Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1841: Another first day in another new world

Chapter 1841 Another First Day In Another New World

This chapter will be ready soon!

In a tragic family story in the 1970s, where should future science fiction characters be inserted?

Bohemia and Yuan looked west as the robot walked into the room, not knowing what to say for a while. The robot’s guest etiquette is indeed impeccable; it has not forgotten to hedge against family pets and nodded. After turning around and closing the door, the head turned 360 degrees like a stapler, and thanked the hostess: "Thank you, you My home is so beautiful. Some photos are missing, I'll help you pick them up."

The family photos of the puppeteer who lost their temper before, are still scattered on the ground at this time. The mechanical arm that opened and protruded inside J7 changed its appearance at this time. After the two pieces of metal were opened and clamped, a few photos were "shoveled". The stapler-shaped head was slightly tilted toward the photo, and a white light suddenly lit up on the edge—as if some program had been activated.

"This is really a nice wedding photo," it "looked" at one of the photos for a few seconds, and then placed it back on the small round table. "Is it here?"

Yuan Xiangxi was stunned and nodded: "Ah...that, yes."

"Where did you come from?" Bohemia finally couldn't help it, and asked the question that had been hovering over their heads: "This is a copy, don't you know? What are you doing in here, speaking on the phone?"

J7 paused on the spot, a mechanical arm stuck in the air, his head turned for a while: "...Huh?"

"Don't, what the **** are you!"

J7 seemed more at a loss than she, the stapler-shaped head turned around, and nothing came out except for the slight movement of the movement.

Bohemia didn't understand it, so she raised her head and shouted upstairs: "My lord, my lord! Something strange has entered the house!"

A dark shadow appeared silently at the top of the stairs. When he "creaked, creaked" slowly downstairs, it seemed that the originally warm and bright first floor was shivering with cold. No matter what time, the puppeteer always looks like a layer of pale white paint, no blood is visible-only J7 doesn't feel any difference in this human being, and stretches out his mechanical arm at him, saying: "Meeting for the first time. ,Hello there."

The puppet master paused for two seconds, and seemed to be stunned once in a while.

"...Not the veterinarian who arranged the copy?"

His wife leaned forward a few steps and explained in a low voice: "You may not have heard clearly. I just said that the veterinarian came to see the small sugar cubes on the calendar, which means that I have finished reading and leaving."

"I feel that you seem to have questions about me. I am a self-aware mechanical lifeform, and I happened to pass by."

J7’s robotic arm is still straight. I haven’t realized that the puppeteer will not shake hands with it for the time being: “At the same time, I also noticed that when I walked in, I received a series of signals that I didn’t know where it came from. , Forming a flow of information, allowing me to automatically make a judgment on your identity. Could it be that you are the evolve into the dungeon? You are not a couple and... and a cat?"

"Does the cat look like this?" Bohemia pointed to his face.

J7 thought for a while. "Well, there are indeed two sets of logic running in this area. I think your situation is complicated. I'd better not mix it up. Goodbye."

It left without delay-the three people watched it turn around, and used the mechanical arm to turn and twist the door handle for a while.

When the metal hits, the sound of "da da" lasted for a while in silence. In the end, J7 even patted it several times, and finally turned his head back again and pointed at the door: "I can't open it."

None of them showed a surprised look.

Yuan walked to the west, opened the door smoothly without much effort, and stepped into the porch. J7 seemed to be puzzled, just about to follow out, but suddenly stopped at the door.

"But if I leave, you won't have..." It thought for a while, "There is no toaster. This makes me feel that I can't leave."

"Sure enough, I knew you were going to play household appliances!" Bohemia clapped her hands, "This copy is really-"

She promptly swallowed the half-sentence "I'm good at assigning roles" and changed it to: "This copy is really easy. You can pass the level by playing a role."

Of course, there is no reason for a toaster to go in and out of the house on its own. J7 muttered that this was a serious downgrade for him, and accepted his fate honestly at the same time-even if it didn't accept it, it couldn't let himself out anyway.

"Did you not lie to me?" J7 walked into the corridor, and his stapler-shaped head was spinning round and round. It seemed that he was not at ease looking at everyone from time to time: "Humans are a species full of fraud... eh ,Eh?"

I don't know where its "eyes" are; its head turned to the living room, and then even the electronic sound was raised a bit: "Lin Sanjiu? Is that Lin Sanjiu?"

The puppeteer closed his eyes and took a low breath.

"Are there any chores she doesn't recognize?"

…When the three people gathered around Lin Sanjiu and finally got a general understanding of each other’s situation, the sound of rain outside the window still seemed to never stop, smearing so that the inside of the house was faint. gray. The house was powered on in 1973, the hostess Yuan Xiangxi turned on all the lights, and the whole house was immersed in a bright warm yellow. He didn't know when he made himself a cup of hot tea, took a sip, and let out a long breath: "So, let's rest now while waiting for Xiaojiu to wake up by himself?"

Bohemian was already drowsy. Sitting on the solo sofa, a puppeteer dressed in pitch-black leather still looks surly and looks incompatible with the warm and peaceful family atmosphere, as if death metal was suddenly added to a softly hummed lullaby. The toaster is the only "person" who is worried about Lin Sanjiu's situation, and from time to time he leaps in to listen to her heartbeat.

"I don't know much about the physiology of the human body," J7 suggested. "If she can't wake up all the time, why don't I try to electrify her?"

"Maybe it can," Yuan said vaguely as he looked to the west as he was about to fall asleep.

The living room fell into silence again, and only the steady and long breathing of Bobby Mia fell on the edge of snoring. It’s really hard to believe that the house now is the same copy of the house in 1981; the sound of rain seems to have hypnotic effect, and the rustling on the eardrums gradually relaxes their nerves-to be honest, if it were not for Lin Sanjiu Still life or death in doubt is indeed a rare luxury opportunity for relaxation in the last days.

The puppeteer stood up gently, his eyes turned around the person on the ground. There are so many people around, but none of them are his dolls.

The sound of leather when he walked didn't wake anyone up, but the bread machine turned his head slightly, and a faint light lit up on the edge. J7 didn't say anything, and of course the puppet master didn't want to talk to others; when he was about to walk out of the living room, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Lin Sanjiu on the ground.

Under his gaze, Lin Sanjiu's eyes were closed, his lips were pale, and a layer of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead. The sweat shivered little by little, as if the sparkling water of a lake was shattered; immediately, her skin, hair, and body also trembled with the waves, becoming more eager and intense.

"What's wrong with her?" J7 immediately got up.

Yuan Xiangxi and Bohemia opened their sleepy eyes; seeing Lin Sanjiu's abnormal situation, they immediately became sober. "Is it possible to complete the upgrade this time?" Bohemia said, jumping off the sofa and squatting down beside her-as soon as she squatted down, she jumped up again and cried, "Huh?"

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to her.

Bohemia didn't have time to explain, and hurriedly bent down again, touched a few times from the wagging hands, and unexpectedly drew a long whip. "Is this, isn't Lin Sanjiu's tornado whip? She didn't take it out before?"

As soon as the puppeteer twisted his body and approached a few steps, the leather made a sharp noise. Yuan Xiangxi sat on the ground, and suddenly felt something hit his knee; he reached out and picked up a can—not the can he got back from the big bear market. Those cans had long been given by Bohemia. Throw it away—the one he picked up was obviously a product of the Twelve Realms, and the label also read: “Dry meat food, don’t use special heat sources to heat it.”

"That's also from Lin Sanjiu!" Bohemia yelled with sharp eyes.

As Lin Sanjiu's body trembled, more of the things she had put into the card library fell out one after another. [Descriptive power], a mug with hot coffee, a pile of sand, and a large pile of exactly the same field pants...Almost after everyone just understood the situation, the living room was occupied by a small piece of ground by constantly pouring out things. .

Bohemia suddenly took a low breath: "Catch the bread machine, let's run!"

"What?" Yuan climbed up to the west, "why?"

"Quickly," Bohemia was not even afraid of the puppeteer, and squeezed to the door of the living room next to him in two steps: "Lin Sanjiu still has a container on his body!"

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