DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 346: Unexpected attack

PS: The second one was delivered. Odin drank and asked for tickets. M []

Compared to the limitation of the number of transfers, the test of the cooling interval is more difficult.

This test requires Zhao Dingguo to return to the magic circle immediately after the monster returns, and find a way to pull the monster out again. However, after several consecutive attempts, this may also be rejected.

Although Zhao Dingguo's skills are many and comprehensive, the cooling time is relatively long. Even if the CD has a short rapid cooling, it takes at least 20 seconds. However, the magic CD's CD transfer interval is significantly shorter than twenty seconds. Without skills, Zhao Dingguo will not be able to retain the ancient jungle ramblers, even if he is even more powerful.

After so many times of running around, some tired Yan Yuelan sighed and said, "The cooling interval may be fifteen seconds or ten seconds. In short, we can't do it. It seems that I can only try what you say The second option. "

Zhao Dingguo sat cross-legged on the ground with no image, and Wen Yan looked up and said, "I'll try as many times as possible, and I'll try my best."

Yan Yuelan smiled and said in a tone full of trust: "Please, please."

This sweet smile quickly dissipated Zhao Dingguo's fatigue. After reconsidering the details of the meeting, he and Yan Yuelan started a new attempt.

Zhao Dingguo was still the first to see the horse and saw him appear. The ancient jungle rambler, who has been repeatedly teased N times today, is already furious. It roared and couldn't wait to kill it. Because he has dealt with it many times, Zhao Dingguo is also familiar with its tricks. Seeing this guy rushing towards himself, Zhao Dingguo carefully controlled the distance between the two sides. Almost at the extreme distance trampled by the Thunder, he launched a phase shift and quickly took a step forward.

Found that Zhao Dingguo entered the casting range, the ancient jungle rambler immediately hesitated to trample the thunder without hesitation.

Seeing this guy's big foot fall, Zhao Dingguo immediately guarded his footsteps and quickly backed away. Seeing the countless shock waves chasing himself with the power of destruction, he stepped back with a force. Dangerous and out of the scope of Thunder trample. [Read the novel ~]

Successfully deceived this dangerous skill!

For his ability to grasp the distance, Zhao Dingguo is still a little bit proud. After jumping back to the ground, he quickly stabilized his body and began to lead the ancient jungle rambler in the opposite direction of Yan Yuelan according to the previous method.


Although this scene happened repeatedly, due to the hatred of Zhao Dingguo, the ancient jungle rambler quickly caught up.

The following is the previous reenactment.

After Zhao Dingguo pulled the ancient jungle rambler to the limit, Yan Yuelan quickly approached the magic circle from the rear. But just after the rapid cooling shot, the corner of the magic circle began to accelerate. Everything is different from before.

Zhao Dingguo nervously counted time while maintaining the attack.

There was a three-second delay in the start of teleportation. Zhao Dingguo felt that he had started the star imprisonment in about 2.8 seconds!

It is not easy to seal such a large elite monster.

The dark green beam of light soared into the sky and put it in the past, that is, to instantly seal the other party and use the power of the stars to temporarily isolate it from another world. But this time, under the struggle of the elite strange. The beam of light fluctuated violently, which sealed it.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dingguo is already obvious. I can't keep my astral imprisonment for two seconds.

Compared with the mutated and authoritative rapid cooling, although his own star restraint has also been strengthened by annotations, the priority has not changed. At this moment, in the hands of Zhao Dingguo's rising sun, the star imprisonment lasted only a little more than a second, and was broken by the elite monster.

Perceived that the breath of the ancient jungle rambler reappeared, the magic circle that was originally suspended after the star imprisonment was activated again. Seeing that the teleportation was about to start, Zhao Dingguo had already made a strong attack on the hurricane, and it was just the moment when the teleportation started. (Go to read the novel.) Blow the ancient jungle rambler.

Although it only floated for three or four meters and the duration was severely weakened, the effect of the skill was still there.

This brief invincibility and uncontrollable special state delayed the transmission again. At this time, Yan Yuelan had about half a second to complete the five-second cast.

Super sonic shot!

After the rapid cooling is started. Zhao Dingguo has used this big trick to derive this skill. Seeing that the ancient jungle rambler quickly landed, he immediately released a supersonic sound wave. However, although Zhao Dingguo thought that the connection between the two skills was quite in place, the supersonic sound wave was slow for a moment. When the wind-like sound waves wiped the body of the ancient jungle rambler and flew by, they only attacked a residual image.

Really, the elite monsters have suddenly appeared beside Yan Yuelan. Then there's Thunder trample!

"It's a pity ~"

Seeing that time entered the last moment, Yan Yuelan thought that it could be done at once, and was stunned at the last moment, and could not help but feel sorry. However, despite her failure, she saw the possibility of this scheme. If Zhao Dingguo's supersonic sound wave was just 0.1 second earlier, most of the time it would be successful.

Zhao Dingguo also felt a little pity, shrugged, "Come on again."

After much effort to throw away the ancient jungle ramblers, the two resumed. However, Zhao Dingguo also failed to control this time. It is no problem to storm the hurricane to connect the star to imprison, but the supersonic wave is early. The ancient jungle rambler was just before the moment of landing, and the invincible effect was still there, so it was immune to the control of supersonic waves.

Needless to say, naturally, it completed the teleportation, and Thunder stomped and knocked Yan Yuelan.

"Come again!"

Zhao Dingguo is not someone who simply gives up, especially when success is so poor. It's about his own task, and Yan Yuelan naturally doesn't even say anything. For Zhao Dingguo's successive failures, she just spoke with encouragement. After all, she also knows the difficulty of the final skill connection. Want to play two skills in about 0.5 seconds, almost not work, this is really not a task that ordinary people can complete.

However, she believed in Zhao Dingguo.

Those who can rise to fame in the rising sun, and successively defeat the masters of dusk, can definitely overcome this difficulty.

Zhao Dingguo did not disappoint her. Although the successive failures made him sweaty, the feeling of skill connection became more and more clear. He seemed to be back at the moment of the final test in the secret realm, working hard again and again. Finally, during his sixth test, Zhao Dingguo flashed his light and grasped that ingenious moment-the effect of the storm struck by the hurricane had just ended, and the big feet of the ancient jungle rambler had just landed, and the invincible state just disappeared. , But the transmission did not have time to take effect.

This is the moment!

The supersonic sound wave instantly shot, and almost simultaneously transmitted the white light to the ancient jungle rambler!

The ancient jungle rambler who once again appeared in front of Yan Yuelan, but the pushing effect of the supersonic sound wave did not disappear because of the transmission. Under the influence of inertia, it was still pushed two steps away after it appeared in the magic circle. However, the uncontrollable special effects of these two steps allowed Yan Yuelan to complete a five-second cast. Although the rage of the ancient jungle rambler immediately launched the trample of thunder, everything was too late.

"It worked."

Yan Yuelan was a little surprised, and raised his thumb to Zhao Dingguo from a distance.

Zhao Dingguo responded with a smile. After throwing away the ancient jungle rambler, he quickly restarted: once a success is nothing, we are a man who is in full swing!

I thought I really grasped that feeling. In the next experiment, Zhao Dingguo succeeded four times and three times. The only time that failed was that Zhao Dingguo made a mistake when launching the star imprisonment. This success rate made Yan Yuelan quite satisfied. With her nod, the tearful ancient jungle rambler was finally liberated, and was temporarily saved from being repeatedly harassed.

"Next, do the overall training."

The meaning of Yan Yuelan is to imitate the situation of the real mission, rush from the foot of the mountain to the top of the foot at the fastest speed, then deceive the ancient jungle rambler, and then complete the five-second cast.


Consecutive full attention led to Zhao Dingguo's mental and energy exhaustion, but he did not refuse. After all, there is only one chance to try. If you can't succeed once, then the problem will be big. After receiving the benefits of others, Zhao Dingguo also tried his best to help. Anyway, he has a silver-level hero badge, and he can stay on the theme for two days a week.

"Trouble you, wait for the task to finish, and I'll ask you to have a good meal when you return."

Noting the exhaustion of Zhao Dingguo's eyebrows, Yan Yuelan was touched a little, and spoke of the welfare that envied countless dragon riding jazz animals.

Zhao Dingguo naturally refused to reject this proposal, which was a bit like a date. ~ After a short break, he and Yan Yuelan started to go down the mountain. Although it is more energy-saving to go down the mountain, but in the sense of Zhao Dingguo, it is easier to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain under the obstruction of countless monsters.

Soon, the two came to the pass that had previously been bypassed, which was where the Seth Hellbringer kept the gate.

When they came, the two could bypass the mountain beam above the cliff next to the entrance to the valley road. However, when they returned, they could not help facing the height of 30 meters. The problem was that, before they approached, the clamor in front faintly heard a fight.

"Did anyone else come over?"

Just as Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan curiously slowed down, a man with stealth skills suddenly appeared, and launched a surprise attack on him from behind Zhao Dingguo!

Feeling the bitter coolness, Zhao Dingguo flew forward subconsciously, avoiding the knife.

However, before he counterattacked, three people rushed out from the front entrance, and rushed towards this side at full speed! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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