DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 489: Take the initiative

Because of the death of his teammates, the three Scourge Masters are very angry at this moment. []

However, because of anger and violent runaway, that is a patent only for the protagonist of anime. It was not easy to kill Zhao Dingguo. In particular, Zhao Dingguo had a clear understanding of the current situation. After killing the shadow shaman, he did not hesitate to make a temporary retreat gesture to two temporary teammates.

Even if the enemy ’s shocking ox had less blood, the three did not stop trying to kill him.

The reason is very simple. Although the state of Shocking Bull is extremely poor, the state of the three of them is not good. If there is any killer in the opponent's critical moment, the three may be broken. Therefore, the best way is to withdraw first, wait for the state to fill up, and then wait for the opportunity to return.

Anyway, the other party is missing one person. In the case of three to three, both Zhao Meng and Zhang Jun have confidence in their own party!

Although it is only a temporary team, their execution is still very strong. Zhao Meng was no exception. After reaching out and grabbing the real name key dropped by Shadow Shaman, he immediately followed Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun to evacuate. Seeing the intention of the **** warrior to catch up, he released the sprouting skills that had been useless before, blocking the enemy a little.

"Don't let them go."

The **** warrior and wandering swordsman wanted to follow, immediately.

Considering that Zhao Meng and Zhang Jun's states are dangerous, and their movement speed is not fast enough, Zhao Dingguo took the initiative to take responsibility. While cutting all the elemental **** into thunder balls, he adjusted his speed to the maximum, while turning back from time to time, he released elemental missiles to the fastest people.

You know, under the strong ball effect of paralysis bite, every hit will slow down by 5%!

Although this number may seem small, it is already equivalent to the passive aura of war drums and cannot be ignored. And by Zhao Dingguo, the natural disaster team that pursued naturally focused on Zhao Dingguo, and then ignored Zhao Meng and Zhang Jun.

The two took the opportunity to start the distance. [] And use healing ointment to recover, and always be ready to fight again.

From a team perspective, Zhao Dingguo, who has the most blood and has a life-saving means, is undoubtedly the most correct. From another perspective, after breaking, it means beating ...

Probably it was Zhao Dingguo's intention to kill. The **** warrior directly took out a single deceleration scroll and smashed out at Zhao Dingguo. Moreover, Wandering Swordsman's second Stormhammer is also okay, and a hammer is thrown over. If yes. The two will definitely catch up and catch a round!

The effect of the wandering swordsman's big move is still, and he seems to bring his own speed-up skills, and the output is extraordinary.

Zhao Dingguo didn't want to be spiked, and naturally he wouldn't let this happen. When he saw the hammer coming, he said nothing, and immediately released himself into a star restraint. The moment the dark green beam of light appeared, it was when the hammer of the storm flew over his head. Unfortunately, the hammer lost its goal. Directly missed.

After the skills disappeared, Zhao Dingguo immediately lifted the astral imprisonment and began to run forward.

just. The stun ability can hide, but the previous slowdown effect is still there. Taking this opportunity, the **** warrior raised his hand and returned a **** spear to Zhao Dingguo. Unfortunately, the paralytic bite effect on Zhao Dingguo's celestial body before his imprisonment was still there. This attack happened to trigger a 10% probability of the attack failing. Although it does not affect the entire battle situation, the unexpected attack failed to make the gods more depressed by three points.

Moreover, at this time, Zhao Dingguo's personal ice shard closed the road successfully, once again blocking the pursuit of the two.

The output opportunities created by natural disasters are thus wasted a little.

but. Just as the slowing prop effect of the deity samurai is about to disappear, the gully of the shivering **** cow cools again. Although he had the slowest moving speed and was left behind, with the help of a jumping knife, Shenniu flickered to catch up. A gully kept Zhao Dingguo!

What's more terrible is that the second big move of the **** warrior is about to cool down. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

If this big move is adopted, Zhao Dingguo is a bit dangerous. Although he confessed that he had a hole card and would not be killed, at least he would waste an instant recovery potion. Unfortunately. The ditch of Shenniu is really timely. If the stun can end 0.5 seconds ahead of time, Zhao Dingguo can cut out the ghost walking stealth, or use the rapid cooling to interrupt the sprint of the spirit demon. But, there are not so many in this world if ...

After being enthralled by the gods, Zhao Dingguo's already less than half of his blood volume once again sharply decreased by 50%, and dropped to a dangerous value.

More importantly, there is a five-second slowdown that comes with it!

Seeing the danger of his teammates, Zhao Meng and Zhang Jun, who had gradually pulled back, immediately turned around and planned to rescue them.

Although everyone meets with each other, the previous cooperation was quite pleasant, and they also recognized each other's strength. So, if possible, the two still want to save as much as possible. There are many friends and multiple paths, not to mention that there is an organization like the Illuminati behind Zhao Dingguo. If you have a life-saving grace, you can move around more in the future to build a wider network.

However, since Zhao Dingguo dared to stay, naturally he has a little bit of confidence.

He did not use the instant recovery potion immediately, but directly cut out the supersonic sonic skills. While the spirit warrior and homeless swordsman stormed, they were pushed back in one fell swoop. Not only did they get out of control for a short time, but they also added an additional offensive effect. For two pure melee super **** users, the forbidden attack at a critical moment is undoubtedly fatal!

Taking advantage of this short period of time, Zhao Dingguo immediately used the 15 magic wand recharge points accumulated since the start of the war, and used the recovery effect of the magic bottle.

In previous battles, the three bottles have been used twice. However, the remaining time was just right. If there were more, the enemy would not give him this opportunity. With a magic bottle recovery and a 15-magic wand, Zhao Dingguo immediately increased his health by more than 300 points!

This number is not much, but the effect it can play cannot be ignored.

Prior to this, due to the killing of the Shadow Shaman, Zhao Dingguo had triggered the killing effect of the Silver Badge, and all attributes and attacks were improved. Coupled with his own equipment and skills, and the interruption of their attack rhythm by supersonic waves, Zhao Dingguo can definitely survive these five seconds. Next, as long as Zhao Dingguo escaped with all his strength, the Scourge team could never catch up.

However, the two guys behind seemed to be heartfelt.

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo's blood recovered instantly, the homeless swordsman also gritted his teeth, and once again came up with a prop that was not willing to use before.

This is a summoning scroll of consumption. After use, the magic circle instantly recruits a thunder eagle of a small size. Just don't look at this guy's appearance is not cruel, but the flight speed is not slow, even faster than Zhao Dingguo who opened the phase shift. In addition, it has a far-reaching ability-ultra high voltage arc.

The damage of this skill is normal, which is more than a hundred points, but when it is released, it can be accompanied by a special effect, which is a short-term paralysis effect. Although the time is not long, but the victory lies in the short cooling time. The person being targeted often only took a dozen steps, just raised the speed, and then was interrupted again.

Its appearance forced Zhao Dingguo to make a decision and used the last bottle of instant recovery potion on his body.

Whether it was the fragrance of the storm spirits previously obtained from the chairman, or later obtained through exchange of military exploits or other means, Zhao Dingguo has consumed all. In other words, this item is already the last one on him. If he encounters danger again in the future, Zhao Dingguo said that he must use the fruit of the Golden World Tree, the life-saving prop obtained during the legion war.

Fortunately, two temporary teammates did not let him down.

After the deceleration effect of the god's big move also disappeared, the natural disaster has temporarily lost the means of restriction. Although the Wandering Swordsman has a roar speeding up, Zhao Dingguo's transfer speed is not slow, and Zhao Meng also turned back to using budding skills and once again trapped one of them. In addition, another prop in his nameplate space worked in one fell swoop.

The name of this prop is called the hand of Midas, and it is also called the golden hand!

Its attributes, in addition to increasing a certain attack speed, have only a few gold skills, which can instantly kill an ordinary monster. This ability does not work for Elite Monsters, Weird Monsters, and some monsters with special abilities. And ordinary monsters with high ranks often cannot be transformed. For example, monsters in the Outland, after entering the Outland, Zhao Meng tried for a long time, but did not find any monster that could be transformed by him.

Therefore, the gold hand is not very useful in the theme and the real world, and it is often useful in the death team fight.

However, at this moment, in the face of the thunder eagle recruited by the homeless swordsman, no doubt the golden hand made a great contribution!

A monster like Thunder Eagle is not very strong, and has no ability to resist skin and the like, let alone an elite monster. In the face of the transformation of the golden hand, it was spiked directly. Without the interference of Lei Ying, Zhao Dingguo was able to evacuate smoothly after Zhang Jun and Zhao Meng turned around.

Faced with two people who have recovered a lot ~ ~ Wandering swordsman and **** warrior are a little bit counseled.

Because the god's great move is to kill the enemy one thousand and damage eight hundred, so his condition is not very good at this moment. They hesitated and decided to stop chasing. However, the temporary selection of the natural disaster team did not mean that Zhao Dingguo intended to let them go. After hanging the ball of the ice element, Zhao Dingguo replaced the soul ring, used the healing ointment, and then began to be far behind behind the natural disaster team.

The recovery speed of Binglei Flow Invoker is amazing, not to mention the healing ointment. Just half a minute later, Zhao Dingguo's blood was drawn back to more than half.

At this time, the states of Zhang Jun and Zhao Meng also recovered, and the big move was also cooled down.

Similarly, the three-man squad of natural disasters has recovered. However, the four of them had not been able to kill their opponents in a previous raid. Now that the other party is ready, they are not dominant!

Unfortunately, at this time, the right to fight is no longer on them, but in the hands of Zhao Dingguo! RQ

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