reading the project for a long time, a thought suddenly jumped into her mind. Big relationship.

"Wait, can I just chat with you?"

The guide nodded suspiciously.

"When I first came, you received a touch of my consciousness and asked for my name, right?"

The guide nodded cautiously.

"If I give you a little awareness of others, can you see for me if that person has been here? If you have been, can you tell me the person's name and appearance?"

While talking, Lin Sanjiu opened up the seed power of Brahma in his body.

The old woman who was captured by her looked up from the seed as if she felt something suddenly.

I found that my biggest weakness is that I can't handle pressure very much. When the pressure is high, the anxiety will break out, and the whole person will be broken, a lot of hair loss, unable to sleep, especially fear, feeling health is declining... It feels bad, everyone, what can you do to deal with stress? ?

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