Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2070: the most unlikely person

In fact, several people have the same impression in their hearts, that is, after starting from the 5 o'clock road, it seems that the next road will become more and more dangerous; but in the end, it was Pan Cui's words that made them smooth and clear. A consensus was reached - "I doubt this dungeon, just like life," Pan Cui said with a wry smile, "If you choose the easier path every time, then life will become more and more difficult."

Perhaps because of this sentence, everyone felt that they had finally started to do the right thing, so even when they put down their chips one by one, Lin Sanjiu found that there was not much sadness on the faces of others.

"I still have half of the chips I earned last time," Pan Cui even offered to suggest before entering the road: "If you can't make up the chips, I'm willing to make up for you. Don't worry about returning my chips, anyway, I It is also earned from the copy."

In front of her magnanimous aspect, no one wants to take advantage of her. Both Pina and Jia Jiatian said that they have enough chips; After exploring the environment, find a best position near the entrance to wait for the three behind.

According to the boxing sequence, Lin Sanjiu became the last person to enter.

When she pushed open the rooftop door, before her eyes could adjust to the darkness inside the stairs, she first heard the chatter of several other people—when Lin Sanjiu suddenly relaxed, she realized that it was her A part of the consciousness has always been tightly pinched, and they are faintly anxious about their plan, for fear that there will be an accident like last time.

However, the reality is very smooth: under the section of the stairs with the yellow arrow drawn, that is, on the platform at the corner of the stairs, Pan Cui, Pina and Jia Jiatian are sitting cross-legged against the wall and chatting; when the door is pushed open, Several people immediately raised their heads and cheered at Lin Sanjiu: "You are finally here!"

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but let out a smile.

"I checked, and there is no problem going up and down two flights of stairs," Pina seemed to have said the same thing three times, fluently and skillfully: "After we go down from here, the yellow arrow is not pointing to the stairs, but to Point to the door next to you."

"It's better not to walk away from the yellow arrow," Jia Jiatian said nonsense.

"Do you feel any restrictions?" Lin Sanjiu asked while moving his hands and feet: "For example, is the ability to suppress evolution slow down..."

When several people shook their heads in denial, she also felt: consciousness, evolution ability, special items... All the means of the evolutionary seem to be intact and can be used without hindrance.

"It's time to be ashamed," said Teacher Yi, gearing up unnecessarily—he didn't expect that there was such a little bit of competitiveness hidden in the depths of his personality.

In order to be careful, even though the coffee he drank last time didn't help much, Lin Sanjiu asked several people to take a sip or two of coffee this time, just in case. Among them, she had the highest combat power. So she accompanies Pina at the head, Jia Jiatian walks in the middle, and Pan Cuidian comes to the front of the gate together.

With the [protective force field] wrapping his hands, Lin Sanjiu carefully pushed the door open a little, and after listening to the movement, he pushed the door a little wider.

They were still in the same building as the two floors of the dirty and messy office where the body was still hidden, but perhaps because of the different routes, when Lin Sanjiu looked in through the crack of the door, only Saw a clean, bare white corridor.

Aside from the small fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling above, there are only yellow arrows on the ground extending all the way to the depths of the corridor.

All the wind and noise outside the building were cut off; after they entered silently, they found that in this dead corridor, only the low humming of the light bulb current clearly hung over several people. on the head.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem," Pina said angrily, looking around. When people walk into an extremely quiet environment, they often can't help but let out a soft voice, even in a copy.

Lin Sanjiu's [consciousness scan] and pure touch did not find any traces of vigilance; she nodded and turned her head to signal the two people behind to continue walking.

This is the 50-point road, and you can't be too careful; when the few people followed the yellow arrow to the depths, they were as cautious as they were wading into a landmine. But it's weird, they turned several turns in a row, and after walking for a while, they didn't encounter anything - except for the white corridor, the yellow arrow, the white corridor, the yellow arrow, the two seemed to be like this forever. Go on without end, undisturbed by any danger.

Their vigilance gradually loosened, and their voices became louder; no one expected that they would be a little bored on the road of the copy.

"Why don't you even have a room," Pan Cui said at the end of the line. "It's good to have a look at it, but my eyes are a little dizzy."

Coincidentally, as soon as she finished speaking, Pina suddenly made an "ah" and said, "Ahead! There is a door over there, did you see it?"

The seemingly endless white corridors and yellow arrows were finally interrupted by a door, showing a piece of wood. Lin Sanjiu reached out and tried it, and carefully opened the wooden door—even if the house was a **** of a lot of oil, she was mentally prepared; however, the space behind the door usually surprised her.

Just like a common coffee room in a shared office, there are a few long sofas, a few tables and chairs behind the door, and facilities such as a sink, a refrigerator and a coffee machine on the other side; On the sofa, a woman suddenly looked up from behind her laptop, as if startled.

The computer illuminated the center of her face; behind a pair of round and large tan glasses, she blinked at Lin Sanjiu and the others who were leaning into the door.

Several seconds passed slowly from the silence.

"That..." Pina said hesitantly, "Are you... a dungeon NPC?"

"Ah?" The woman waited blankly for a few seconds, as if waiting for her to explain in detail. Seeing that Pina seemed to have no more words, she hesitated to say, "I don't know who you are talking about... Did you find the wrong person?"

None of the group of four knew what to say.

"Then... are you an evolutionary?" Lin Sanjiu asked, looking at her suspiciously. "Are you also going to complete this journey?"

The woman with large brown glasses looked left and right, as if to confirm that she was indeed talking to herself. After she was disappointed to find that there was no one else in the room, she said nervously: "Ah? Evolution? No, I, I often come here to do some work... What to accomplish? What way?"

The heads of the two people in the back also stretched out together; after a few seconds full of daze and confusion, Ka Jiatian whispered the common thoughts in their hearts.

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"This person... should be an ordinary person, right?"

------off topic-----

In the past few days, I was sleepy during the day, but I felt refreshed at night, and it was no problem to sleep at four or five o'clock... The price was paid the next day.

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