DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 449: Generous 1 promise

The Sanhua people moved very quickly. In just seven or eight seconds, they all withdrew from the mage tower. []

"Well, boring!"

Seeing the Sanhua people leaving one by one, Manlou calmly tossed up the key and then caught it, but his face was full of the triumphant glory of the winner. The other masters of the Illuminati were not so pretending to cheer. This is a secret place they have occupied alone. As long as they are developed, it will become a continuous gold mine in the future.

Only when the organization is strong can their senior members share more benefits.

"Mage Currywood Fortress, I ordered in the name of the Master of the Underworld to close the portal." Relying on the key in his hand, Manlou issued the first order to control the Underworld. Subsequently, he registered the nameplate IDs of the members of the Illuminati who participated in the wasteland in the key. In this way, except for the masters present, other Super God users will no longer be able to enter here.

"So, expel all non-login Super God users!"

With Manlou's second order, the Sanhua members who had not all left were forcibly ejected by the forces of the mystery and appeared outside the ruins of Hazadar. This obscure but expected forced transmission has frustrated the scattered Chinese. They knew that from this moment on, the Currywood fortress they had found so hard became the back garden of the Illuminati.

The efforts and investments made before are also put to waste.

He couldn't swallow this breath, and President Sanhua snorted and withdrew from the main plane in advance. He already thought about it, and even if he didn't finally get control of this secret place, there was a way for the Illuminati to drink a pot.


As the Sanhua people left, the entire mysterious area completely became the sphere of influence of the Illuminati.

Without the threat of the enemy, the members of the Illuminati who had fought fiercely for a long time relaxed and began chatting in pairs. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] When it comes to the thrilling scene just now, it is necessary to make passionate gestures with hands and feet. Of course, after the initial excitement and joy, more people focused their attention on the equipment that Glitter dropped.

As the ultimate monster in a mysterious land, but also the first land reclamation. How can this guy upgrade some good things?

Feeling the eyes of the staff members, Manlou smiled, and came forward to touch the falling props and equipment. And showed it. Maybe it was really the reason for falling and upgrading. The first piece of equipment in Manlou's hands caused a lot of exclaims from the masters of the Illuminati-it is a dark red with a mysterious power .

That's a top-level accessory that adds ten points to all attributes and synthesizes multiple divine costumes!

Seeing that Glitter had dropped this thing, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but was surprised again. Eyes closed again. Regardless of whether he is a sheep knife or heritage equipment, he needs the ultimate orb to synthesize. Unfortunately, Zhao Dingguo knows it. The good things that dozens of Illuminati masters played together are impossible for him to enjoy alone. So he just looked at it with envy. Then look forward to the subsequent drop items.

After putting away the extreme serve, Man Lou successively took out other things.

I have to say that it is really easy to drop props in the wasteland. In addition to the ultimate orb, Glitter also dropped two magic staffs, a void gem, a large number of special materials, and a hidden task trigger prop.

After the display of the props, the members of the Illuminati who had satisfied their curiosity dispersed. If there is something on the main plane, you can get out of the mystery first, and if you want to continue to explore other places of the mage fortress, you will start a team and continue your adventure. Zhao Dingguo originally wanted to follow a team to continue exploring, but was stopped by Manlou.

"Gleet was killed just now. Your scroll has done a great job."

Man Lou smiled. [WWw.YZUUdianm] Obviously, he is quite satisfied with Zhao Dingguo's unrelenting props and his performance in the killing process.

Zhao Dingguo shrugged indifferently, saying indifferently: "Now that you have enjoyed all the benefits in the meeting, you naturally have to assume the corresponding obligations and responsibilities."

It is an extreme selfishness to just want to reap the benefits and not to pay. For SuperGod users themselves, it may be a way to grow rapidly. but. This path will only become narrower and darker. because. No super-god organization would accept such members. Moreover, the current supernatural power circle is not the first few years. Having a strong organization as the backing is the best growth path recognized by SuperGod users!

For Zhao Dingguo's attitude, Man Lou naturally agreed and satisfied. If there are no core members in an organization with such a view, then the super-god organization will be extremely loose and without half cohesion.

However, after all, as a veteran super-god organization, how could the Illuminati make its members suffer?

Man Lou didn't make mysteries, and promised Zhao Dingguo directly: "The magic of the mystery will make Gleit reborn once a week. Of course, Gleit's strength will be reduced by one level after rebirth. Although it is much easier to kill, but The items that can be dropped will be reduced accordingly. However, as the first elite monster in the mystery, he still has a chance to drop the ultimate orb. I give you a promise, as long as you have the next killing process Participate, and Glitter drops the ultimate orb, then it's yours! "


Zhao Dingguo did not expect President Manlou to be so generous, and immediately overjoyed.

Extreme serve, worth 2100 gold coins in TA. Because it is a top-level God equipment accessory, its value can no longer be measured with ordinary victory points. If you want to say it, it may be worth 6,000 win points, but it ’s not uncommon for super-users to wield so many win points and never buy them. If you want to do related tasks by yourself, it is extremely difficult and time consuming. Zhao Dingguo had been thinking about how to get the ultimate orb, but he never expected that the president would give him a generous promise and gave him a chance directly!

Although he knows that Glitter, whose strength has fallen by one level, may not drop the ultimate orb ten times, but after mastering the key, the Master Fortress is equal to the back garden of the Illuminati. He comes once a week and spends a few hours to get a chance, which is safer than any other method and saves energy and money.

What's more, things like probability can never be explained solely by numbers.

If you're lucky, maybe you only need to play three or five times to get the ultimate ball from Glitter, and that's probably not the case!

Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt that he was a step closer to the artifacts such as sheep knives and heritage equipment.

However, things often don't go as smoothly as expected. When Zhao Dingguo returned to the real world with a good mood, he found that the atmosphere of the Illuminati was a little dignified. The headquarters has also begun to dispatch troops, and it seems that a war is coming. After inquiring about it, Zhao Dingguo learned that the Bright would occupy a secret place alone, and the matter of land reclamation had spread.

It is self-evident who leaked the news!

Knowing Master Currywood's fortress, in addition to the Sanhua, there are only high-level Illuminati members. As vested interests, the members of the Illuminati are certainly not stupid. They wished that the more this event was concealed, the more they couldn't show off. In this way, it is self-evident who leaked the secret.

Sanhua, who was unable to keep the secret place from the Illuminati, immediately announced the matter with great fanfare after returning to the real world.

In just a few hours, the entire super-god circle in China knew about it.

It is not a trivial matter to discover a completely new mystery, not to mention that Master Currywood Fortress is also relatively famous in the history of the main plane. The Sanhua people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they advocate the monsters and production in the Master's Fortress. In their mouth, Master Currywood Fortress suddenly became a paradise on the theme plane. The monster inside can drop the robe of the mage casually. It is an elite monster that can drop artifact accessories. Extreme serve? That's just ordinary stuff! The real first elite Glitter, that is the golden master who can drop the mysterious staff!

With Sanhua doing so, the situation of the Illuminati suddenly became passive.

The benefits brought by a complete mystery are beyond doubt, not to mention the fact that Master Currywood Fortress has been cleared by the Illuminati. This is tantamount to a ready-made gold mine, which everyone wants to go in and take. Not to mention organizations that have a bad relationship with the Illuminati, even hard soul allies, the soulstones of the six dynasties that have been in the honeymoon period, have sent tentative telegrams.

Of course, as allies, the words of the Soul Soul and the Six Dynasties are very gentle. In addition to not being able to say how many sincere congratulations ~ ~, they also intentionally or unintentionally added a sum at the end to ask if there is any intention to cooperate in the development of the mystery.

As for those organizations that are generally even hostile, the argument is even tougher and leaves no room for it.

With this, the Illuminati seems to be the center of a whirlpool of the storm. A bad one may trigger pressure from hostile organizations, or even the centrifugation of allies. Although the Soul of the Soul is not what they really are because of the refusal of the Illuminati, there will definitely be dissatisfaction in their hearts that the Illuminati will eat alone. This kind of dissatisfaction, after a long period of fermentation, at a certain time, or by being tricked by others, may quickly sprout, grow into a towering tree, and create a deep crack between the relationship between the two organizations!

Former ally Tianshui left for similar reasons.

The senior members of the Illuminati expected the measures adopted by the Sanhua Association, and they also thought about how the Illuminati should respond once they announced the matter of the Master Fortress. However, their estimates of Sanhua's methods and the eventual impact of this event are somewhat insufficient. In the face of such a passive situation, the senior members of the Illuminati, while making strong qualifications for other organizations, insisting on controlling the Master's Stronghold, quickly communicated with the two major ally organizations and secretly exchanged their views. (To be continued) RQ

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