DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 490: Kill and harvest

> Following Zhao Dingguo's pursuit, this three-on-three battle continued.

Originally, for the purpose of flying mounts and combat achievements, the three of Zhao Dingguo also took the initiative to find people in hostile camps. What's more, the two sides have already played a match. With their own advantage, Zhao Dingguo will naturally not let the enemy go, but intends to destroy them in one fell swoop!

Zhao Meng and Zhang Jun also refused to let go of their enemies, so they pursued them one by one.

With phase shift turned on, Zhao Dingguo's moving speed is undoubtedly the fastest. After gradually catching up with these three enemies, Zhao Dingguo once again reduced the enemy's movement speed with the slowing effect of the paralyzed bite. Moreover, he does not need to stay all, but only needs to ensure that one is behind in speed.

In this case, as long as the other two do not want to give up the teammate, they can only stop along.

After a face-to-face fight, the three Scourge members knew that Zhao Dingguo was a hard bone, so they didn't want to fight again and didn't fight back. Shocking the ground, Niu Niu gave a gully first, slightly blocking Zhao Dingguo's pursuit. The Wandering Swordsman also started the battle roar, providing his teammates with a group accelerated BUFF.

As a result of this exchange, the speed that the two sides have been very close to has opened up again.

Seeing this, Zhao Meng frowned, and then decided to start teleporting. His landing point is not far from their homeless swordsmen.

If the three continue to escape, they will be stopped on his head and **** with budding skills. By that time, Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun who followed would be able to catch up with the three.

This action did not hide the Scourge team.

Notice the magic mark on the ground. The three hesitated for a moment, or they invariably chose to continue straight. If the prophet dares to come, they intend to force Zhao Meng to take advantage of the gap that Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun did not keep up. Without a strong output, they can beat back freely.

However, they underestimated the speed of Zhao Meng's reaction!

Immediately after the teleportation was completed, the prophet immediately turned on the rage ability. Enter the magic immunity for three seconds. If the shadow shaman is still there, with instant hex, maybe he can grab the prophet before he can control it. but. The shadow shaman has already hung up. If you rely on the Stormhammer of the Wandering Swordsman, you will undoubtedly be slow.

Even though Zhao Meng's spell reversal ability has not cooled. Zhao Meng still abolished the wandering swordsman's hammer with his quick response!

Faced with a free opponent, the members of the Scourge team were forced to deal with ordinary attacks only.

In the regular season, give the Wandering and the gods three seconds, and it may be possible to kill the magical prophet. But now ... Zhao Meng will not stop at their place and let them output, but mainly delay, the opponent's leisure will attack occasionally. Later, just before the magic disappeared, he used the budding skills to bind the wandering swordsman.

The Samurai is a long-range attack. There was another big sprint, germination had no effect on him.

This decision was undoubtedly correct, bound by the prophet's sprouting for more than three seconds, the wandering swordsman could not help but be dumbfounded. Although there is something like eating a tree on my body, it has not been used much before. At the moment, I hurriedly thought that I couldn't help but be in a hurry. After he opened a gap with eating trees, Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun had caught up.

At the same time, the spirit launched a great sacrifice to Zhao Meng, whose magic effect was over!

If faced alone, Zhao Meng may be a little panicked. However, he noticed that Zhao Dingguo had joined the battlefield, and he was not worried at all. Sweeping God Bull with Yu Guang was about to move. Zhao Meng even ignored the samurai warrior and launched a big move against nature.

With no other enemies nearby to increase damage, Nature's Wrath's strike is limited. But at this moment, the damage of this skill is not important. The key is to be able to interrupt the dagger of Shen Niu and make him unable to start!

As for Zhao Meng himself, the moment the **** warrior sprinted in front of him, Zhao Dingguo used the stars to imprison him to protect him in time.

The dark green beam of light immediately blocked the damage of the sacrifice, and abolished his second move!

This combination of offensive and defensive skills has broken the **** warrior, but he is helpless.

After helping Zhao Meng to block the damage, it was time for Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun's routine is the same, put down the Ghost Guard to suppress the enemy, then open a big move to recruit copies, and finally two Necronomicon books opened together, recruiting four Necronomicon book fighters again!

After killing the Shadow Shaman, the goal this time is naturally to shake the ox.

Because the gully is still cooling, and the knife jump is interrupted, Shenniu can not do much now. Although experience and intuition told him that he was likely to be the next target to be set on fire, when he wanted to avoid it, Zhao Dingguo had already rushed to the second company with the magnetic storm and left him in place.

The Burner of the Invoker, combined with the Burning Blue of the two third-level Necromancers, is invincible in the face of a power hero with many skills and relatively lack of magic.

Zhao Dingguo's three-level thunder element can burn the enemy's 200 mana. The mana of the two Necronomicon book shooters burned, which consumed 600 points of God Bull. While causing considerable damage, two Necronomicon book fighters also stepped forward, relying on the mana damage attack special effects to continue to burn the magic value of the God Bull. This awkward situation made Shenniu almost speechless.

Not to mention him, the 800-point blue evaporates in an instant, so that the horrible blow can't even carry some badly equipped mages!

"What should I do?"

At this moment, the **** cow was at a loss.

If you put your skills, there is no blue and not to mention, the magic flash of the Nether Guard is not vegetarian. In the event of accidentally killing a Necromancer, the last words can even directly kill him. If you don't let yourself go, the other party will constantly attack yourself and can't bear it. The dilemma!

I have to say that such a set of suppression effects is really disgusting.

When the divine cow is in a tangled state, Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun will not miss this opportunity-as long as the big control of the terrifying divine cow is killed, then the three of them will be able to knead freely in the face of homeless swordsmen and **** warriors. Relying only on a big deceleration of the gods and the storm hammer of the Wandering Swordsman with a cooling time of 15 seconds, which is longer than the imprisonment of Zhao Dingguo, can't hold people at all. At that time, the initiative will be completely in the hands of Zhao Dingguo!

The war situation is steadily developing in the direction that Zhao Dingguo expected.

In order to save people, the **** warrior had to give blood to the **** cow again. This skill was originally to cooperate with the gods' big moves and passive to achieve the maximum effect. Unfortunately, neither Zhao Dingguo nor Zhang Jun ignored the gods and turned to attack his teammates with all their strength. Moreover, in the face of the physical attack immunity of the magnetic field, the gods and wandering swordsmen could not even output.

This helplessness makes the gods crazy.

However, the effectiveness of blood circulation is ultimately limited. The output of Zhao Dingguo and Zhang Jun is fierce, much stronger than the effect of blood circulation recovery. And Zhang Jun's skill current can also cause a good slowdown effect when there are no friendly forces around the God Bull, making him difficult to move.

Under the entanglement, the **** warrior can only come up close to the **** ox, which will avoid the current deceleration effect.

Seeing that his blood was low, Shenniu finally waited for his second gully. However, the problem before him is that there is no Lanfang skill. If you want to use Soul Ring, your health must drop by 150 points.

After a moment of hesitation, Shenniu finally clenched his teeth and used the soul ring.

With a yellow light, his life halo fell directly into the dying black. But with the extra magic that moment, he still managed to break the gully. It is also because the warrior of the gods had already defeated the Nether Guard once again, otherwise the magical flashback would be enough to kill him.

The damage of this skill is not enough to kill the magical Necronomicon book warriors, but some happened to stun Zhao Dingguo.

Seeing hope of escape, Shenniu quickly turned around and ran away, and at the same time he applied himself a healing ointment-just like Zhao Dingguo, his instant recovery potion was already empty. However, depending on the current situation, with the help of his teammates, he should be able to escape?

However, a chain of lightning bounced from his teammates and just killed him!

This was a blow from Zhao Meng's prophets. The target was not a **** ox who had already ran out of the attack range, but a wandering swordsman not far away. However, this strike just triggered the chain lightning, and the lightning bounced from the wandering swordsman to the **** warrior, and finally happened to reach the **** ox at the extreme distance!

Under the restraint of lineups and equipment, Zhao Dingguo attacked them unreasonably, so they killed the bull in front of the gods and wandering faces.

This fierce and targeted output made the two lose their temper!

In the final analysis, the effect of two third-level Necronomicon books is too strong. Although Zhang Jun had almost no other equipment besides this Necronomicon book, after he opened it and opened two Necronomicon books at the same time ~ ~ even his outbreak had to be temporarily surrendered. Unless there is a stronger explosive hero such as phantom and void, he can kill him with only a few seconds of black and yellow or a big move, otherwise there is no other way!

This also made Zhao Dingguo firm the idea of ​​getting a Necronomicon book in the future.

With orb equipment such as paralysis bite and lava elves skills, he is no worse than Zhang Jun when walking up the calling line, and the anti-hiding effect is also lacking in Zhao Dingguo, who has no real gem!

Putting aside this idea, after successively killing the shocking God Bull and Shadow Shaman of the other camp, Zhao Dingguo has completely occupied the initiative on the field. Under their chase, the **** warrior who felt unable to escape took the initiative to stay, and had to fight against Zhao Dingguo. The Wandering Swordsman started the battle roar, relying on a short acceleration effect, leaving his teammates alone to escape.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo needs to do a multiple choice question that is not difficult.

Either split up and chase and try to keep both of them; or the three will keep the rhythm of the group and kill one of them.

pick one of two! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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