Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2071: eager to help Jia Jiatian

This chapter is almost finished, is it not too late today?

Illusions are a handy tool.

In the eyes of the tired-looking young man, everything in the cargo hold of the spacecraft was probably fine. There was neither the steel frame cut by the bone wings nor the pitted floor that had been hit by the battle. So he didn't even lift his eyelids, and after all the passengers stepped out of the spacecraft, he closed the hatch with a bang.

In the next second, the spaceship the size of a square made a thunderous roar, and a violent airflow spurted out, hovering to hold it up. It took several minutes for the ship to gradually shrink in view.

When its traces completely disappeared from the sky, the waves lifted by the airflow roared and smashed back into the sea. After nearly 10,000 tons of seawater condensed into a high wall in the air, it clinged to the cliff at an alarming speed. It fell, and the sea level shook a few times. Even though this small tsunami did not touch the reef cliff, it still swept through and wet everything on the reef cliff—of course, including Lin Sanjiu and a group of "passengers" on the opposite side.

Probably the young man thought that the entire reef was going to get wet anyway, so there was no need to remind them to be careful of the sea water.

Even though the clothes on his body were soaked in an instant, and there was still a faint pain on his skin after being hit by the sea water, but after wiping the water off his face, Lin Sanjiu still felt a little comforted. least, she and the group of creatures were separated from the human world by the endless ocean.

"Is this a transfer station?" Ward-Lin Sanjiu thought of the name habitually- looked around, his tone could not tell whether it was admiration or sarcasm: "...don't look messy, this world is quite orderly. of."

Lin Sanjiu pursed his lips and didn't speak or move.

One more look at Ward's smile will make her feel uncomfortable.

After being together for less than a minute, her intuition as a human being has sensitively made her realize that the Queen of Souls simply does not understand the meaning of human smiles.

It keeps laughing.

When the smile was soaked in the rain-like sea water, but still motionless, the warm and cheerful meaning gradually turned into a cool and strange.

"It turns out that you don't like water on your face," the Queen of Soul observed Lin Sanjiu and said as if to a conclusion, the corners of her mouth still raised. As it raised its hand, a group of souls behind it wiped the water from its face.

…what do they learn from humans?

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Lin Sanjiu quickly glanced at the surrounding environment. This reef cliff, which is used as a transfer point, is not large, the rocks are uneven, and a few clumps of dark green grass drilled out from the cracks in the rocks. On the far side of the cliff, stood a small wooden house. I don't know what it was for. Due to the humid air for many years, patches of mildew and layers of mushrooms had already grown on the wood.

She kept everything she saw in her mind as much as possible—with the help of her consciousness, she knew that what she saw now was reality; in a while, it would be hard to say.

After all, the opponent is the queen of the family... Lin Sanjiu doesn't think that it is on the same level as AYU's combat power.

The Queen of Soul doesn't seem to be in a hurry to put on Lin Sanjiu - in fact, it shows an extraordinary interest in this "leather coat".

"Since the red Nautilus was sunk, we have been sleeping and resting," the Queen of Soul tilted her head to look at the bone wing behind Lin Sanjiu, and said suddenly, "...but this is the first time I have seen a Humans can independently change their appearance and grow such powerful weapons on themselves. You are a growth type and have variable genes..."

Variable genes - Lin Sanjiu never imagined that the judgment made by the Queen of Souls in just a few minutes could be so accurate.

Although the smile on the other party's face did not change, his voice suddenly trembled, as if he was very excited. "...Do you know what this means? After I **** your insides out, maybe I can use the same method you formed bone wings to shape the reproductive system of our soul family... Ah, this corpse sac is so perfect. ."

After it finished speaking, it paused, and then AYU behind it seemed to have suddenly heard something, and then lowered his head: "...Thank you for your compliment."

Rather than talking to Lin Sanjiu, the Queen of Souls is more like talking to herself; even if there is no response from Lin Sanjiu, it doesn't mind. "What's more, since you came to this world, you have been dealing with our soul clan... In your words, this should be called fate."

"Wait, what are you—" Lin Sanjiu froze.

"Are you trying to ask what the **** was going on before you got on the ship? Or why would I know?" The Queen of Souls looked at her through Ward's eyes.


"Oh, so you still don't understand. The one who deceived you of a book was a soul in my clan; it was the task I gave it to collect powerful props in the hands of human beings. It's just that the book was a bit strange, It actually activated automatically, forcing it to escape from its skin... Then you met that kid named Sajay again."

For some reason, the Queen of Souls ignored the details when she said this, and instead glanced at her kin standing behind her with her unchanging smile - except for a half-melted red-haired old Jack, the rest of the souls seemed to be all the same. A normal bunch of humans.

"As for why I know...because I am the queen. The position, status, life and death of every soul in my clan...I know everything." The Queen of Souls said with a smile.

It was too late to speak, and at the same time as the last word of it fell, a shadow suddenly jumped from behind the Queen of Souls to the other side, and the movement was so fast that the green skirt on her body whistled in the wind—a breath Inside, the other two black shadows also suddenly rushed towards the first shadow, instantly drowning the smear of green.

When Lin Sanjiu saw that one of the shadows was the strangely shaped "Old Jack with Red Hair", her body realized the current situation before her brain. Her muscles trembled with excitement, she kicked her feet down, and the bone wings rushed forward at the same time as she bent down. Before the Queen of Soul made any move, the spikes of the bone knife had pierced the chin of the red-haired old Jack—

With a sharp hiss, a piece of meat with a big circle and short limbs broke free from the red-haired old Jack's body sac, and ran into AYU's arms; the body was still hanging, and the bone spurs swung along the trend, and the other was thrown away. A black shadow also shot out from a distance, it seemed to be an unknown man.

Although the two of them retreated in a flash, the Queen of Soul's offensive also followed at her feet - Lin Sanjiu hurriedly rolled in the air, his arms rolled up, and the two bone wings were completely spread out horizontally. Fen slumped backwards on the wet rock; however, the purpose of her blow just now was finally achieved.

Zhang Huabi took a deep breath in her arms, and then let out the "ah" after a fluke.

"Scared, scared me to death, it turns out, it knows..." Her skin exposed outside her skirt was strangely pale, not even a bit bloody, and the temperature was as cold as it looked. But when Lin Sanjiu held her wrist suspiciously, the powerful pulse had already explained everything.

The original pink lipstick was washed away by the sea, revealing the livid underneath. She was trembling all over, not knowing whether it was because of the cold or because she was frightened.

"You're not dead!" Lin Sanjiu's heart skipped a beat, "What's the matter, why didn't you save—"

"I almost died too!" Zhang Huabi suddenly raised his voice and roared, and then it seemed that all the strength in his body ran away, and his voice weakened again. She waved her hand at Lin Sanjiu and said, " was too late when I returned to Area R... I thought I could get away with pretending to be them, but..."

"But I didn't expect that I always knew?" The Queen of Souls walked over slowly—it was only then that Lin Sanjiu could clearly see what had just attacked her from behind.

It's a reef.

As if dissatisfied with this group of visitors, the whole piece of rock where she was just now was squeezed and lifted up, and slammed into the crack below. If Lin Sanjiu's movements were slow for a few milliseconds, she and Zhang Huabi would have been deformed by rocks at this time - of course, the deformation did not prevent the Queen of Souls from wearing her.

"You are very shrewd and lucky," the Queen of Souls nodded to Zhang Huabi in praise, "When you killed the soul that was supposed to wear yours, it happened that I didn't care about you at the time. When I thought about it later, it was pretty good. Interesting... Besides, smarter body sacs are always better than stupid ones - that's weird when you think about it. After all, even the brain has been sucked, you'd think it's all a layer of skin, there shouldn't be a difference Woolen cloth."

Lin Sanjiu understood instantly.

If Zhang Huabi made some noise on the spacecraft and attracted more human beings, it would be a bit of trouble; so it deliberately made her think that she had succeeded in fooling herself, led her to get off the spacecraft, and wanted "Old Red-haired Jack" The soul in the sac devoured her—

Her eyes fell on the disgustingly shaped thing in AYU's arms.

Perhaps because of the shape of the soul, although she has long realized that this is a race of high intelligence, she has never really taken it to heart—until now, Lin Sanjiu has deeply realized that the mind of this race is not inferior to that of a race. Humanity.

Cold fingers grabbed Lin Sanjiu's elbow, and Zhang Huabi sounded in a panicked voice: "...What should we do now?"

"I suggest you stop struggling." The Queen of Soul's smile seemed to be carved into her muscles. As it raised a hand, a wave suddenly rose from the edge of the cliff, wrapped in a huge water force, and rushed towards Lin Sanjiu, immediately hitting the two people who were caught off guard and sitting on the ground—however However, the giant wave seemed to have eyes, bypassing the Soul Queen, only splashing Ward's trousers.

"I'm not like my people. They can only create illusions, but I can create reality."

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