Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2198: Question asked by Lin Sanjiu

…It seems like a dead end no matter what you think of it.

In the brief moment when the chubby accountant's voice fell, Lin Sanjiu seemed to be sitting in the center of a kaleidoscope, the world was constantly revolving outside of his mind; countless ideas came in one after another, and each time an answer that seemed to be the solution emerged. , and was immediately dragged back into the water by the layers of entangled darkness.

Indeed, she has no way to change this reality.

She doesn't have the strength to fight the owl Sius, she can't forever protect every ordinary person from being exploited by the evolutionary, and she can't build an ideal world without teleportation... What the chubby accountant said can be said to be a big surprise beyond her expectations.

"Actually, I had a vague suspicion for a long time that the improved farm promised by the pigs is an unreliable lie," Lin Sanjiu suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "I asked you a question with a purpose."

She sighed and looked down at a machine under the countless screens, a green light spot was lit on the machine at the moment.

As early as when Lin Sanjiu ordered Pig to look for Feng Huanyan and Xingxing in each farm branch through the broadcast, she had seen with her own eyes how Wang Gen operated the machine. Even though her little willpower was almost smashed to pieces by the puppet master, she could still squeeze out the power of consciousness as big as the tip of a finger.

Wanggen died, and no one noticed that the broadcasting system was quietly on the line.

"You turned on the radio?" The chunky accountant noticed where she was looking, and was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses. "That set of words you said about improving the farm... is also for the ordinary people on the farm to hear?"

Lin Sanjiu nodded.

She hopes that ordinary people can know their real situation and what options they have, but she finally found that the person who realizes the reality is herself.

"It's all irrelevant." The chubby accountant also gave a wry smile, "Whether they know it or not, can't change the essence of the matter. Since ordinary people are powerless to check and fight, they are just vaccine raw materials... We are not afraid of their knowledge. , not to be afraid of their resistance.”

His performance also confirmed this: he knew that the broadcast system was still on at the moment, and every word he said would be heard by ordinary people, but the chunky accountant didn't even mean to soften the euphemism.

"You let them hear the truth, but it's cruel." The chunky accountant shook his head and said, "They believed in the pig's lie before, thinking that they were building a world for ordinary people, so even if they endured hardship Life may be hard, but they are full of hope. But now that they know the truth, they can't change the reality. What the future leaves to them is only the pain of sobriety."

To be a happy domestic animal, or to suffer soberly, seems to be a historical thought experiment question—Lin Sanjiu knew what choice he would make, but what about others?

Is it really like the chubby accountant said, it's better for ordinary people to continue to live a lie?

"Sorry, don't blame me for speaking directly, I just don't think I should waste your time and say empty words."

The chubby accountant glanced quickly at the puppet master at this time—the latter rarely had the experience of letting flies and fish buzz without being able to intervene; even a fool at this time would be aware of the hall The gloomy atmosphere inside, just like the dark clouds condensed before the rainstorm, gradually overwhelmed one's breath.

Don't look at this guy's appearance, but in just a few minutes, he used Yu Yuan to save his own life, and tried his best to use words to eliminate the possibility of the farm being destroyed... Even if Lin Sanjiu knew everything, she couldn't break it. If it's a dead end, it still won't do anything.

"It's time for us to go," Kiyotaka said suddenly and softly, then pointed to the screen. "Look at that exit."

On the screen is a dark cave entrance, like one of the roads leading to the seven divisions. At this time, in the darkness, Lin Sanjiu could barely see the small, fingernail-like light cast from the outside at the entrance of the tunnel. In the light, there were only shadows cast by a pair of feet; All of the above were drowned in the darkness.

...someone is standing at the entrance of the tunnel.

With just one look and a moment's thought, "It might be Xiao Xius' body butler", Lin Sanjiu felt like a big hole had opened up in her body—she seemed to be walking towards her from a high altitude, just like last time. She fell, and the howling cold wind poured frantically into the cavity in her body, making her spirit shrink, and there was nowhere to hide under the strong wind.

It was just a thought, and she couldn't help but cool down even her body temperature.

There's no Jotans this time; if they and their gang meet Syrus again...

But what about so many ordinary people?

"There's no time now," Kiyokuyu seemed to see her struggle, glanced at the stocky accountant, and said, "If you don't like what they're doing, we can be ready to come back. Live in a pigsty from now on? Besides, there is a saying that you are not afraid of thieves, but you are afraid of thieves, right. You have already thought about them, and they will not get better."

"How did I become a thief?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but reply, and was pulled out of the tangled hesitation for a moment. As soon as she turned her head, the chubby accountant seemed to understand what she meant and spoke immediately.

"I'll apply for the [one-way channel] from the leader. It's okay for you to leave. I will ask the organization to send it to you directly. At this point, I think you can see that we don't Will play unnecessary flower guns on such minor details."

"Central station locker," Lin Sanjiu didn't need to say more, the chunky accountant understood and nodded immediately.

"The deposit certificate will be given to you through Zhihe," he assured.

The puppeteer stared gloomily at the screen, not moving for a moment. It wasn't until Kiyokuru invited him in a friendly manner for a while that he finally responded, and glanced at the glass wall with the sea at the other end of the hall.

When passing by Lin Sanjiu, there was a cold and strong scent of fragrant powder, as if a cold hand was pinching his throat. In the wind that couldn't tell whether it was smell, shadow or temperature, Lin Sanjiu heard him give a low laugh.

"How many of those who agree with the law of the jungle will stay and kill him at this time?" "The same thing, if you put it on others, it's reasonable, but if you put it on yourself, you will cry and grab the ground..."

He looked back at the chunky accountant and smiled. "Right?"

The chubby accountant's face turned pale, almost at the same time as Lin Sanjiu, he realized the murderous intent that suddenly thickened in the air—Lin Sanjiu really didn't expect that she would have to do the same thing twice today; The steel whip split the air like a poisonous dragon, smashed into the stomach of the chubby accountant with a sharp whistling sound, and smashed him out of the sky in the first step, inevitably splashing a blood flower in the air. .

However, the puppet master didn't raise his hand until now, just slowly combing the feathers on his wrist a few times, and glanced at Lin Sanjiu.

"Why are you suddenly excited?" His half smile was also gloomy, "Look how hard you beat your good friend."

Lin Sanjiu rubbed his face vigorously, only to realize that he had been fooled. " weren't..."

The puppet teacher ignored her, turned her head and left.

Qing Jiulu stepped up and followed, not forgetting Feng Huanyan who had been huddling beside him; he smiled at the little girl, and just said "you come", Feng Huanyan was already fascinated by a civet cat. He followed straight up.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the screen again, knowing that there was not much time left for her.

The puppet master just raised his hand, and the entire glass wall seemed to have been blasted, and immediately turned into countless bright diamonds under the sky, and fell to the sea below; the sea breeze was cool and heavy. In the hall, he ruffled Lin Sanjiu's half-long hair that had dried up with blood.

When the chunky accountant stood up, coughing, she too came a few steps in front of him.

"I didn't let you live because of Yu Yuan." Lin Sanjiu lowered his eyelids, looked at him, and said, "I asked Lou Qin directly for that thing, the same thing."

The chunky accountant was breathing heavily, covering his stomach with his hands, and his face was covered in fine sweat.

"I can kill you, but just because I can, doesn't mean I have to do it." Lin Sanjiu said in a low voice, "Being strong is not in conflict with having self-control, sense of responsibility, and conscience."

The chunky accountant looked up, his eyes lingering on her face for a moment. He finally smiled wryly again, and said intermittently, "It's the first time I've heard it since I entered the apocalypse... You know, other people may not be like you."

"I know."

After Lin Sanjiu finished speaking, he turned and walked towards Haifeng. Every step of hers seemed to be heavier than the last; Kiyukuro said it nicely, but she knew the essence of every step she took at the moment - it was just running away.

She has neither the ability nor the courage to manage the suffering that so many ordinary people will suffer in the future—perhaps it is not her responsibility to the common people, but when she sees suffering, she turns her head away, which still makes her feel intensely uncomfortable.

After all, the number of ordinary people on the farm is too large, let alone this world. Lou Qin said that there are three worlds...

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu suddenly stopped.

She looked at Exodus who was slowly approaching, and then turned to look at the chunky accountant behind her.


Lin Sanjiu let out a sudden cry, as if startled him. "I ask you, how long has the human farm been?"

The chunky accountant was stunned for a while, then replied cautiously, "At least it's been seven or eight months."

"How much blood is enough to produce a vaccine?"

"It is necessary to purify the key substances in the blood to make the vaccine..." the chubby accountant said blankly, "As far as I know, a vaccine requires about 300-600 ml of blood, depending on the content of the key substances in the blood."

It was Qing Jiuruu who called her, and then he brought Lin Sanjiu back from his contemplation.

"It's time to go," he tilted his head and glanced at her.


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