Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2197: The eloquence of a chunky accountant

The surveillance system of the underground farm is probably also a technological product that combines special items. From the original screen, branched metal arms quickly grew out, and each one opened a new screen one after another. Every entrance and exit of the farm, The aisles, one by one, clearly appeared on the screen.

On the simple walkway formed by rock walls and mud, everything is empty and no one is there. Xiao Xius hadn't come yet, and it seemed that Lou Qin didn't report to him either.

Lin Sanjiu remembered that when they came in, they didn't see any cameras or monitors, and there wasn't even a spot of light in the darkness; thinking about it now, the "eyes" responsible for monitoring were probably the effect of special items.

The more than a dozen screens that have grown up float in the air like a big net, which is quite strange; but none of the evolutionary people present blinked their eyelids for it. In the apocalyptic world, there are countless more rare and wonderful things than this. Who hasn't seen a few more amazing things?

Only ordinary people, even ordinary people who have been in contact with evolutionary people, would find it amazing—for example, Feng Huanyan, whose mouth is open at the moment.

Are you wrong? Lin Sanjiu looked at Feng Huanyan and thought blankly.

As long as it is an evolutionary person, just pull one out, compared to ordinary people, there is no doubt that it is strong. They have more resources, more powerful capabilities, and more extensive knowledge... Naturally, they can better protect themselves.

There are already so many such a group of strong men. When faced with problems, the solution that came up is to continue to take away the last bit of the weak... Even if the weak have no choice, they are willing to be eaten by the strong, Lin Sanjiu still couldn't convince himself.

She felt that neither side of the matter was correct. Whether it is to keep the farm alive or to remove it in one fell swoop, it seems that they are doing evil.

"Who gave you a gas light like this?" Qingjiu's cold words made her come back to her senses.


Before Kiyotaka opened his mouth, he glanced at the pig on the ground. Wang Gen lied on the side honestly, and was ordered by him, and then he was agitated and got up in a hurry; Qing Jiuliu pointed to the pig and asked Lin Sanjiu, "Is it it?"


The color of the white pig can actually be even whiter, which is unbelievable. It is different from when Lin Sanjiu massacred and was attacked by the puppet master. At this moment, Wang Gen's face has a third kind of fresh and different fear. .

Seeing the death of the same kind is a kind of fear, and realizing that he is about to die is a kind of fear, but at this moment, Lin Sanjiu can't describe it.

For some reason, she vaguely remembered what the pig said before, "We are born to like to do this" - she forgot exactly how to say it, at least the general idea was the same.

"Don't fall into the trap of doing good and evil, haven't you noticed," said Kiyotaka with a sense of reason, "they are willing to stay because they think they are exchanging part of their blood for a stable life, Right? Let them pay with death, do you think they will exchange it?"


"This group of pigs has never clearly stated what the mortality rate is on the farm, right? But it can be seen from the side that ordinary people on the farm have much shorter lives than those outside." Waiting for it to refute, seeing that it was half-open and didn't say a word, then continued to explain: "For so many years, no one has forced ordinary people outside to mate and have children, and the number of ordinary people outside has not decreased, let alone extinct. But as soon as they enter the farm, they have to be forced to give birth in order to maintain the number... Of course, the mortality rate inside is higher than outside."

It seems right, Lin Sanjiu thought blankly. Why didn't she think of it?

He suddenly smiled at Wanggen and asked, "I'm afraid your blood draws are different from normal blood draws, right?"

The white pig paused for a while, his eyes rolled back and forth, and whispered: "You misunderstood! We may have drawn a little too much blood before, but we are willing to correct our previous practices, improve living conditions, and draw blood. Volume and frequency come down...wouldn't it be the best of both worlds."

"So, you will work hard to improve the conditions so that ordinary people can finally enjoy the same mortality rate as the outside world?" Kiyotaka laughed mockingly, "Then tell me, why don't you just let them go back to their respective homes, if you need them? When it’s time to do business again?”

Lin Sanjiu could almost see that there was a reason that a pig had prepared a long time ago and repeated many times, and it almost spit out of its mouth. When it realized that it was no longer facing ordinary people, and At the moment when it was an evolutionary, it was swallowed back by it desperately.

"Ordinary people will be oppressed by evolutionary people outside", and it would not dare to say it in front of evolutionary people—especially in front of evolutionary people like Lin Sanjiu and puppet master.

"No matter how difficult it is for ordinary people in the outside world, it is not so difficult that the population will drop sharply without forced childbirth." Qing Jiuruu seemed to have guessed what it didn't say, and said to Lin Sanjiu almost plainly: " You are definitely not willing to take you into a pigpen and lock you up. What if you don't want to? Tell you that you are going to die outside, so 'locking up' becomes a helpless but acceptable solution. Create a If you don’t accept it, the extreme predicament will be worse, then even if you want to be a domestic animal, everyone can swallow it.”

"But we can still give them a better life than outside..." said the pig hastily.

The sound of the last word turned into a sound of air, as if someone accidentally stepped on a piece of empty leather tube and pressed out a breath of air.

Wang Gen's eyes did not blink, staring at the ceiling in front of him, as if he was still wondering why the distance between the ceiling was suddenly shortened and pulled to the front of his eyes - did he see a blood bridge pulled up under his head, And the staggering headless pig body that was about to fall to the ground is an answer that no one will ever know.

After two consecutive wet slams on the ground, Qing Jiuru, who was standing not far from the white pig just now, finally opened his eyes from the blood on his face. He wiped his face vigorously, looked back at the puppet master, and complained, "You remind me."

"What do I owe you?" The puppet master sneered, his face still clean, so that no one could see how he broke the pig's neck in an instant. "Are you here to give a speech? Can you speak a few words to get votes? You can't find her brain for ten minutes. What nonsense are you explaining to her?"

The latter sentence was naturally a gift to Lin Sanjiu.

"Why...really killed like this?" She couldn't think of a retort for a while, "The ordinary people on the farm..."

"Love never die," the puppeteer cut her off.

Also, if anyone in the world cares about the life and death of others the most, the puppet master will probably top the list. If you expect him to be able to help like Sbaan or the gift bag back then, but it's a dream and not awake.

Besides, there is a problem at the moment, it is not something as simple as being able to help with high combat power. What she hopes is not to simply destroy the farm; but the result she hopes is probably too naive to live in the apocalypse world - what's more, time is not on her side now.

Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath and turned his head.

That chubby accountant probably saw that no one paid much attention to him. He didn't know when it started. He rubbed his feet back step by step, and unknowingly retreated several meters away. At this time, Lin Sanjiu stared at him. When he swept away, he trembled all over and didn't dare to move anymore.

"...You are the person behind the organization behind the farm," Lin Sanjiu asked in a low voice, looking at him. "Now that the pigs are dead, what do you think?"

She thought about it and said, "Can you provide ordinary people with a decent and dignified life? If they change their minds, they can leave at any time; if they don't want to marry and have children, they can live alone; tell them honestly about the harm of blood draw, and guarantee them You have the right to know; can you give back to them the options you took away that once belonged to them?"

The dead relatives and friends can't come back, but if the village where C-538 - no, the Milky Way - lives, is resurrected again, will she really choose to continue living on the farm?

When people know that the pig house and three meals a day they get are not charities and favors from the farm, but they exchange blood for them, will they still be so meek and grateful?

The chunky accountant thought about it for a few minutes, then looked up at the three evolutionaries present, suddenly smiled wryly, and shook his head.

"There are evolutionaries here, let's say it frankly." He straightened his back, as if realizing that he had no hope of confrontation at all, but instead gave birth to peace. "Your friend who was sent to the sub-space by the pig, I can think of a way for you, such as applying to the leader and giving you the special item that the pig used to harm him, and see if there is any way to do it again. bring him back."

Lin Sanjiu raised his eyebrows and realized it immediately. "Do you know what item that is?"

"I've heard of it," said the chunky accountant, holding his hands together. "I've never heard of anyone entering it coming back alive, but if you're still reluctant to give up, then I'll apply right away. We can do it. If we do, we will all do it, because I can see that the leader is not willing to make enmity with you. But if it cannot be done, please don't force it any more."

" mean improving conditions on the farm?"

The chunky accountant had no intention of dodging, and simply nodded his head neatly. "Yes. Why do we need pigs to run the farm? When the idea of ​​the farm was first formed, we hadn't thought of using 'evolvers' to scare ordinary people... There is only one reason for the pig-type degenerates, that they are too It's suitable for this."

"Oh?" Kiyotaka said, glancing at the monitoring system on the screen.

"Whether it's the design of the farm system, the 'education' of the farm, everything you see on the farm is the work of the pigs." The chunky accountant waved his hand and said, "I'm not taking the blame for the organization...because the pig's Design and handwriting are also what organizations are happy to see. This will help us squeeze the maximum amount of blood from as many ordinary people as possible, in the longest possible time, with the highest efficiency."

He looked at Jiuruu clearly, and his tone could even be said to be neither humble nor arrogant. "You just said, why don't they stay at home and we go to the door to trade... To that question, the answer is obvious, as is why the farm can't be improved."

Kiyomiku didn't look surprised at all, not curious.

"Improved the conditions of the farms, gave them the right to know and choose, and dealt with them fairly, in other words, if they were treated as human beings, then there must be two consequences: First, the organization has to increase a huge amount of Expenditures; Second, the key materials collected will definitely be less than now.”

"And no one will like these two consequences." The chubby accountant said slowly: "When they face us, what resistance do they have? Vaccine technology has appeared, and ordinary people are already vaccine raw materials. If we don’t do it today, there will be other evolutionaries who will do it tomorrow. They are born in a weak position who can’t protect themselves and can’t bargain. This is doomed to be their fate. Pigs say they want to improve the farm, but it’s just that I'm afraid you will kill it. The life and death of ordinary people is determined by us, but our quality is not determined by ordinary people... In this case, even if you give them alms for a while, you can accept them at any time as needed. return."

He paused, his eyes swept over the three, and finally fell on Lin Sanjiu.

"Improving a farm is to place hope on the moral sense and self-control of the strong. To completely destroy the farm and send people away is to put a pile of meat back on the chopping board, and wait for the next person to reach for it... not to mention What a terrible enemy you have to make. Unless you can make every ordinary person evolve immediately, you can't change reality. Since you can't compete with reality and organizations, why don't you join in and enjoy the vaccine? Yu Yuan, Vaccines, or ordinary people, which side do you choose?"


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