Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1843:

Reference 1843

I'm sorry everyone, the recent update has stopped frequently. I saw everyone expressing their concern for me. It was really warm and guilty... Today I will write a chapter anyway (but don't wait for you to go to bed early) , I will write an explanation chapter later to explain why I have not been so dedicated in the past two weeks (it’s not a bad thing, it may be a good thing for people of good taste, but it did cause unprecedented pressure on me) , People will be worn out; for various reasons, I can’t say more now)

Different copies have different tempers. This copy of Holiday Villa is very persistent: as long as you don't spend the money, you will never be allowed to escape from the air even if you get on the aircraft.

The aircraft that rushed towards the horizon at full speed just rushed out of half a nautical mile before hitting a thick force field like reinforced concrete. Under the almost suicidal impact, the aircraft immediately exploded into a fire in mid-air. The fragments of the body were shot and splashed, and they were wrapped in flames and fell into the sea. I don't know how many snow-white water jets jumped into the sky.

For a person with data body ability, such a mistake is almost unthinkable.

Fortunately, Ji Shanqing grabbed the water tank at a critical moment. Even if he fell into the sea, he still refused to let go; when countless white blisters gurgled towards the water, he finally hurriedly compiled a lurking one. The boat, promptly accommodated his sister's water tank and himself. After the sea water swallowed in was discharged in an uproar, the lurking ship also rose to the surface.

Although embarrassed, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and the sister has been protected by the water tank, so she should not be injured...

Ji Shanqing imagined her sister ups and downs in the water tank, while reconnecting her shattered sternum and spine. This tank weighed more than a thousand kilograms. When he fell from the air, he hugged it tightly for fear that he would be separated from his sister. As a result, he was slapped onto the water with unimaginable force during the spinning and falling process. -When falling straight down from high altitude, the water surface is not water surface, it is concrete. He could hardly find any part of his body where the bones were intact, and he was relieved for half a minute before he realized that the skull on the back of his head was also completely broken.

"This way, you can't get out,"

Despite such a thrilling experience, the therapist still followed him, lying next to the water tank, panting and saying, "You have a good holiday, don't...don't want to steal our things."

Ji Shanqing said nothing.

He sat on the ground blankly and lightly pressed his forehead to the water tank. Spaan must have seen the crash just now, and he will find a way to get over soon... but it's not what he is circling in his heart now. The words Spartan just floated in his mind for a moment and then disappeared.

When his sister was away, he seemed to be blind, no matter how many times he turned in place, he still couldn't find the light. And when his sister was around others, he felt like a moth covered by a transparent cover; he kept hitting the cover again and again, and his wings broke and looked unbearable. He still couldn't get close to that place. Warm and bright light.

From the very beginning, he begged his sister for only two months. It is impossible to bring my sister back to the data flow management library, so he thought, two months would be fine. Remove the cover, let him lie down under the light source to keep warm, and let his wings curl up a little by the fire... What kind of cold and shocking gap he will face in two months, it will be two months later. However, God refused to give it to him for two months; as soon as one person left, another would come, and the cover that separated him from his sister would never be removed.

Ji Shanqing was always reluctant to think about it, but today he finally realized in a daze that it turned out that whether it was the universe or the unpredictable fate, even his sister couldn’t even think about it—there is no one in the world. People will gently allow him to get the only thing he wants.

If my sister was in the mirror room back then, she would just take him down.

"That..." The therapist looked at him cautiously and opened his mouth. It wasn't until her voice disappeared for several seconds that Ji Shanqing regained consciousness: "...What?"

"If you don't want to be found by us, shouldn't you sink into the water?"

Ji Shanqing was stunned, then suddenly realized that NPC was right. He responded with a bit of delay, and finally sank the lurking ship into the sea; looking at the vast expanse on the radar, his mind was empty for a while, and after a while, he turned the ship back to the direction of the beach. .

Can the data body be scattered?

There is no eternal existence in the world, and the data body should not work either. But the information he got from the data body did not have any data on how to "kill" or "dissolve" a data body, perhaps because they were unwilling to save such things. However, if it does not exist, you will never see your sister again.

Then again, if it didn't exist, he would no longer realize that he couldn't see his sister.

"She will be out in half an hour," the therapist said, "Her treatment is progressing very fast, indicating that it is going very smoothly..."

The following words all buzzed and lost their meaning. My sister will be out in half an hour, and Spaan must be still on the shore, looking at the sea where they disappeared.

Yes, if you don't want to be caught, you shouldn't go back to the beach.

Ji Shanqing suddenly woke up from the turmoil, only to realize that he almost made a very low-level mistake: they could stop underwater within half a mile of the sea and survive this half an hour. As for the "teleport" that my sister got out of Crane, it can come in handy. My sister's friend will have countless opportunities to get along with her in the future, but he is a fox whose legs have been pierced by a trap. He can't walk far and can't keep up with her. He originally wanted to change the world and continue to spend the rest of the two months with his sister, so naturally he had to transmit it together; for this reason, he had done his best to transfer the "transmission" to the analysis. Part of it—but he dare not say whether it can really take effect immediately.

While waiting for the transmission, you might as well tell her the truth. He didn't want Bohemia to come over, he just wanted to make his sister happy; he didn't want Sbaan to come over, so he almost killed him. If my sister is unwilling to take him and send it away...

Ji Shanqing tilted her head slightly, and then she was fascinated for a while.

There is indeed a possibility that my sister would not bring him... he thought of this, slowly spreading out his white palms, and seeing a pen and paper appear in the palm of his hand. The gift bag bit the pen between his teeth, like a primary school student who encountered a problem during the exam. After frowning and thinking for a long time, he lost two pieces of paper when writing and drawing, and finally composed his own meaning into words and sentences.


You have entrusted me to study the attachment conditions of Bohemia, and the answer is already there. First of all, she should try to find a special item called [Independent Thinking]. If you can’t find it, use the type of [Party B designer] you have used to create one, or temporarily imitate one with [Battle Item]. It works. I have read the description of it in the database, but I have not obtained the detailed data of [Independent Thinking]. Now I will write its general description below for your reference.

In addition, her five lives should be related to the flood. Since the flood destroyed all laws, the laws of time should also be among them. If you want to say, "The Great Flood has only recently appeared, but the five-stage life phenomenon in Bohemia occurred more than a hundred years ago", then you need to take a closer look at my last sentence. I don't have time to go into the details, but if nothing happens, the solution is simple. When Yu Yuan finds you, he will naturally help you. I have already asked him. (Or should I say it?)

PS: J7 is now in an E-class world named [Multi-Claw Nest]. Although it is very uncomfortable every day, it is not harmful to the robot... I heard that if you can grab a multi-claw Weird, after a long time you will find it pretty cute.

What else do you want to say?

Ji Shanqing bit the pen again, feeling that what he wanted to say could not be expressed in any language in the world. If he could compile his daily sufferings, desires and fears into a data packet and put them directly in the mind of his sister, she might be able to understand his one-hundredthousandth of his mood-but even if he could, he could not bear it. .

"Ah," the therapist called him softly, "the time is up, she can come out."

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