DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 347: Start strong

> "Someone ambush?"

Seeing the men who were constantly attacking himself, and then looking at the three enemies who were approaching him quickly across the mouth, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be frightened and angry. No one was here when he went up the mountain. Could these guys come after him and be prepared to hit him by surprise?

The idea flashed, but he was quickly rejected.

If these people are really well prepared, then this man with stealth skills will not be exposed so early, but will wait for the two of them to advance a distance before breaking out. In that case, his three accomplices will also be able to speed up faster, instead of being in a neutral position as now.

Think of the fighting sound ahead, Zhao Dingguo vaguely thought of something.

He stepped back quickly, flashed this guy's attack, and explained, "I said, you are the first to start in Chapter 347. Isn't it a misunderstanding? The two of us just came here to do the task, Passing by purely. If you are killing Seist the Hell Messenger, please rest assured that I and her will not intervene to grab, there is no need to use force. "

"Just passing by?"

The man holding a single knife and chasing down Zhao Dingguo was stunned. Obviously, as Zhao Dingguo guessed, he saw the two of them rushing towards the entrance. The man thought they were here to grab the elite monster.

Such things are not uncommon in the theme.

If this is the case, then this attack by yourself will be abrupt. But while he was still hesitant, three companion companions were approaching here. What Zhao Dingguo paid particular attention to was that the leader of the three who came to the aid was riding a black elven leopard with dexterous hands, lingering around the moonlight. Even during the day, Zhao Dingguo can feel the powerful energy contained in the moonlight.

This is a master with the blood of the Knight of the Moon!

His strength is roughly between the rising sun and the early twilight.

Because he has not yet formally fought, it is difficult for Zhao Dingguo to make specific judgments based on his breath and perception. But one thing is certain, this guy is tricky.

As we all know, Yueqi's big move hurts more than the Lich, especially good at dealing with two or three enemies. Chapter 347 here starts with a wild and empty field. There are no ordinary soldiers and Warcraft to share. If this guy hasn't cultivated a big move, it's fine, if he already has a big move. That big move will be their biggest threat!

As for the other two guys, Zhao Dingguo glanced and determined that they were just ordinary rising sun levels, and they ignored them for the time being.

"Tang, this may be a misunderstanding."

The guy who first hit the hidden shot looked at Zhao Dingguo vigilantly, then took two steps back, merged with the three companions, and whispered to them.

That guy named Tang. It should be a master who rides a leopard and has the blood of the Knight of the Moon.

"Just passing by?" Upon hearing what he said, one of the mage's expressions dissatisfied and muttered, "I said, Xiaocheng, you should be on the spot, don't waste everyone's time!"

Xiaocheng scratched his head, glanced at Zhao Dingguo, and immediately turned around again, embarrassed and said to his companion, "Sorry, I'm a little nervous."

Brother Tang could not see his expression. Just riding on the leopard looked coldly at Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan. Like all normal men, he was first attracted to Yan Yuelan. He looked at Zhao Dingguo after looking at it with a few amazing looks. It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. I was shocked at first glance.

The man who came here is actually a master of pedigree, and the equipment is better than him!

This discovery surprised him a little. Unwilling to make enemies, he exclaimed: "Friends over there, Xiaocheng's attack was an accident just now, and I apologize to you. My teammates in front are playing Thester Hell Lord, and it will soon be over .Thank you both for your convenience and a little pause. We are grateful. "

His meaning is very simple, and he intends to let Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan wait for them to pass the elite monster.

"Good to say."

Seeing that there were many people on the other side, Zhao Dingguo didn't want to be side by side. After all, it only took a few minutes. Although the two were in a hurry, they were still within a short time.

"Thank you so much."

Seeing the two were reluctant to do anything. Brother Tang thanked him and waved his opponent. So the two mages who came with him quickly turned around and turned back. Suddenly there are three people missing. It is estimated that there will be a lot of pressure on killing Seth Hellbringer. They should go back to the rescue.

after all. Not everyone has the strength of Zhao Dingguo.

As for this master named Tang, he didn't follow him back, presumably because they were still uneasy about them. Small cities with stealth skills also stand on the other side of Brother Tang, forming a mutual horn.

Really cautious.

Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan were left to the two's stalking behavior and did not take it seriously. But soon, she noticed that Tang Brother spied on Zhao Dingguo intentionally or unintentionally. Then he whispered something to Xiaocheng. After the two arguing whispered something, the small town looked as if nothing had happened and turned to the battlefield on the other side of Tongkou.

"I'll urge them, it's too slow!"

This is the original word of the small town.

It sounds fine, but Zhao Dingguo feels uneasy. Yan Yuelan's experience on the theme is richer than Zhao Dingguo. She hesitated a moment and stretched her hands to hold Zhao Dingguo: "Be careful, they have to turn their faces."

Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment, then reacted.

Yan Yuelan's guess is right!

Before Xiaocheng left, the words with Brother Tang were too suspicious. If you really just want to take a look at the situation of the battle, Tang brother can completely say in a generous way, why the two people secretly communicate. Could it be that Brother Tang regretted it after making a decision and temporarily changed his mind, wanting to take advantage of them when they are less bullied?

Zhao Dingguo glanced at his Aghanim's Scepter, and thought this possibility was not small!

You know, the knight of the moon can also enjoy the Aghanim's Scepter bonus.

Kill Sester Hellbringer first, wait for it, and then gather your teammates to kill them. This is a good abacus!

"What shall we do?"

Realizing this, Zhao Dingguo asked Yan Yuelan with his eyes. Of course he had a decision, but the purpose of this trip to the foothills of the northern valley was to help Yan Yuelan to do the task, and she was the protagonist of this trip. If Yan Yuelan doesn't want to be troublesome, Zhao Dingguo doesn't mind slipping away with her now.

Listening to the question of Zhao Dingguo, Yan Yuelan's original clear eyes flashed a cold cold killing intention, took Bai Nen's finger in front of his throat, and said, "Fight quickly and kill that guy!"

Although it is only a speculation, the action of SuperGod is not a court decision, and everything must be evidence-based.

Since deciding to fight, Zhao Dingguo began to secretly switch derivative skills while pretending to chat with Yan Yuelan. With the powerful increase of the scepter, Zhao Dingguo quickly completed preparations. Yan Yuelan was ready for a long time. When he saw Zhao Dingguo, he nodded slightly.

"That's it!"

Zhao Dingguo hated the idea of ​​others, so a clean uproar broke out. He started with a strong hurricane and killed the brother Tang directly more than 20 meters away.

This guy with Moonriding pedigree is obviously relying on his extraordinary strength, not far away from his companions, and the big tricks at the bottom of the box, so dare to face the two alone. At this moment, he was still immersed in his thoughts, and he never thought that Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan would launch an attack at this time.

This is doomed to tragedy!

After the brief storm passed, Zhao Dingguo quickly cooled to keep up, and then attacked as he approached. The ice bombs hit Tang brother one by one, causing him to start to twitch. Yan Yuelan took advantage of this opportunity to approach him, wielding a weapon and knife to point to the key. Although the injury is basically unaffected, continuous attack on important parts will also cause certain functional obstacles.

After the rapid cooling, it is followed by the ice wall!

"So high attack!"

Feeling the speed at which his health was decreasing, Brother Tang was taken aback. He shouted angrily, while riding a leopard trying to escape. Under the effect of rapid cooling, the output of the two top-level elite elites is horrible!

However, Zhao Dingguo's perfectly connected ice wall is not vegetarian. Under the strong deceleration effect, Tang Brother can't escape!

Because the enemy's reinforcements will arrive soon, every second is crucial. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan are also fully fired and fully output to Brother Tang-in order to preemptively kill the most threatening master, Yan Yuelan also came up with a good thing, a temporary enchanted scroll!

[Weapon special effects: dim]

After use, add a darkening effect to the weapon within one minute, and reduce the enemy's 6 armor when attacking.

This effect cannot be superimposed.

After adding this special effect ~ ~ Yan Yuelan's weapon suddenly added a surrounding silver light ball. Although there is no way to compare the six-point armor with the mermaid's big move, it is not inferior to the armor reduction effect of the attack armor and the advent of the demon king. Not to mention Tang's bloodline is the Knight of the Moon, which is recognized as the crispy skin of many TA heroes. Although powerful, but even less than some mage.

Due to the lack of strength attributes, the fading special effect looks particularly obvious on him!

His eyes dropped rapidly, and Tang's only resistance was gone. He now wants to meet with his teammates. By then, with their help, they can play more and less, and the two are not afraid. However, although Brother Tang wants to escape, he can't move faster than Zhao Dingguo, and he is slowed down by the effect of Orb of Venom. Therefore, there are really some incompetent battles between Super God users. Sometimes it can be very long, but sometimes it can be very short.

When one side has the speed advantage and is unwilling to compete head-on, the battle can be delayed. But if you fight more and less, and the person you are hitting cannot escape, then the battle can end quickly. Just a few seconds after the end of the ice wall, Zhao Dingguo's big move was cooled down again, this time he cut out the chaotic meteorite.

Because Tang Brother wanted to run, this chaotic meteorite didn't even need to match the supersonic sound wave, just hit it in the direction of his run!

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