Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1842: This copy is amazing

Chapter 1842 this copy is a miraculous effect

This chapter will be ready soon

Lin Sanjiu jumped on the ground and sat on the ground.

A gravel was inserted into the left eye of the older brother, which happened to replace the position of the pupil, and the gray ground was exposed outside the white eyeball. Every time he blinked, the stone rubbed against the inner eyelid, and there was a small sound of sand. The voice is not loud, but her hair is straightened all over her body—fortunately, he doesn't blink frequently.

"You...what the **** are you?"

Partly because of shock and partly because of severe pain, Lin Sanjiu was relieved for several seconds before finally making a sound.

But my brother couldn't say a word.

Because except for one pair of eyes are still alive, the rest are already dead-even if Lin Sanjiu realigned his limp head, he just looked like a corpse from a corpse to a vegetative.

She put her hand on her brother's chest tentatively, and after waiting for nearly ten minutes, there was only a faint silence under her chest. There is no pulse in his neck for a long time, and it feels like a leather bag filled with crushed rocks-inside is full of his broken bone fragments, and various shapes protrude from under the skin in a daze.

"Can you hear me?" Lin Sanjiu remembered the previous TV plot and couldn't help asking, "If you can hear me, blink your eyes twice."

With two rustling sounds, the stones were scraped from the naked eyelids.

Her skin tightened, she continued to ask: "Did you call the gods who chased me just now? It was a blink, not a blink."

There were two more faint sounds—this time, his eyelids almost hung on the sharp corners of the stone.

Sure enough... Lin Sanjiu's guess was confirmed, but he still couldn't help but froze for a while. She wanted to ask why God listened to him, but the other party couldn't answer a question that was too complicated; she thought about it, and asked, "Are those gods all under the two of you?"

This time, my brother only blinked slowly once and stopped moving.

"Because you fell like this, they couldn't find your place?"

With an unexpected cooperation, the brother blinked twice again.

"Are you alive or dead now? Blink twice alive and blink once dead."

This question sounded ridiculous as soon as it sounded; but after Lin Sanjiu finished asking, his brother's eyes remained motionless for a long while.

…Is neither a living person nor a dead person?

Lin Sanjiu fought a battle. She stared at her brother for a while, and finally gritted her teeth, determined to remove one of his parts into a card and try it-after she waited for her strength to recover slowly for a while, she called out a knife. This knife was still used to cut food, and it was extremely weak on people; she had to pierce in with a knife, and then grind off her brother's right foot little by little—even she herself couldn't stand the process.

Brother rolled his eyes, one eyeball and a gravel watched her movements together.

Skin, muscle, fat, fascia, blood, bones...

Enduring the urge to retching, Lin Sanjiu thumped his heart, feeling like a murderer, and finally removed a foot from him. It felt like it was a real human body, and even had a bit of cool temperature; it was just that when she cut off the skin, some blood flowed out of Duancha—not much, maybe less than half a bowl, As if it was just for meaning, it quickly stopped.

This time [Flat World] was launched smoothly, but Lin Sanjiu's eyes swept away, and he was suddenly disappointed again.

[One foot]

A right foot cut from the human body is still fresh, and I don't know who is so perverted. To learn more about this foot, you have to cardize the entire human body.

"What the **** are you?" Lin Sanjiu was a little anxious, and put away the card on his right foot. To cardify her brother’s body, she may have to stab him into the opponent’s mind; but no one can guarantee that he will die, nor can it be said that after killing him, whether the card will be on the converted card. There will be useful information.

Forget it, let’s think about how to find a gift package first.

Lin Sanjiu stood up abruptly, and suddenly it was black again. She fell too hard this time, her whole body bones and internal organs seemed to be shifted; she thought that she had been relieved, but she did not expect to squat on the ground for a while saw a person's feet, and when she stood up again, she felt pain and dizziness. Xuan all rushed up like mountains and seas.

It was so hard to even stand up, she thought in her heart, how can she climb up the cliff in front of her?

Being thrown here by [a shining ding from the horizon], she had no idea which direction the desert was in; she wanted to go down the bottom of the canyon, but worried that the canyon would be too long and would drive her further...

It wasn't until these two thoughts were over that the black mist in front of her eyes gradually faded, but the sharp pain in her mind still hit the nerves steadily like a hammer. Just when she wondered if she had been thrown out of a minor concussion, her vision finally showed color again.

The elder brother was still lying in front of her like a dead body with eyes open as before, only a pair of prickly eyes was looking at her. Lin Sanjiu looked down at him for a long while, waiting for her vision to completely get rid of dizziness and darkness-after waiting for ten seconds, the hairs on her back suddenly stood up one by one.

…No, her eyesight has been restored a long time ago.

The darkness in front of me is not so much a side effect of a fall, but rather... the sky is overcast.

The elder brother's eyes were still firmly on her, and Lin Sanjiu slowly raised his head this time.

A huge face in the sky is looking down at her.

The huge face protruded from the side of the canyon cliff, revealing a pair of black, dull pupils, as if two black holes were suddenly cut in the sky, aiming straight at the bottom of the canyon.

"You lied to me?" Lin Sanjiu yelled angrily, grabbed his elder brother, slammed him on his shoulders, and turned around to run. However, as soon as she turned around, she paused again-the **** above her head had stretched out an arm somehow, rubbing the stone walls on both sides of the canyon, and when he attacked her, he also rolled down countless stones on the stone walls. Crushed stones and broken wood; suddenly, the rumbling rocks plunged towards the bottom of the valley one after another.

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly avoided a few rubbles that had jumped down, and suddenly realized that his brother had not lied to her—this man is by no means small, and even the action of reaching out to catch people is such a big battle, if he is chasing her She should have been aware of it a long time ago; however, she has not discovered the existence of God until now, indicating that this God must have been here long ago, she just fell straight into his territory.

It's just that understanding this point doesn't help her much. Every time Lin Sanjiu moved now, his brain was dizzy with pain; in addition, he was still dragging a heavy human body, and he couldn't get far out at the bottom of the rocky canyon. In the blink of an eye, he was caught by that one. Big hands caught up—

She only felt that her eyes were dimmed, and the light had been squeezed out; after that, she felt that her body was covered by something layer after layer—although she could not see anything clearly, Lin Sanjiu knew. That is the wrinkled skin in the giant palm.

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