DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 189: King of stealing

PS: Yesterday's second change, came late ...

When Zeus began to burst out, the damage that came out was absolutely terrifying!

With the bonus of lightning specialization, Zhao Dingguo's lightning strike at the fourth level has theoretical damage of 420 points. And the guard side, whether it is hún of vengeance, blood demon, **** cow or white tiger, are not the kind of special flesh heroes. The most vulnerable white tiger was hit by Zhao Dingguo's lightning strike, and then he ate another arc of lightning, and the halo of life turned red!

"My grass!"

After personally experiencing the horrific output of Zhao Dingguo, Bai Hu finally understood their complaints before the blood demon. Frightened, he immediately turned around and launched his jumping skills, leaving the center of the battle.

Run away one!

Zhao Dingguo knew that as long as he launched a big move on his own, he could take down this person. But he was not panic. When he checked the equipment just now, he clearly remembered that Bai Huyi had no supplies and no return trip. Even if I ran back to Yedian temporarily to buy it, I couldn't go back within three or five seconds. Therefore, the human head is tucked into his hand, he can take it any time he wants.

In this case, stop for a while, the province launched a big move early, scared the other side!

Zhao Dingguo also deeply remembered the extra evaluation of this field!

Because the cooling time of the arc lightning became one second, Zhao Dingguo ate the hún ring and put it again two times after running away the white tiger. If it is not necessary to keep enough blue to support the next lightning strike, big move and star imprisonment, otherwise the continuous arc of lightning can make the defender suffer a lot!

Rao is so, the guard is now in a dilemma.

The duration of the blood demon's big move has passed, and there is still a little blood left in the bear pat. But even if they continue to attack him, they still have the immortal shield. On the contrary, the white tiger on his own side can no longer join the battle, and the Shenniu did not jump before the sword. Want to walk over and zoom in ...


Both hún and blood demon of revenge knew that Zhao Ding's national star was imprisoned, and naturally he also said in his team. They are sure that as long as their **** cow wants to walk into the other party to enlarge, they will be directly sealed. The two-second period is not long, but it is enough for the other party to pull off the station. In the end, either they will put up a space or give themselves away!

From the fact that Zeus has kept the astral imprisonment, it can be known that others are always on alert.


The **** bull who also knows that it is difficult to fight tangled a bit and started walking backwards. He has a feeling that his own side should not take the initiative to attack when there is an immortal shield on the bear!

but. The guard wanted to retreat, but the natural disaster was not allowed!

Seeing the second lightning strike, Zhao Dingguo immediately saw an ice shard, blocking the blood go back. Then, lightning strikes, arc lightning, and the demon wizard's big move directly hit the blood monster's blood to the bottom!

Because patting the bear's health is already small enough to trigger the third passive ability of the blood demon. Therefore, at a greatly increased speed, the blood demon quickly bypassed the ice fragments, and fortunately, the residual blood fled the battlefield. Ryan, who deliberately left a big move and plans to take the head, naturally regretted it. Just a few dozen points of blood. But Zhao Dingguo was very proud, Zeus' title of stealing the head was not in vain!

Thunder's Wrath!

As soon as the king of the gods made a big move, five lightning bolts fell from the sky on the map, and they were accurately divided into five guard heroes!

Zeus killed the white tiger!

Zeus killed the Gorefiend!

Zeus completed a double kill!

In the battlefield statistics function of the nameplate, kill prompts pop up one after another. Not only that, with the vision provided by Lightning, Zhao Dingguo also vaguely saw that Bai Hu was afraid of his big move. So just bought TP and passed it to the spring. As a result, just one second after the teleportation, he was killed on the spot by Zhao Dingguo!

Even if it is dead, it is the same as the previous blood demon killing Lane, and it cost the other a TP!

This buy one get one free business is absolutely necessary!

Seeing the other **** bull and hún of revenge began to run down the tower, the earth weaver was unwilling to let go of the head, and continued to pursue. Zhao Dingguo was also polite. Keep up. The patted bear in the back may be thinking of mixing experiences and assists, and slipped up. Only Lane is gone, and he decides to go home!

However, although the guard side lost two people, the counterattack was quite fierce.

Led by the electric hún from TP, they killed a return carbine!

This guy who was entangled in his own path with his own Gondor, took out his own pocket and sent a set of real eyes with a flying messenger. He even had two stealth heroes in Scourge. Among them is the land xué weaver. To deal with them, a set of true eyes is essential, which is better than the dust of development. It was with this true eye and the spear of the spirit hún that suddenly appeared, that he killed the gondola intent in one fell swoop!

At this time, the road battle was unfavorable, and he quickly launched TP and rushed over to support it.

Dian hún's sacred points should be the highest in the defender's side. His equipment is also quite good. He comes with speed boots, a large magic wand, a wristband and a wandering mage cloak. After the death group battle began, Dian hún quickly replenished the phase shoes and the mage's robes, and prepared to be the drum of war. With his joining, the defender suddenly became strong!

The chasing ground xué weaver is unlucky!

ún appeared, and the earth weaver was aware of the danger. However, he rushed too far forward by relying on the ability to shrink, and detached from subsequent teammates. The opponent's eyes were inserted, and they started to attack directly!

The ground xué weaver's health was not full. At this moment, the second magic arrow of the plasma field of hún and the hún of revenge dropped sharply to one third. Although the ground shrinking was launched again, before the real-eye anti-implicit effect, the ground shrinking could not help him escape except to run faster. It happened that the gully of the **** ox had cooled down again, and the defending side battered it down, killing the xué weaver directly!

If the earth weaver launches a big move immediately, it is likely to escape. But he was not so decisive, and did not expect electricity hún to plug in his real eyes directly, so he was tragedy again!

Guard's counterattack continues!

After completing a set of skills, Dian Hún ate the magic wand and opened the phase shoes to continue the impact. It happened that the static connection he used when cooling down also cooled down, so he used it directly to pat the bear, while stealing his attack and chasing after the attack-he ignored the immortal shield of pat the bear, only if it could be Kill him first!

Electrostatic connection is a very easy-to-use skill, and it is also one of the capitals that electric hún has the ability to fight late.

This skill can continuously steal the enemy's attack power and pass it on to himself. If it lasts until the end of time, it can steal more than a hundred attacks. Unless it is luxuriously equipped, the physical output of the stolen target is directly stolen to zero in the first and middle stages. Electric hún is transformed into a powerful DPS with an easy attack power of two or three hundred!

Patting the bear at this moment is facing this kind of embarrassment.

His blood was not much. He was ready to come up to experience his attack to steal his attack. In desperation, he could only quickly withdraw to Zhao Dingguo. Although there is a shield on his body, he can be resurrected and fight again after death, but he was afraid that his attacking power would be stolen too much, so that a short-term output of electricity hún appeared against the sky!

Therefore, at this time Zhao Dingguo's imprisonment is necessary!

Zhao Dingguo did not disappoint him either. At a critical moment, he directly launched the star imprisonment and imprisoned electricity hún. In this way, there is enough time to pat the bear to leave the range of the electrostatic connection. Without the constant stealing attacks, relying only on his ordinary attacks, the power of electricity hún will undoubtedly greatly diminish!

In the next battle, the scale began to be small, but the intensity was worse than that!

The patted bear who broke away from the static connection range was killed by hún of vengeance and Shenniu, but he had a shield on his body and could soon get up and re-enter the battle. Realizing this, Hún and God Cow of Revenge decisively chose to retreat, and it was very dangerous to continue to fight them. Dian hún also wanted to retreat after seeing his teammates run away, but it was too late!

He has phase shoes, so does Zhao Dingguo!

His passive skills are to increase the speed of movement, but the level is not high, and the speed of acceleration is limited. The passive aura of Zhao Dingguo's ancestral war drum is enough to make up for this speed advantage!

Therefore, the electric hún who evacuated intentionally found that he was running no faster than Zeus of Zhao Dingguo. At this time, the patted bear also stood up full of blood and magic, and also launched the phase shoes to catch up!

Fortunately, there is the spear of spirit hún!

Shen Niu, who had been withdrawn early, used secret shoes everywhere, helping electricity hún restore more than one hundred blue. And these magic powers are enough for him to use a skill from Phantom Lancer to Zhao Dingguo!

This is a skill that combines illusion, slowdown and damage!

After suffering this, Zhao Dingguo's pursuit speed was suddenly reduced. But after eating more than ten grid points of the big magic wand, he quickly recovered blue. Before Dian hún withdrew a tower of the guard, Zhao Dingguo blocked him with a second piece of ice!

I have to say that Zhao Dingguo's practice in the real world on weekdays worked!

The ice-sharding roadblocking technique is of course used by magic skills ~ ~, but when it is actually released, it is easy to be misplaced due to a mistake in distance control. In many cases, even a distance of only ten centimeters, or a slight difference in angle, can lead to completely different results. Knowing this well, Zhao Dingguo has always been in touch. It is because of his mastery of skills that he has repeatedly demonstrated his consciousness and standard at the critical moment of the death team battle!

The closure of this ice shard just interrupted the rhythm of electric hún retreat!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the pat bear that was not affected by the slowdown quickly caught up. Against the attack of the defense tower, at the same time launched the three skills of shocking the earth, anger and fury!

Shocking the Earth is a skill that pats bears, causing range slows and group injuries that are still reasonable.

jī anger is a big move in the state of patting a bear, which can add attack power proportional to the current health value.

Angry Rage is naturally the skill that increases the attack speed by 400%!

Although it was chasing, the performance of the patted bear was not panic. It is undoubtedly the most correct choice to slow down first, then increase the attack, and the last round bursts out, a very orderly skill release sequence! !! .

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