DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 505: Breaking through Sanhua's headquarters

Following the Illuminati's energization was the final version of the Ice Eye investigation. []

Prior to this, the Illuminati and the Ethereal Organization held opposing utterances. Although each has a group of allies and pumps, more neutral Super God users are confused. Believe this for a while, believe that for a while. However, this final version of the investigation, which appeared under the intention of the Illuminati, gave this matter a thorough characterization!

Undoubtedly, Bingyan, who had been warned by Huiyao, decided to compromise in order to maintain her detached status, and concocted the investigation completely according to the intention of the Illuminati.

In this investigation, Bingyan's group announced that they had joined the Illuminati to investigate Zheng Fan's testimony. After personal contact, they finally determined that Zheng Fan's testimony was valid. In other words, the Illuminati was the complete victim of this incident, and the Ethereal Organization became the culprit of the thief's yelling and catching the thief. Tianshui and Sanhua could not escape their blame!

The prestige of the three super organizations is still very high. This final investigation by Bingyan has implemented the identity of the virtual spirit.

Of course, in the process of hitting a rake, Bingyan also hinted and mentioned the cooperation with the Illuminati many times in the investigation. In this way, even if the Illuminati would rely on Zheng Fan to calculate the old account in the future, it would expose the Illuminati and Bingyan's secret agreement. Unless they really do not hesitate to kill a thousand enemies and damage themselves by 800, Bingyan will be completely taken out of this incident!

Bingyan's move helped them avoid the trouble once. However, the emptiness was pitted.

From the original victim's identity, he has become a big villain, and his life is very difficult. Although they insisted not to acknowledge Zheng Fan's testimony. I'm going to fight against the Illuminati, but it's not my own opinion. Some members of the middle and lower tiers who have a strong sense of justice even left the explanations in the meeting and chose to believe the words of Bingyan, and directly withdrew from the Ethereal Organization. Although the higher-level core members did not move, there were also some people's heart palpitations. At this time, let alone declare war on the Illuminati, it is to stabilize the interior first. It will not be easy!

The Tianshui organization is also the same. The chairman personally came forward and vowed to help members testify. [WWw.YZUUpoint m] The result was joined by Illuminati and Bingyan. One slaps his face, throwing away all his twilight master's face.

As for Sanhua, it goes without saying!

Honestly. This time, it really has nothing to do with Sanhua. The people who are engaged in the matter are virtual spirits from beginning to end. Sanhua is only hesitant and provocative. At most, he intends to attack the Illuminati together with the three organizations. The battle couldn't be fought right now, and Sanhua naturally didn't do much. However, the core decision-making level of the Illuminati naturally has a set of ideas. Under their instructions, both Bingyan and Zheng Fan have slightly twisted the truth of the matter.

With their intentional and unintentional hints and descriptions, the Ethereal is abominable, but repeatedly defeated by the hands of the Illuminati, and actively provoking the Ethereal organization to provoke this event to become even more abhorrent!

In this way, the organization that caused troubles in three days or two days will not be removed, and the domestic circle will never be peaceful.

I wonder who shouted such a slogan first. Suddenly received the support of countless Super God users. Under the concerted efforts of numerous scattered Chinese organizations, relying on their own strength and domineering deeds, it has aroused the anger of all super-god users. In just two days of effort, the Sanhua organization suddenly committed the anger of the domestic super **** circle, as if all the evil signs and incidents had touched them!

In all fairness. Even a strict organization like the Illuminati will inevitably lead to some bullying. For large organizations with hundreds of people, this is inevitable. Just because of strict requirements, such examples are relatively rare. After the San Francisco organization was hit hard by the Illuminati for the first time, it was anxious to restore its strength and relaxed the income requirements to some extent. Naturally, there are some bad guys in the organization.

Their activities have severely discredited Sanhua's reputation.

But Rao is so. Sanhua is still an organization with perfect regulations. Although domineering things have not been done less, but they have not reached the point of the worst. As a matter of fact, it is often small organizations that are not managed by people that do the most deceitful. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] As for the situation where everyone shouts, naturally, someone is deliberately guiding behind.

As for who is doing this, it goes without saying.

Of course, the people in Sanhua also know who is engaged in themselves-a group of forces led by the Illuminati and supplemented by the Soul Soul and the Six Dynasties!

Of course, the Illuminati has made efforts to break up China, of course, for a reason. This time the four organizations joined forces to try to subvert themselves. Although the news has not been rumored, things have come to an end now, and some large and medium-sized super-god organizations must have already known. If the Bright would compromise for the sake of its own benefit and not make some tough enough counterattacks, I am afraid it would give a weak impression. Therefore, the Illuminati intends to use one of them to make a difference.

However, it is a question of who should be moved among the four organizations.

As one of the three super organizations, the Illuminati is definitely immovable, and it cannot move. Ethereal's words are very strong, and a full-fighting battle, even if it wins most of the time, is a terrible victory. Therefore, the best goal is to choose between Ethereal and Tianshui!

Tianshui once betrayed the Illuminati, and at that time, it was limited to such situations. The Illuminati just gave a blockade and did not really do anything. At this moment, they have surgery on them, and they are justified, others can't say anything.

However, with Tianshui, it is far better to defeat Sanhua!

No matter how bad Tianshui is, it was once a **** ally. For one thing, some people still have friendship with the masters of the Illuminati. If you move them, you will pay more, but you may not be able to do your best. The Sanhua that can be hit twice by the Illuminati is different. Although it was the first-class organization in the past, it still barely holds a first-class shelf, but in fact, in addition to the twilight of the president, the strength has slipped to the second-class organization in.

Choosing such a hard-bodied enemy to operate, the Illuminati can not only easily crush, but also permanently clear a hidden danger!

Based on the above considerations, the senior members of the Illuminati began to build momentum to completely resolve the Sanhua organization.

Although Sanhua thought that he would suffer, he always believed that the Illuminati should trouble the virtual culprit. When the Illuminati acted for the first time, they were still optimistic about Yu Youyou, looking forward to the two major organizations to fight. When the intentions of the Illuminati were revealed and Sanhua was fully engaged, Sanhua's senior officials realized that it was not good. But under the overwhelming accusations, their hasty rebuttal appeared to be exceptionally weak and weak!

Under this seemingly intangible but actually heavy pressure, the Sanhua people once again experienced a wave of retreats.

After the chairman of Sanhua took successive measures to temporarily stabilize the mood of the members in the meeting, the remaining formal members were less than 150. Even the Olympic Party and Holy Sword Society that Zhao Dingguo had encountered at the beginning could gather nearly a hundred people, but you can imagine to what extent Sanhua has weakened!

After three days of psychological offensives, the morale of Sanhua has fallen to the bottom.

Seeing that the best offensive time is coming, Bingyan has ruled that Tianshui, Ethereal, and Sanhua assumed responsibility for the incident in the name of the three super organizations. The Illuminati issued a statement along with the situation, demanding that the Ethereal, Sanhua, and Tianshui apologize to the Illuminati, compensate them, and launch a blow to the dispersal of the principal!

The Soul Soul and the Six Dynasties followed closely, sending out electricity to express their full support.

The three organizations joined forces to siege the Sanhua family. Even if Sanhua doubled its strength and doubled, it would definitely be irresistible. And this time, will the Illuminati evacuate after bursting their resurrection springs like the first raid. With the absolute superiority in strength, the acquiescence of the three super organizations, and the righteousness, the Illuminati, which has occupied all the time, geography, and harmony, is about to start the battle of doom!

The Sanhua organization is truly the second soul excess organization.

Seeing this series of actions, it is not clear to other domestic organizations what the Illuminati intends to do. However, the Bingyan organization gave a word of support, and the throne remained strangely silent. The 820 sent by Glory was enough to explain everything. The three major organizations have no objection, and other organizations understand that the collapse of Sanhua is inevitable!

After all, the upheaval of the Ethereal members was killed in the event of such an account.

At this time, Xu Ling and Tianshui actually had another option, that is, to simply force them to the end, and fight with Zhao Dingguo for a loss-of-lose war. However, the presidents of Xuling and Tianshui still did not buck the trend. They were worried that the Sanctuary of the Illuminati would find an excuse to transfer the muzzle directly to them after they cleared Sanhua, so they issued apologies for power-on and put all their responsibilities on Sanhua.

In this way, their responsibilities are much smaller. If the Illuminati would fight against them after the Sanhuan disappeared, not to mention the outcome, it would be morally unjustifiable.

Xu Ling and Tianshui also published the "information" theory of falling down the rocks, and Sanhua is really about to die. Seeing this, Sir Longqi took the lead in powering up and said he could send troops to help. Other organizations seem to be getting acquainted, and they followed the announcement to energize ~ ~ in support of the just act of the Illuminati, and must wipe out the source of all evil in the domestic super **** circle!

Of course, if the light feels that there aren't enough people, just open your mouth and they will be happy to help.

Naturally, President Manlou refused directly to these behaviors that he wanted to share. In the case of the Six Dynasties and Soul Soul shooting with them, Sanhua had no ability to resist at all. At this time, each additional person means that they need to earn a little less. Now that they have full confidence, how can the three companies give up their share?

Thus, in just half a day's work, the three coalition forces of the Illuminati, the Six Dynasties and the Soul Soul were formed.

Among them, the town soul stone dispatched a hundred people, the Illuminati and the Six Dynasties each pulled out 150 masters, forming a coalition with a total number of 400. Even if morale is not a factor, the combat effectiveness of this coalition is at least four or even five times as high as it is!

Such coalition forces are enough to break through Sanhua's headquarters. (To be continued ...)

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