DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 188: Double Sign and Roshan

The strength of the guard is expected in Zhao Dingguo's mind.

As their ranks reach level six successively, they will get a qualitative improvement after having a big move. Shen Niu ’s big move echo attack will not be said, it is a threat that cannot be ignored at any time: the electric **** ’s big move, the eye of the storm, combines the output and the reduction of armor, which is a weapon for single killing; The position is more strategic, and the instant exchange of positions between the enemy and us can give the guard the opportunity to kill a person in seconds! www ..

Looking at the natural disaster side, the big move of patting the bear is a state-of-attack skill: the striker is armor reduction, acceleration and anti-stealth; the ground xué weaver is to return to the state of five seconds ago!

Although each has its own magical effect, whether it is facing the enemy or bursting out, it feels less powerful than the guard!

Therefore, after the guards successively killed the electric **** and patted the bear, Zhao Dingguo realized that in the next period of time, the days of natural disasters may not be very good. There are electric hun, blood demon, and others teamed up. If they do not guard against ng, they will be caught by the guards!

"Buy an eye!"

Zhao Dingguo knew that he couldn't count on his teammates at this time, so he simply took out 200 gold coins and bought a team of investigators.

However, before his eyes came, the Blood Demon sneaked around to the middle, killing Lane, who was alone to make up for the economy. Although Lane brought Yang with him, and teleported immediately after hitting the forbidden magic and the big move, unfortunately, he was interrupted by the blood demon directly throwing a dart!

As we all know, the blood monster's big kills are very sharp, but they are very weak when facing Yang alone. Because he doesn't have any interrupting skills, this is also the biggest shortcoming of Gorefiend.

But the blood demon in this death group battle happened to have its own interrupting skills, which directly made up for this shortcoming.

Ryan suffered a lot, and was eventually killed, and he wasted a teleportation scroll for nothing!

"My fault!"

Ryan knew it was his fault and started apologizing on the nameplate.

After escaping the hunger of the other's vengeance, Zhao Dingguo already said that the two had their own skills. Ryan also remembered before, but he was facing death threats just now. As soon as he was nervous and forgotten, he subconsciously dealt with it in the regular season. By coincidence, tragedy is naturally.

"The Gorefiend has the ability to interrupt. He can't walk away. Others remember to support it quickly!"

Zhao Dingguo was not easy to blame anything, just told a word, then came to the middle of the river with his eyes, and began to do vision.

With the view of the upper and lower rivers, the range of the opponent's gank will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and the efficiency will be greatly reduced. In this way, as long as they support a few cores, winning each other is definitely not a problem! Regardless of whether it is patting a bear or a winger or a ground weaver, after the equipment, the later combat power is still good. In particular, this round is a death squad. With their own equipment, they will undoubtedly be faster than the regular season!

Like the ground xué weaver, his own equipment is a healing ring, boots of speed, and three branches. In this way, his recovery on the front is not a big problem. After buying a little magic wand, you can go straight to Huiyao!

In fact, the ground xué weaver does the same.

It was a pity that he was killed once a while ago, which hurt the ground xué weaver who had just saved a fortune!

After the two investigating guards completed the investigation, Zhao Dingguo also incidentally discovered the newly refreshed double rune. Seeing this rune, Zhao Dingguo suddenly had an idea!

"Clap the bear, come on, the double sign of the bottom lane, you ate directly to Roshan!"

Tap the bear's passive skills to anger and slam, which can increase the damage the target takes each time it is attacked. At the first level, there are points, and at the fourth level, it can increase damage by 30 points each time. With his superpowers in the second skill, he can make the next few attacks at 400% attack speed. Such a skill mix has caused a super-high burst of patted bears on single targets. Therefore, as long as there is blood-sucking equipment in it, it can completely kill Roshan in the early stage!

With this double sign, plus the equipment that comes with the pat, it is absolutely easy to steal Roshan right now!

I'm afraid the guards can't think of it. Patting the bear will go to the Aegis Shield so early!


Patting Xiong originally had the idea of ​​stealing Roshan. When he heard that there was a double sign, Yang immediately rushed to the next tower, then took the amulet and went into the valley where Roshan was.

As expected by Zhao Dingguo, although the heroes of the guard knew that patting the bear would go to Roshan sooner or later, they did not think it would be so fast, so they were not prepared. The output of the patted bear that drew the double sign was astounding. After two consecutive superpowers went down, Roshan's health was reduced by half. At this time, the additional damage of Furious Strike has reached a terrible number. Each time you pat the bear, you can make Tau Shan's blood strips cut by the naked eye!

Almost instantly, he quickly killed Roshan!

This speed is even faster than the five heroes of other lineups playing together.

As one of the cores, patting bears naturally did not let them go, and directly picked up the Aegis Shield. However, Zhao Dingguo is not without its benefits. After killing Roshan, like the same as pushing the tower, everyone in the natural disaster will have an extra reward. Zhao Dingguo, who was just beside him, also shared his experience and raised his level directly!

A double sign in exchange for hundreds of gold coins and first-level experience is, of course, a big profit.

Zeus is a hero who relies heavily on skills. Even if he doesn't have much equipment, as long as he goes up, he can do good damage. However, when they took Roshan, the guards were not idle. Although the river's reconnaissance guards stormed their intentions, they prepared the xué weavers who were still making money on the road. But when the four people of Blood Demon, Shaking God Bull, White Tiger, and Revenge **** got together on the road, the stance of aggressive attack made them have to make a choice!

Was it right now to help the defense or just give up that tower?

If Zhao Dingguo did not pass by, they would not be able to hold on to him alone. And at this moment, the ground weaver knitting under the tower began to pass through. If there is no more support, he will retreat. Otherwise, wait for the four guards to stand under the tower, and then even if you want to run, you have no chance!

Faced with the urging of the ground xué weaver, Zhao Dingguo answered: Support!

He didn't say anything and immediately took out the teleportation scroll to hit the road.

Thanks to the nameplate space in the death team battle, you can carry extra equipment. Although there are three seconds to switch cds, it is enough to help solve the problem of difficult to carry props!

Seeing this, patting the bear also launched tp!

There is about half the durability of a tower on the road. It is a pity to give up like this.

At this moment, in addition to Gang Feng still entangled with the electric **** on the downside, the three heroes of the Scourge have all come to the top of the tower and are ready to defend. Lane is also rushing towards this place, and should be able to arrive at the same time as the attack.

Four to four, according to the tower defense, the core hero patted and the immortal shield, Zhao Dingguo felt completely able to fight!

However, in the eyes of the guards, they have control and outbreak, and it seems that only three people have come for the time being, and their side can also fight. So when first

After the Treeman soldiers arrived under the Scourge Tower, the guards immediately launched an attack!

It is the ditch of Shenniu!

Due to Zhao Dingguo's standing position, he was not left unconscious. The relatively forward patting bears and the ground weavers were unable to avoid, and were directly hit by the gully. Revenge hun, who just arrived at the sixth level, took the opportunity to rush up and quickly launched the transposition transposition, replacing the earth xué weaver into the crowd of his own!

I have to say that the hunger of vengeance captures the fighter is still in place!

Even if it was an enemy, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but exaggerate. If the follow-up skills of the guards are well connected, you can take this opportunity to control or ban the land xué weaver, and then kill!

However, the relocation of hunger of vengeance is certainly good, but the demon of blood demon did not keep up. Although Bai Hu has an arrow of the moon god, his vertigo ability is not directed at ng, which is very unstable. Therefore, when the hunger of vengeance stopped, and turned and threw the magic arrow, the earth xué weaver had already opened the land elimination ability to the limit, speeding up the escape by stealth, and at the same time letting the magic arrow that had fallen on his head fall off!

It must be fortunate that this is a death squad!

There is no perspective behind the vengeful hun, and there is no such perception in the super-god space as in the real world and thematic plane. He had to turn around before he could lock out the skills. In this way, the ground xué weaver is given the chance to escape!


The guards sighed inconsistently, but they immediately calmed down and continued to attack. Although the skills of hunger of vengeance are wasted, they still have Gorefiend and White Tiger. Seeing that the bear with the immortal shield patted the bear with the intention of rushing up, the blood demon directly threw the big move to him!

This made the pat on the bear suddenly embarrassed.

When standing in place and not rushing, you need to hit someone as a target ~ ~ If you can continue to walk, you will continue to lose blood if you hit the split. Although the first-level big move effect of the Blood Demon is not so good, it is definitely not a problem to kill him in cooperation with their hero's attack. With such hesitation, the hunger of revenge throws out the horror of the armor reduction effect.

o Move, cooperate with Gorefiend, White Tiger starts desperately output!

The health of the patted bear began to decrease rapidly!

Fortunately, at the same time, the demon wizard Lane entered the battlefield.

Seeing that the other party was gathering fire on his own side, he said nothing, and used a puncture directly to the crowded place. Revenge **** and Bai Hu accidentally fainted at the same time. Gorefiend just took a step away and avoided this skill. In order to prevent Ryan from continuing to shoot, the Blood Demon had to throw his magic banning skills on him!

After all the control skills of the guard were thrown out, Zhao Dingguo finally appeared!

With the strongest legal system output of the Scourge, and the offensive and defensive skills such as star imprisonment, Zhao Dingguo knew his importance. Therefore, he would rather let the pat bear absorb a round of injury first, but also strive for a relatively stable output environment for himself. And now is the moment to show his role! (To be continued !.

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