DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 450: Anomaly of Mage Fortress

Almost overnight, the name of the mage's secret world spread all over the world. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

In the domestic super **** circle, as long as it is not a lone traveler and has a certain channel of information, you will almost always know this famous place in the history of the theme. They were curiously searching for news about this mystery, while watching the first master of the mystery, which was the action of the Illuminati.

Everyone knows that the situation of the Illuminati is not so good.

After the news was smashed out, in just half a day, there were nearly a hundred super-gods, large and small, sending intents to cooperate with the Illuminati, and even a few foreign organizations. Although these requests were unexpectedly rejected by the Illuminati, each rejection of an organization meant that the Illuminati was under more pressure. Although many small organizations can be ignored, there are always some forces that the Illuminati cannot ignore.

They certainly knew that the Illuminati could not easily give away the benefits of the mystery. However, at the moment, the Illuminati has just opened up its secret land, and the control and development of the secret land is far from enough. It is the easiest time for the Illuminati to make concessions. If we wait for the light to complete the integration completely, then we may put forward some excessive demands, which may not be at all.

For this reason, some organizations did not hesitate to fan the flames behind their backs, or to instigate their subordinates to make tough demands on the Illuminati.

Once the Light can't bear the pressure and make even a small concession, they will flock up and take a cup from the fat mass of the Master's Mystery.

However, the rapid response of the Illuminati disappointed them.

As early as the afternoon of the day the news spread. The senior officials of the Illuminati had already held talks with the Soulstone and the Six Dynasties. After half a day of urgent consultation, the three major organizations reached a preliminary intention for cooperation and development. Since the Illuminati seized the mysterious land from Sanhua alone and completed the reclamation, the Illuminati has the full power to dispose of the mage fortress. As for the Soul of the Soul and the Six Dynasties, with only the full power of dividends and a limited number of visits per month to enter the mystery, there will be no requirements for the Illuminati to control the mystery. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

As the owner of the mystery, the Illuminati family monopolized 70% of the benefits. The other two split the remaining 30% equally.

Of course, in exchange for benefits, the Soul Stone and the Six Dynasties will be tied to the chariot of the Illuminati. If there is any other idea for the Master Fortress. It is not just the Illuminati, but the community of interests of the three first-class super-gods.

From this perspective, the Illuminati's move is undoubtedly wise.

Control of the mystery is in your hands. Just giving up some of the benefits will get the firm support of the two allies. The crisis caused by the deliberate disclosure of the Sanhua organization was resolved by the three organizations' joint statements. If it's just the Illuminati family, people with interest may still be able to mobilize many organizations for their own purposes through incitement, incentives and other means. But the three organizations' advancement and retreat together with their allies and vassals have been enough to dispel the illusions of most people.

In this case, the turmoil caused by the Master's Mystery quickly subsided.

Sanhua's senior management did not achieve the desired purpose, and could not help but be disappointed. Their only gain was to make the Illuminati hate them even more. If there were no three major organizations pressing on it, the Illuminati would surely be the first to wipe out all of them!

But anyway. With the deliberate concealment of the three organizations, the matter of the Master Fortress passed. Many Super God users paid attention for two or three days, and soon turned their attention away from the already quiet secret place, and returned to the Legion War.

After the Illuminati ventured into Voodoo City, a teleportation blocking magic circle was set up. The Guards took the opportunity to launch a siege. Although Zhao Dingguo did not see the final fierce battle, in the last ten minutes, the Guards Corps at all costs was to let the Aboriginal soldiers and heroes defeat the voodoo defenders. Several other super-god organizations received the task and successfully slipped into the teleportation array of Voodoo City, destroying the teleportation array in one fell swoop!

Although the five-hour time limit has passed. [] The resistance from Voodoo City continues, but the destruction of the teleportation array made the battle on the Western Front of the Scourge Legion lose its final suspense. Even if the Aboriginal Mage of the Scourge finally cracked the teleportation blocking magic array, but without the response here, relying only on one-way teleportation, it would not be possible to complete a large-scale reinforcement at all.

The Guards Corps finally ended the battle two hours later, completely occupying Voodoo City.

Thirty to forty thousand troops and a large number of users of the Scourge supernatural god, rushed out from the back of Voodoo City, and retreated to the city behind the battlefield of the Scourge West while taking advantage of the weakness of the Guards.

The war on the western front has thus come to an end.

The Scourge needs to regroup and gather forces to take back Voodoo City. The Guards Corps has already achieved the mission objectives of the first phase and is also satisfied. Next, they need to change their strategic posture from the original offense to defense. As long as the Scourge's counterattack is defended, their western front is completely won!

However, compared with the outstanding soldiers on the western front, the defensive battles on the eastern front are a little bit unpredictable.

Responsible for the defense of the eastern front is the old supernatural organization TK and the American Golden Gate. In addition, some experts in the ice eye organization also participated in the defense. Among them, there are even twilight masters such as K God, a **** costume such as a butterfly and a Blizzard crossbow can be enough to scare any hostile super **** users. Under their strict defense, the ruins of the Studio City are as stable as Mount Tai. Although the Scourge Army also used various methods, it was unfortunately unsuccessful in the end.

In this way, the Eastern Front has become a long war of attrition.

Although before that, the battle on the Eastern Front had been going on for almost half a month. But at this pace, it's not impossible to come for another half a month. However, with the temporary ending of the Western Front, a large number of Super God users of the Guards Corps flocked to the Eastern Front, so that the forces on the Eastern Front of the Guard Corps gradually overwhelmed the natural disaster.

Although the super-god users in the Western and Russian sphere of influence tried their best, in the face of the obvious gap in strength, they could not accept the facts and touched their noses.

This time the Legion War, the Guards Corps seems to have a great victory.

Of course, such a war may appear to be large-scale, but the battle between the two cities is nothing but drizzle for the two camps. It doesn't matter if you lose it. What really drives the war is not how important the strategic positions of the two cities are, but because of factors other than military.

The top men of the two legions needed war, so the war came.

Although there is enough shady and truth behind it, it has nothing to do with many Super God users. After confirming the victory of the Western Front and the Illuminati gained tangible benefits, Zhao Dingguo also turned his attention back to the regular season in July and the secret area of ​​the Master Fortress.

He set himself a goal to reach dusk before the end of December.

This task is very difficult and the deadline is very tight. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo must play every regular season from now on, and do everything possible to win, so that he can gradually reach the two thousand points. As for the secret realm of the Master Fortress, it is easier to understand. Once once a week to overthrow Gelat, Zhao Dingguo must participate in person, so that he may drop the ultimate orb.

Time soon entered August.

After the Illuminati took a series of actions, the losses were also considerable. Therefore, after obtaining the Master Fortress, he began a short recuperation and took the opportunity to recruit several new dusk masters. Zhao Dingguo also used this time to work hard to improve himself, and when he was free, he helped Lao Li and Yan Yuelan to do the bloodline tasks. Now, the progress of the bloodline missions of both of them is over half, and Yan Yuelan is progressing rapidly. It is estimated that it will take a few weeks to reach the final step, and begin to collect materials for the production of the reel.

It should be said that everything is beautiful, the only thing that is not satisfactory is the drop of Glitter.

As a normal secret SS, Glitter's strength is much weaker. Compared to the metamorphosis in the wasteland, the daily Grit can only summon a armored knight to help, and the abnormal state resistance is much lower. Although there is still a high probability that the control skills will be dropped, they will not be immune, but they will not be immune seven or eight times. In addition, his final roll frequency and fire damage have been reduced a lot, so as long as there is patience, even a team of four or five full five can successfully kill him.

For the Masters of the Illuminati, this is certainly a good thing. The greatest negative effect of the reduction of Keglitte's strength is that his drop has also been reduced by a grade.

As of the second week of August, Zhao Dingguo had participated in five kills before and after. A large amount of various materials such as Gleit were dropped, and a lot of equipment such as mage robes and magic staffs were produced, but the magical accessories such as the ultimate orb never appeared. Zhao Dingguo came with hope every time, and ended up disappointed.

After five disappointments ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo waited for the opportunity to enter the main stage in the third week of August.

This time, he also prayed a lot, and then entered Master Currywood Fortress. After the members who came to knock down Glitter arrived, several team members walked towards the central mage tower where Glitter was located. But who knows, on both sides of the road that has been walked many times, in a mage tower that has collapsed into ruins, there are some strange monsters that they have never seen before.

Honestly, these monsters can't be said to have never been seen before. From the appearance, it can be vaguely seen that it is a common creature called flame flame in the mage fortress. However, they are different from the normal flame flames. There was chaos and chaos around the body, and the flames on the body were not red, but faintly black.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Some members who have been to Mystery many times have discussed and apparently found something wrong.

Zhao Dingguo determined that he had never seen them in the Master ’s Secret, but somehow he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity that seemed to be familiar! (To be continued) RQ

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