DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 504: The Illuminati

With the combined strength of the four, the Illuminati could definitely have been defeated. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

However, after Yao Yao's statement, Bingyan Organization did not dare to take the risk of stabbing Yao Yao. Without such a behemoth, relying on the virtual spirit and the other two to help with little help, it is impossible to cause a fatal threat to the Illuminati, the Six Dynasties and the Soul Soul. The Illuminati successfully took advantage of the glorious power to successfully complete the differentiation of the enemy.

Although it was very dissatisfied that Huiyao jumped out at this time, and even more disdain for Bingyan who flinched because of a sentence of 820, but the three organizations of Xu Ling did not dare to express any dissatisfaction. Sanhua is not bad, they are not deeply involved in this matter. Ethereal and Tianshui are in a difficult position. Without Bingyan intervention, they can't play hard, and if they are soft, they will have the only witness in their hands. In this case, it must be said that you can only serve temporarily!

However, the eldest husband can stretch and succumb, and forgiving for a moment is nothing.

After the benefits have been passed and Zheng Fan is killed in the homeopathic situation, the four organizations can join forces again, and find another way to continue the Illuminati. Right now, let the Illuminati be proud for a while.

After making this decision, the virtual spirit was really subdued.

On the night when Bingyan organized an agreement with the Illuminati, before the two sides had time to act, the virtual spirits came to the door. Although Tianshui was embarrassing, he also sent someone to come along. Only Sanhua, who also participated in the planning, did not move. They felt that they were not deeply involved, and even Zheng Fan could not say anything useful.

Ethereal's arrival at the door did not exceed the expectations of the Illuminati.

Since the other party wanted to talk, the Illuminati didn't mind listening to the two conditions. Then, with the welcome of Director Ouyang, the three organizations began to contact again. However, this time the spirit of the Ethereum has come a lot softer. I hope the Illuminati will look at everyone who is also a large organization in the domestic super circle and expose this matter. The Ethereum is willing to pay for this. Yunyun.

What should be done? In fact, the chairman and chairman have already made a decision. [] However, he still nodded and smiled, listening to the conditions of the virtual spirit.

The Ethereal Organization is very clear. Without Bingyan's Austrian aid, the opponent has a decisive trump card. As long as he bows his head, he must pay a high price. Therefore, they gave conditions for the Illuminati list to include equipment, winning points, and the interests of the main plane, in exchange for the Illuminati's high hands.

Although the conditions in Tianshui are worse, they are quite sincere by comparison.

Honestly, if it wasn't for a decision early, and seeing the benefits promised by the other party, it would seem okay to agree to it. However, after submitting the list with confidence, the virtual spirit organization issued a condition that the Illuminati could not accept, which was to kill Zheng Fan regardless of the means and borrowing. !!

This non-staff member originally belonged to Ethereal, is familiar with all the plans of Ethereal Organization and Tianshui, Bingyan. One more day he lived, the Ethereal and a few allies could not rest at ease, that was one of their handles. Unless the Ethereal Organization breaks through, it can cruelly put aside its honor and reputation that it has always been operating.

Because I know too much, I must die ...

"Sorry, Zheng Fan is now ours. Therefore, we will never agree to this condition!" The chairman rejected the proposal of the virtual spirit very simply, with no hesitation and hesitation.

In this regard, ethereal people are not surprised.

After all, as long as Zheng Fan is still in the hands, the Illuminati is tantamount to permanently seizing a big handle from several organizations. If there was no accident, how could the Illuminati let go? Therefore, the virtual spirits once again ceded a benefit from the theme, and immediately revealed the determination of virtual spirits and Tianshui to fight at the same time. With both hard and soft, will the Illuminati insist on abandoning its interests and choosing war for an outsider?

Ethereal people are confident in their judgment!

However, the decision of the Illuminati disappointed him. (From the novel to Ye Zi · Yu ~ Yu M) Because no matter what, the Illuminati will never agree to their conditions. At first, the ethereal organization felt that the Illuminati was face-saving, but it was **** the lips, so it changed the requirements, suggesting that as long as the Illuminati would relax and protect a little bit, others could let the ethereal come by themselves. However, such conditions, which are considered to be too lenient in the spirit, can still be rejected by the Illuminati.

The arrival of the Ethereal Organization was instantly anxious.

He only thought that the Illuminati was greedy and lacking appetite. However, only the core layer of the Illuminati understands that it is the biggest folly to abandon the Illuminati's consistent persistence and hard-working reputation for immediate benefits.

If the Illuminati relaxed this time, Zheng Fan would be dead. Although the life and death of an outsider is indeed nothing to the Illuminati, it will affect the senses of countless later generations. If you know that you will be betrayed after you trust, and the light will attract others, the difficulty will increase greatly. If it weren't for nothing, those people would never choose to rely on an organization that would easily sell themselves. However, the Illuminati's resolute rejection under such favourable conditions will make the reputation and commitment of the Illuminati appear extremely reliable, and it will set up incredible confidence for outsiders!

"What exactly do you want?"

Seeing that the light would die, he refused to let go. The helpers of the virtual spirit had no choice but to give up the initiative.

For them, no matter how much benefits they pay, the next time they join forces to defeat the Illuminati can be recovered. However, Zheng Fan must die. This is an unshakable floor condition. But the Illuminati persisted, but made their negotiations unsustainable.

At this time, the chairman poured fuel on the fire again: "Everything else can be talked about, but Zheng Fan is our member, and the Illuminati will never give up any member, even if he only trusts temporarily! "

When speaking, the chairman's face was extremely solemn, and every word uttered seemed to have an unquestionable momentum. Although the Masters of the Illuminati who were present knew that he was actually making a show, the real plan had already been decided, but this kind of warm words still moved them. Do something that promises nothing but open your mouth, but look at the supernatural power circle around the world. Which organization's senior management has once said such a serious statement?

"As you say, Zheng Fan must die!"

The people of Ethereal and Tianshui refused to let it go. Obviously, they made up their minds.

The director heard a sneer and said, "Since so, don't blame us."

The negotiations broke up, but when the virtual spirits and Tianshui people were upset and went back to prepare the conditions, the Illuminati had already informed Bingyan what to do next, and immediately started the next morning-since someone hit The idea of ​​the Illuminati, the Illuminati would not mind responding to him with their hegemony and fangs!

——Two energizations in succession once again caused the world of turbulent virtual spirits to shake.

Things are not complicated, just at eight in the morning, the light will be energized again. During the energization, the Illuminati issued a strongly worded declaration and attached a blockbuster to it-notes and testimony from Zheng Fan!

"My name is Zheng Fan!"

"I was an external member of the Ethereal Organization who was not editing. Later, I received an order from the Elder Spirit to let me take two people to kill two people at the designated location. At that time, I didn't think about it, so I followed the instructions given above. Then ... I did n’t expect that the Ethereals would directly deal with me and the two brothers. I was lucky, and fled with a scroll of blood that I accidentally got from the main plane. The two brothers died on the spot, and I hated it. that!"

"After I escaped by chance, I thought about it and realized that I had become a victim of virtual spirits. I was unwilling and wanted revenge, but I was incapable. In front of this behemoth, I was an ant. After thinking about it, eventually They can only come to the Illuminati. Only they who have been framed by the Ethereal can dare to confront the Ethereal. However, the Ethereal Organization is afraid of letting things go, and they dare not let me go. The organization, laying ambush outside the city of Pearl, intends to intercept me. The situation at that time was very critical ... "

"Fortunately, the Illuminati will pass by. When Xu Zhiguo killed me, the man saved me. It was also his lucky passing that I could stand here to give testimony. Otherwise, I would have told another The two brothers were eliminated by Ethereal and Sanhua. The Ethereal organization is not a good thing, and even kills everyone. Tianshui of help is not a good thing. They know the truth, but they help cover it up. Sanhua is even worse. I can't fight the Illuminati by myself, so I'm soliciting help from others, I am! "

"... Please be sure to believe the words of a poor man who was abandoned by an organization that was originally trusted. I dare to swear under the name of the super **** platform. It is the virtual organizations, Sanhua, and Tianshui that frame the Illuminati!

When this testimony came out, the world was uproar.

Bingyan's seemingly impartial initial investigation results just proved that the Illuminati was innocent. Some people wondered whether the virtual spirit organized its own thief to call and catch a thief ~ ~ But at the time, it was just doubt, without evidence, not many people believed. Comparing Zheng Fan's photos with those on the videotape and adding his shocking testimony, public opinion once again favors the Illuminati, and Zheng Fan, who is in a vulnerable position and seems to be the victim!

As soon as this declaration came out, the Illuminati was in fact a torn face from the Ethereal Organization.

They were preparing to continue sending people to negotiate with the Illuminati to resolve the issue of Zheng Fan peacefully, but they did not expect that the Illuminati would be so fierce and decisive that they would no longer give them a chance and would throw out the card of Zheng Fan directly. Furious, on the one hand, the Ethereal began to prepare for war, and on the other, he began to work hard to deal with the trump card of the Illuminati!

"The Illuminati's speech is purely stigmatizing. Our virtual spirit organization is the first-class old super-god organization. How can we do this kind of inferior thing? Those who know our virtual spirit must know that this is absolutely impossible. of."

Ethereal spoke in succession, helping them regain a little influence.

But things are not over yet! (To be continued

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