DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 589: Shen Caiwei makes a fortune

The damage of acid rain clouds alone is not high. M

In order to figure out the true damage of this skill, Zhao Dingguo instructed a lava elf to disappear when he was about to disappear. With the light green acid rain dripping, the lava elves began to steadily drop blood at a rate of 75 points / second. Considering the defense of SuperGod users themselves, the actual damage suffered will be discounted again.

At least in terms of Zhao Dingguo's current strength, it is not a problem to hang four ice hockey **** and walk in to smoke a cigarette before coming out.

As for the special effects attached to acid rain, reduce the armor by 10 points, and take 15% increase in water damage within three seconds of being affected by acid rain. Although it is not bad, it is not particularly strong. Because the guardian of the sea giant itself does not excel in physical attacks, and the special effects that increase magic damage will disappear after three seconds out of the acid rain. The time is too short to pay special attention to it.

However, this impression was quickly changed.

Some experts have said before that acid rain clouds are divided into two levels. The ordinary acid rain cloud is not a big threat. But there is also an enhanced version of acid rain cloud, the damage is very high. In addition to the normal acid rain damage increased to 100 points / second, the dark clouds will also drop lightning at a rate of once every three seconds. Compared to the damage caused by acid rain, the damage of lightning is higher, there are as many as 400 points, and there is a purification effect that lasts for one second, and the movement speed will be reduced to one third of the original!

Once hit, the damage from lightning plus the continuous damage from acid rain will cause great trouble for the super-god user who has been mistakenly in it.

Of course, in the case of a small number of acid rain clouds, the masters present have some space to move. Unless you are extremely inadvertent and are forced into it by the guardian of the sea giant with skills, in most cases, the acid rain cloud is just a display. But as the health of the sea giant keeps decreasing, the number of acid rain clouds is increasing slowly and steadily.

At the beginning of the three or five acid rain areas, the impact has not been seen. When the number of acid rain clouds gradually accumulated to ten, of which there were also three acid rain clouds with lightning strikes, the masters present were obviously feeling a little bit distracted.

Light green acid rain and constant roar of falling lightning. It also affected the sight and judgment of SuperGod users to a certain extent.

This unfavorable situation reached its peak after the Guardians of the Sea Giant successfully recruited four Sea Giants.

With the blessing of the giants of the sea giants, these four sea giants can walk in the acid rain area recklessly, but the super-god users can't be as jealous as they are. Their appearance made the situation on the altar even more chaotic. Finally, the masters who participated in the war considered the countermeasures in advance, leaving a few people to pin down the guardians of the giant sea, and others turned the fire. Besieged the four sea giants.

If it were a single expert at dusk, these four sea giants with different abilities might still be able to support them for a while, and even create a little trouble for them. However, in the face of the fire of more than a dozen masters, the four sea giants had only been beaten. Within ten seconds, two sea giants had fallen under their attack.

Although the E spell of the guardian of the sea giant interrupted the attacks of the masters, it was only a few seconds longer. Soon, the third sea giant followed in the footsteps of his companions.

At this time, the masters who participated in the war stopped involuntarily. Instead, deal with the guardians of the sea giant.

As for the remaining sea giant, just arbitrarily assign a weakest Super God user to restrain it in the past. Obviously letting the four sea giants do the trouble is obviously impossible, but if all are killed. The giant guardian of the sea will be called again, and Zhao Dingguo cannot guarantee success every time. So, using the opponent's skill characteristics, kill three sea giants, leaving only one still, so that only one person can hold it back, and the sea giant guardian will not be re-summoned accordingly.

This is also the countermeasure that Zhao Dingguo formulated before.

With this method, only one master is assigned, and the summoning skill of the sea giant guardian is abolished. It can be considered practical. Of course, the super-god user assigned must be careful. Just hold down the giant of the sea, don't kill it by mistake, in that case the guardian of the giant of the sea will be recruited again after thirty seconds.

Without the troubles of ordinary sea giants, the situation seems to have stabilized again.

More and more acid rain clouds on the field. Although it brought great trouble to Super God users, after a few more losses, everyone became more vigilant and the threat was less serious. As for the sea giant's spells, though, they are constantly being released. But which one can reach here is not a master, and the consumables on his body are full. When the two adjuvant treatments could not keep up, they used the healing ointment to recover on their own.

Moreover, I don't know who has learned the ghoul's laceration wound skills, but also gives super users an extra means of restoring their lives. When the target of the laceration skills is attacked, any damage can be done. Drain a certain amount of health.

On the whole, the scene can still be maintained.

If the guardians of the sea giants really do not have the ability to press the bottom of the box, as long as the magic of Shen Caiwei and the magic of the necromancer can keep up before the end of the battle, most of this battle will be won. Seeing that the battle was over halfway, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help muttering. Could the boss of this temple really want to be overthrown by them?

Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help distracting himself, thinking about how to fight back for the props dropped by the sea giant guardian.

If the experts present belong to the same organization and have a good relationship with each other, Zhao Dingguo considers to believe what they say is evenly distributed. However, most of these masters from the north and the south don't know. If there is a huge interest in the head, Zhao Dingguo would not believe that they can hold back the temptation and will start to grab one hundred percent. Zhao Dingguo is not the kind of person who is willing to suffer, so at the critical moment, you must rely on your own efforts!

After thinking for so many seconds, Zhao Dingguo secretly took notice.

Taking advantage of a change of position, Zhao Dingguo quietly explained two sentences to Shen Caiwei. At the same time, she took a bottle of honor-free magic potion from her hand without any consciousness—Zhao Dingguo has not done much battle recently, and this potion is naturally not available . However, Shen Caiwei is different. She has been in contact with Chaoshen platform for more than a year before Zhao Dingguo, and dark animal husbandry is a good job to save money. Compared to him, Shen Caiwei is definitely a little rich woman.

As for the suspicion of this promising career development, Zhao Dingguo said he didn't care. Anyway, even Shen Caiwei himself was drawn into his team, a bottle of magic-free medicine or something, naturally nothing to do!

The battle was fierce, and no one noticed their small movements.

Although the guardians of the sea giant have never made any fatal attacks, the continuous bombardment of spells has also made the masters present to feel great pressure. In particular, the treatment of the two teams was unable to keep up. Fortunately, Shen Caiwei said that she has sufficient magic, and the masters who have secret shoes props present also give her priority. But another necromancer, Lan couldn't keep up.

Because the necromancer has passive skills, killing units can return to blue, so the necromancer did not deliberately consider the issue of magic recovery. What's more, the Death Pulse skill cools down quickly and consumes a lot of blue, so it's easy to run out of his blue. Although the Necromancer himself was aware of the problem, he began to continue to purify the little purification, but after all, the speed of recovery of this thing is limited, so his death pulse began to intermittent, and some could not keep up.

Without one powerful treatment, the pressure on the entire team is even greater.

In addition, the number of acid rain clouds has gradually accumulated to 15 yuan, and the pressure on them has continued to increase. Some masters can't help but start to make mistakes when they move to avoid E skills. And this tense atmosphere is sometimes contagious. With the mistakes of several masters in succession, the mentality of the masters at the scene could not help but become a little impetuous, which in turn made the situation worse.

Eyes of a few people's health broke the cordon, they had to use their instant recovery props.

Finally, judging from the current scene, they still have a great chance to kill the sea giant guardian. Therefore, the super-god users who participated in the war are still insisting on their own methods for possible drops.

The overall situation is not very good, but this is not necessarily a bad thing for Shen Caiwei.

You know, although Shen Caiwei's treatment is still continuing, but limited to the characteristics of Shadow Wave's skills, there is a maximum number of treatments, which can only restore up to five people. However, there are more than twenty of the two experts who have joined in the competition. Of these masters, who should give priority to treatment, naturally there is controversy.

This decision is entirely in the hands of Shen Caiwei. What's more, everyone knows that dark animal husbandry has the skill of thin burial!

The critical moment, the undead body for five seconds, is the distance between life and death.

If only one person on the field is in danger, that's fine. But if the guardian suddenly enlarges the move ~ ~ there are several dying, who should be rescued by the thin burial?

Obviously, the masters at the scene knew someone, so when the position changed, when a melee master temporarily returned to recover, a thief usually secretly gave Shen Caiwei a bottle of magic bottle that instantly restored 300 points of magic. After turning around and glancing around, he noticed that no one noticed. He smiled dryly again, and flattered Shen Caiwei—as a melee, there was basically no shortage of blue, and it was not useful to keep this. It might as well be sent to Shen Caiwei as a human being, maybe he could save his life!

This convenience, Shen Caiwei apparently walked more than once, with a calm look on his face. In the next battle, her shadow wave did take care of that person.

After all, I have received the benefits of others.

However, such special care is usually nothing at all. As time goes by, two or three smart people can vaguely see the signs. It's okay to have confidence in your own strength, but some people feel guilty and don't have enough supplies.

Shen Caiwei immediately became a hot person on the field. RQ

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