DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 588: Battle in the altar

Such a temporary team would undoubtedly have a very high degree of difficulty in killing the sea giant. M

Zhao Dingguo doesn't think that in the past two weeks, only his own team is the master. Since so many attempts have failed to kill the guardians of the sea giant, it means that this attempt today also has the potential for great failure. However, Zhao Dingguo did not have the ability to bring these temporary masters together, so they could only sigh and work hard to do their own thing.

After introducing the acid rain cloud skills, the experts who had tried to kill the sea giant stopped.

In their view, this is mostly the ultimate means of the sea giant guardian. Although many people suspect that it is likely to have a bottom-box skill, no one present can push the sea giant guardian to that level, so we have no way of knowing whether or not.

In this case, guessing in vain is useless, it is better to start early!

After barely unifying the masters present, one of them recruited a porcupine and sent it forward to approach the sculpture in the middle of the sea magic circle. After the porcupine stepped into the statue three steps away, the magical array on the entire altar was activated. At that moment, countless runes and magic fronts all lit up. Everyone involuntarily appeared an illusion, as if something terrifying had been awakened from their deep sleep.

The next moment, the brightening magic array gathered light toward the center. Under the injection of energy, the petrified sculpture instantly faded the grayish white, and turned into a true guardian of the sea giant!

At a height of about three meters and five, with thick limbs, three sharp spikes on the back, and an inverted triangle head, a water-colored energy aperture floats strangely. The weapon in hand is no longer an anchor like the other sea giants. Instead, it turned into a two-meter-long reef staff. At the same time, its dark green skin has a faint layer of shiny flow, which gives people an extraordinary look!

Some of the masters in the field saw the guardian of the giant sea for the first time, and could not help but be curious. As for those who have already played against it before, the response is obviously a bit dull, and some people are even showing off there: "If nothing can be done. Everyone exits the range of the magic front, the sea giant will stop chasing. However, it He will also be back in the center of the magic circle. Healing speed will increase ten times! "

The news was obviously not a secret, and not many people bothered him.

By this time, the guardians of the sea giant had fully recovered. Perhaps it was because I felt offended. With a wave of his staff, he pointed at the porcupine who kept on attacking. The next moment, a block of ice frozen the porcupine inside. The porcupine's attack came to an abrupt halt, and his health began to drop rapidly. In just two or three seconds, it was sent back home without a word!

This ice-banning skill similar to that of the ice girl gave the present masters a chill.

"It's coming!"

Seeing the guardian of the sea giant stepping over the corpse of the porcupine, walking towards this side, a relatively nervous master immediately called out. In fact, without his reminder, at the moment when the guardians of the sea giants started working on the porcupines, several melee masters who had confidence in their own strength went up.

Rush on the front line. It was the high-ranking alchemist at dusk.

After transforming and launching a big move, his blood volume surpassed 3,500 points with the addition of various equipment and characteristics. If in the future, there will be more than one dragon heart, I am afraid that it can reach a terrifying point. Rao is so. This health value is enough to make him arrogant.

If you count the wandering swordsman warcry, Shen Caiwei's frost armor, the defense bonus of some unknown vampire sacrifice, and the plate armor and challenge turban of the alchemist himself, the first meat shield master on the scene must be !!

The first time he got close to the giant guardian of the sea, this guy's health did not decrease significantly. Finally, two hundred points of blood were killed by an ice thorn in the guardian of the sea giant, and was immediately added back by a shadow wave from Shen Caiwei.

The spirits of the experts present were all excited.

The alchemist is also quite proud of his strength. He roared, begun the attack. The Wandering Swordsman saw that his teammates could withstand the damage, but he also reassured him and opened up the power of the great move. He strode forward and fought with the guardians of the sea giant!

Nearly 20 other masters were also encouraged by this and shot one after another.

Dozens of skill glows in an instant, covering up the shining of the magic array on the ground, also strengthened the momentum of Super God users. However, after this round of skills was played, the super-god users present did not care whether they had dealt with the sea giant before, and their faces were a bit ugly. Because the life of the giant guardian of the sea is halo, there is almost no change.

All the attacks, when they fell on the Guardians of the Sea Giant, were partially cut off by that layer of water curtain luster before they acted on it.

Although this guardian is a mage, it also has a sea monster shell skin of the sea giant family, and its defense is much stronger than ordinary mage elite monsters. Zhao Dingguo's attack was first absorbed by the magic shield of that water system, and fixed by the Siren's shell to reduce damage, then the elite monster's own defense and resistance. After triple weakening, the ultimate fear of injury is that even half of it is gone!

Even the wandering swordsman who started the big move, the red crit damage was less than 300 points.

Seeing this, Zhao Dingguo waved out the lava elves. Under his control, the Lava Elves' armor-breaking skills were turned on, and other masters with armor-reduction skills also used them. After weakening this guy's armor close to thirty points in succession, the output of the masters in the field improved significantly.

However, the damage reduction of the magic shield and the Kraken shell is fixed and is not affected by the armor.

Therefore, even if Shen Caiwei also started a big move, their output never reached the height of imagination.

Despite some dissatisfaction, the fighting must continue.

Probably because of the beginning of the battle, the guardians of the sea giant did not show too much ability when they came up, it was nothing more than a few single spells in the water system, and then hit some ordinary attacks such as water arrows from time to time. After almost ten seconds, the guardian of the sea giant began to move.

With successive reminders from two masters, the guardian of the sea giant waved his hand and opened the magic circle of summoning.

Experts who have long been prepared to interrupt skills begin to try to interrupt, or silence, or vertigo, as well as skills such as changing sheep. Unfortunately, the guardian of the sea giant is extremely resistant to spells in an abnormal state, not even worse than the Gretel that the Illuminati dealt with at the time. After four or five skills, all of them were immune, and Li Feng's purple grudge effect was no exception. But to their surprise, Zhao Dingguo, an LV1 level gun fired by a master unexpectedly took effect unexpectedly.

Originally, the summoned sea giant had almost instantaneously condensed into an entity, but the summons were interrupted, and they had to dissipate unwillingly.

This attack, even the master who hit the level gun, did not expect it, and could not help but have a little surprise. However, the guardians of the sea giant did not rely on summoning skills to eat. The four sea giants did not show up, nor did they show any signs of anger. Instead, they waved a scepter and hit the wave shock ability.

This is a circular E skill.

Centered on the guardian himself, as many as twelve dark blue swell waves condense into water swords and shoot out in all directions with super high damage. Although some experts have mentioned this skill before, but for the first time at this moment, there are still six or seven SuperGod users who dodge and are caught in the water sword!

The theoretical damage of 600 points is not so easy to bear.

Especially this sea giant seems to have the ability of French crit, one of which is a water sword accidentally hits the crit. The attack of up to 1200 points made any expert in the field dare not ignore it. Shen Caiwei, who was in charge of treatment, quickly gave out a shadow wave, and another Necromancer also issued a death pulse, pulling the lives of several Superblood users.

However, the sea giant guard with the wave impact, like opening the valve, began to continuously use various skills. As for the masters who were chasing it close to him, it also suddenly popped up a close-up frozen aura, collectively frozen in place.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the giant guard of the sea waved the spell wantonly, and opened the distance slightly.

After all, the frozen time was not long, and several close combat masters soon recovered and pressed down again. Although the alchemist's big move temporarily cooled, his meat shield ability was reduced by a grade. But for now, this is not a fatal problem. In addition, Zhao Dingguo had the rapid cooling of authoritative judgment, and was fortunate enough to interrupt the second call of the guardian of the sea giant again, letting other masters glee.

Although the authoritative judgment of interruption skills is extremely rare, it is not too rare for high-end dusk. At least many of the masters in the field have three or four. However, the ultimate monster of a mysterious sea guardian ~ ~ obviously cannot be described by common sense. Even the skills of authoritative judgment are not 100% effective. They interrupted the summoning two times in a row this time and had to say that they were lucky.

This is a good sign, and it also gives the experts who participated in the battle a little more confidence.

It seems that killing the guardians of the sea giant is now in this battle!

Some optimistic guys have already begun to think about what the guardian will lose: if they really lose the God equipment accessories, are they going to be a black hand?

This is really a problem!

However, how can the giant guardians of the sea who really let the masters come back more than once? From the beginning of the war to now, the guardians of the sea giant have shown only the most basic abilities. If you can't withstand even this stage, those in the war can go home to wash and sleep. It is also with the guardian of the sea giant raising his hand to draw the first black acid rain cloud, it really shows the strength of a top elite monster.

Seeing the acid rain area of ​​twenty square meters, the masters present knew that the real test was coming. . . )


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