DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 750: Sharp counterattack

A single attack with more than 1000 critical damage is not effective against a mage?

The first blade triggered the crit damage of the cannon, which made the homeless swordsman proud. He firmly believed that even if the ghost of Dragon Heart stood in front of him, he would be slashed by him. But the fact is, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume has not changed much. However, his own blood was lost because of the injury passed on!

The unbelieving second sword was cut out, and the injury was still very unremarkable, and his own blood volume dropped again.

The furious third sword was cut out, and the attack appeared to fail, SS!

"how can that be?"

Wandering swordsman was dumbfounded. Is this guy really a mage?

Wandering Swordsman already knew Zhao Dingguo's strength and part of his strength, but he really knew how strong Zhao Dingguo was!

He didn't know why his injuries were so low, but Zhao Dingguo was as bright as a mirror.

领域 There is a field bonus, Zhao Dingguo's current attributes can completely suppress most of the twilight master. Dealing with him at a dusk high order, no doubt triggered the power, first weakened 10 damage. Subsequently, the damage pass-through was deducted by 15 more. These two items alone make the stray a quarter less output.

Next, it is Zhao Dingguo ’s ultra-high armor, and the eulogy of the earth really reduces the damage.

The earth element of LV4 added 8 points of armor to Zhao Dingguo; the eulogy of earth added 5 points of armor; the veil of strife increased 6 points of armor; vampire's fanatical offering increased 6 points of armor; Ake Mond's inscription divinity adds 10 armor. In the end, Zhao Dingguo ’s own ultra-high basic attributes increased his armor every 7 points, which brought him more than 20 points of armor.

With all this, Zhao Dingguo's armor was close to 60 points!

There is power, there is trial, there are armor damage reductions of up to 60 points, and the final true damage reduction, even if the frost barriers are not opened, Zhao Dingguo is completely afraid of tramp swordsmen.

I stand here and let you cut it off ...

When the homeless swordsman dealt with Zhao Dingguo in vain, with the success of Zhao Dingguo's first move, his teammates also began to add icing on the cake. Seeing that the tide hunter found that his teammate had been taken first, and was ready to jump the knife for a perfect field control, he had confirmed his position and clocked a precise big move, and directly hooked him from 2000 distance away.

This magic hook ruined the last hope of the guard.

Taking a brief dizzy, the business-savvy clockwork goblin started his own combo. Framed the tide with a circle of energy, and then launched a barrage impact!

Next, the guards have no chance.

After waiting for Xu Zhiguo, Charm Witch and Necromancer to fall from the sky, the Sand King has also made two successive displacements and jumped in the past. He opened the Black King Bar and shook it in place. Immediately afterwards, the queen also flashed in and smashed a big stroke ultrasonic shock wave into a crowded place!

You know, these injuries were dealt under Zhao Dingguo's weakening of the enemy's 45 magic resistance with enhanced electromagnetic swirls and disputes!

Without these two major * UFFs, Xu Zhiguo, who had opened the flute's Necromancer and had an LV1 spell shield, would not necessarily be hit hard. But after deducting 45 magic resistance, they are no different from ordinary soldiers. What's more, at this moment, Zhao Dingguo's strongest eruption struck the hurricane supersonic sound wave in one go. In order to ensure that the other's nurse can be dropped, Zhao Dingguo also added the aging skills to the necromancer.

With a damage bonus of 40, even if he has a flute on him, he is dead.

Although the mage necromancer is late in the legal system and has blood support, he is afraid of an explosion after all. When Zhao Dingguo's chaos meteorite, which was added with the seventh-level fire element, the master-level magic system, and the golden badge's excellent attributes, rumbling over, he could not do anything under the push effect, and was immediately killed on the spot!

The big move of King Sha, the big move of the queen and the meteorite of Zhao Dingguo, the outbreak was too horrible.

The seductive witch was first blown by the hurricane, then stunned by the sand king, and pushed by Zhao Dingguo's supersonic sound wave, which was controlled from beginning to end. He was even more unbearable than the necromancer. The king of the sand had only half of it, and he hung up first!

Only Xu Zhiguo, the twilight strong, was strong enough, and enjoyed a bit of order suppression, and his position was slightly biased. He was only affected by the chaotic meteorite to resist so much damage. The main body's life halo was actually Huang Huang color. Just at this time, the push effect has ended. Before Zhao Dingguo took a quick cooling round to kill him, Xu Zhiguo immediately switched the wind stick and blew himself up.

风 The effect of this wind stick is very timely.

After waiting for the invincible effect and Xu Zhiguo to land again, he immediately jumped away from the knife and fled to the rear, and then launched the Little Murloc's assault skills. Xu Zhiguo had left without waiting for others to catch up.

Xu Zhiguo's original plan was that after the main body went away, the subordinates flickered over collectively, so they did not let the subordinates accompany them. It seems that it is a wise decision. His main body can resist so many injuries, but the split is absolutely impossible. If the split was still there, he would be dead.

I failed to kill Xu Zhiguo, and Zhao Dingguo was not too disappointed. After all, the other party had a surprise attack, a jumping knife, and Fou Yu's transfer skill. Unless the set is controlled to death, it can escape. However, Xu Zhiguo was able to run, but his teammates did not have that ability.

I saw two teammates being killed by a set of spikes, Xu Zhiguo fled, and the tide hunter knew that nothing could be done.

He accepted the fate of being beaten to death by the queen and clockwork calmly. If a destruction can save Xu Zhiguo, it may still make sense. But the captain has successfully escaped, and he can't save himself when he drives up, so don't waste it.

Keeping this big trick is definitely more useful than letting it go.

As soon as the tide died, there was only one homeless swordsman on the field. Facing Zhao Dingguo until now, the stray who failed to cut off his blood by one third suppressed the shock in his heart and decided to turn around and run away. Since the black and yellow are over, he added a roar to himself, and opened up the scorched earth skills from the end. With a total acceleration of 28, he even ran fast!

However, it can't be faster than Zhao Dingguo.

As soon as the four thunderballs came out, and then phase shifted, Zhao Dingguo almost reached the maximum speed directly. In addition, his attack also added the orb of the paralyzed bite, and the frost attack aura of the new offering. Both effects reduce the movement speed by 10. In this way, Zhao Dingguo chased after the wandering swordsman, and still had more strength.

In a hurry, the Night Stalker, who barely got involved, chased after him.

Once the deceleration effect of the Jiyi skill is activated, the tramp swordsman really cannot escape. When Zhao Dingguo quickly caught up, and finally gave the ice wall, the homeless swordsman had to follow in the footsteps of three teammates-although his outbreak was super high, but after the end of the black and yellow, it was no more meaty than Xu Zhiguo and the tide.

He killed four people and won Roshan again.

The four members of the Coconut Juice squad today saw the strength of Zhao Dingguo up close. The powerful legal system outbreak and mutation skills can directly fight the enemy without counterattack. The abnormal Meat Shield Index can also resist black and yellow, and the cannon has opened up the power of the wandering swordsman of the power of God. With such teammates, isn't this stable?

As soon as I realized that the victory of the death team battle was in sight, the four of the coconut juice team became happy.

"Dingguo boss, you take this immortal shield."

If you have a mocking face shadow monster, or the main DPS, this shield may be good. However, none of the four members of the Coconut Juice team had the idea of ​​grabbing a shield from the Great God, and their pedigree and team positioning determined that none of them particularly needed the Immortal Shield, so they gave up on their own initiative.

Zhao Dingguo actually feels that he has enough meat, there is no need to occupy this shield. However, it is difficult to resist the kindness of teammates. Moreover, in the face of Xu Zhiguo, he did have the idea to show it well, so he replaced the push stick and took up the Aegis Shield-the Aegis Shield in the death team battle and the Aegis Shield in the main plane after all It's a little different.

Next, while the other four were annihilated, Zhao Dingguo began to act separately.

If it is an ordinary death group battle, at this time it must be directly pushed by the five-member group. However, it is now a stronghold mode for the death squad. Not only the defense towers and soldiers are strengthened, but also the bases that can be occupied from the time of sending out troops, the aura provided and the experience and money gained from the occupation are far more than the regular season base battles.

Forcibly pushed forward. In the case that the opponent has a defensive rune, I am afraid that the opponent has been resurrected without waiting for them to break all the way to the high ground. In particular, Xu Zhiguo has not died, and it is even more difficult to break through the high ground.

In this case, let Zhao Dingguo demolish the tower alone. There are three lava elves to help, and the aura provided by the sacrifice should be able to break through two towers. At the same time ~ ~ four teammates should also be able to occupy two auras. When facing Xu Zhiguo's team again in this way, Zhao Dingguo would have the upper hand.

Everything goes as Zhao Dingguo planned.

With the help of the lava elves, he opened agile, swift and enthusiastic Zhao Dingguo to tear up the defense tower and quickly. Even if the defense tower is in enhanced mode, its durability is twice as high as the regular season, and the armor is increased by 50, but it is still quickly overthrown by Zhao Dingguo. Those soldiers failed to block Zhao Dingguo's progress.

Following the forward line, Zhao Dingguo quickly attacked the second tower.

At this time, Xu Zhiguo who had flew back to the spring water supply and flew out appeared suddenly. He relied on his own flesh to interfere with Zhao Dingguo's attack, and his offerings basically offset the effect of Zhao Dingguo's offerings. As a result, Zhao Dingguo's advancing speed has undoubtedly slowed down a lot.

But just before the resurrection of the last wandering swordsman, Zhao Dingguo demolished the second tower in the middle.

What Zhao Dingguo didn't expect is that at this time, the fierce counterattack of the Guards Corps came!

After Xiu successfully occupied the stronghold of the lower channel, Zhao Dingguo not only gained the vision of the stronghold, but also gained the enthusiasm of the aura, and the overall attack speed increased by 20. Now, the four members of the coconut juice squad go up the river and are occupying the stronghold of the upper river.

The counterattack was launched just after the second stronghold was occupied and the four had not had time to leave! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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