DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 751: Scourge of Scourge

There were six bases for the death squad, and three on each side.

Except for the river rune at the upper and lower roads, the other strongholds are near the mysterious shops on both sides and the wild points near a tower on the superior road. After occupying the upper reaches of the river, the four members of the Coconut Juice Squad went up into their own wilderness area, and were planning to occupy the stronghold near a tower.

Because the enemy has just been resurrected and they have to rush to their own territory, the four members of the coconut juice team will inevitably relax a little.

The sudden attack of the enemy came at this moment!

Because Xu Zhiguo's team, the tide hunter's blood rank is relatively low, only 2 big moves, so even if it is later dead, it will be resurrected first. He had been resurrected and tp to the second tower of the upper road as soon as he occupied the upper road channel for a few seconds. Subsequently, the tide hunter temporarily ambushed through the wild area of ​​the mysterious store, and when two teammates arrived one after another and the coconut juice team was about to leave, they launched a thunder counterattack.

Due to the advantage of vision and some carelessness, the people in the coconut juice team did not find it!

Under such circumstances, the tide launched a large jump, and a large area of ​​spurs spread quickly, crossing the coconut juice team's four people to the sky, causing a theoretical 325 points of damage and nearly 2 seconds of vertigo.

2 seconds is enough to do a lot of things.

Seeing that he had achieved unexpected results in his jumping, he stunned all the enemies, and the tide was inevitable. He smashed a huge wave at the Queen of Pain, and then leisurely inserted the tombstone of corpse king lv1 in place. And used secret shoes. After several things were done in one go, he used his powerful divine costume-refresh the ball!

Different **** costumes have different importance to different heroes.

For Zhao Dingguo, refreshing the ball is not the most suitable first item. But for the tide that relies heavily on its own field control to eat, in the case of ensuring that it can release big, a refresh ball to the combat power bonus is absolutely terrifying!

Seeing that the enemy was about to recover from vertigo, Tide used the secret shoes again, and then continued to play. This time the huge wave, he threw it to the sand king. Then the Destruction Strike reappeared, and a second tombstone was inserted!

One tombstone is disgusting enough, the combination of double tombstones ...

In the regular season, this situation is almost impossible. Because very few corpse kings go to make a refresh ball. Unless the battle is late, there is nothing out there. However, it is different in the death team fight. After getting the refresh ball, Tide created such a set of tactics for himself. Although not yet fully formed, the team killer seems to be well deserved.

Two destructions plus two tombstones!

The Coconut Juice team was stunned by perfectly connected controls, and after the second destruction appeared. The other teammates of the Tide Hunter are already in place.

His teammates are also extremely mobile!

The enchanting witch has a push stick. The first one pushes herself over, and then uses the scepter to bless the attack distance and starts to attack the queen at the furthest distance. Seeing that the stun time of the tidal hunter was about to end, he put purple resentment on the Queen of Pain and released a fatal connection of lv1. Maximize the damage.

Nearby Queens, Sand Kings, and Night Stalkers were linked at the same time.

As a highly mobile and highly explosive mage, the Queen of Pain is undoubtedly the first target of Xu Zhiguo's team. With the help of refresh, the charm witch smoothly contributed her own set of output. With the boosted damage bonus, the Queen of Pain's health drops down.

and. After Xu Zhiguo's avatar was cut in, he immediately found him.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo had just destroyed the second tower in the middle of the road and was preparing to retreat to join the team. Found teammates have been attacked. Xu Zhiguo's main body disappeared, and it was too late to rush to support. After flickering to the position of avatar. Xu Zhiguo jumped directly to the queen who was resentful, charmed and slowed down, and shot by a small zombie.

Then all the other avatars flickered over!

Eyed by Twilight Master Xu Zhiguo, the Queen of Pain immediately realized that she was finished. Several clones embraced each other. Before inheriting the assault on the ground that had been greatly strengthened by the soul equipment, the multilayered passive stacking caused the queen's health to instantly fall to red and black-he did not have the powerful damage reduction and talent of Zhao Dingguo .

At this moment, the queen hesitated for a moment, but eventually did not use the nameplate ability.

Just as in the previous battle, Xu Zhiguo did not open their nameplates. Because the mid lane soldiers had a great advantage over their own side, Zhao Dingguo was not killed with an immortal shield. In this case, the other party could not threaten their highlands. Therefore, the Queen chose to continue to retain the ability that can only be used once in World War I.

The first object of the Coconut Juice team appears!

After the armor was reduced by 5 points and the aura was reduced by 5 points, the Queen of Pain's defense was vulnerable. Now surrounded by Xu Zhiguo's lord, death is only a blink of an eye.

The next moment, they set their sights on Sand King.

The sand king who has the skills of jumping knife and displacement can easily escape if he does not kill first. However, the Sand King is still in the state of being turned into a sheep by a necromancer. Although the clockwork on one side has the ability to attack, it can lift the negative buff, but the necromancer also has the nightmare of lv1, which directly slept him ...

Very evil word.

In short, the clockwork is sleeping and is bleeding at a rate of 20 points per second. Although this damage is inconspicuous, the purpose of the necromancy is to prevent him from participating in the battle.

In this way, the death of Sand King is doomed.

While the sheep knife was changing, the charm witch and Xu Zhiguo calmly turned their muzzles. The former continued to maintain a propulsive output at a long distance, and Xu Zhiguo launched a small fishman's raid, holding the sand king with a dark chain. As Zhao Dingguo approached his teammates at high speed, in order to speed up the killing speed and prevent any accidents, the necromancer directly gave him!

The characteristic of the Death Scythe is that the lower the current blood volume, the higher the damage.

Theoretically, if there is no more magic resistance, the blood volume drops below half, which can basically be killed by the death scythe's big move. At this moment, King Sand ate a huge wave, was destroyed one after another, and was also beaten by zombies and tide hunters. Now he was pinched by Xu Zhiguo and the charm witch, and he sent a human head properly at the end.

In a row, the clockwork goblin and the night demon left on the field.

Because no one was in charge of the Night Stalker after the tide refreshed, he turned on the Black King Bar for the first time. However, without waiting for his help, the wandering swordsman who was finally resurrected was late, and finally rushed all the way with the battle roar and scorched earth, and finally jumped into the knife.

In terms of time, at this time the wandering big move should not have cooled down, it is still a few seconds. However, Wandering's big move is strengthened by soul equipment. Not only does it last longer, but the cooldown is also reduced. As a result, Wandering can land with the strongest output attitude.

The night demon bears the brunt!

Fortunately, the first sword of the wandering swordsman who opened the big one triggered the crit again. This time it didn't look like a cannon crit, but another crit skill. But it doesn't matter. The crit damage of seven or eight hundred still makes the night demon heart pounding. Then he chased down a few knives, especially triggering 1000+ crit damage again, so that the Night Devils immediately persuaded.

There are black, yellow, and cannonless homeless swordsmen. The characteristic capabilities and badges also strengthen the attack. After the opening, the output is so violent!

The strays on the front are not something that the Night Stalker can do. After four or five knives, he clearly realized that he couldn't help much here, and he could run one by one before the black and yellow were finished. But ah, the effect of refreshing the tombstone appeared at this moment. The slap of the zombie will cause a stackable slowdown of 7%, but ignores magic immunity!

At this time, the night demon itself should have the advantage of moving speed, but it looked like a turtle crawling in front of the refreshing tombstone.

The battle roar effect is still there, and there are wandering knives and hammers, but they will not easily put the night demon, chasing the night demon madly. On the contrary, the clockwork goblin, also caught in a tight encirclement, showed a bright consciousness. It took a difficult move in the gap between the residual blood and the net, using the energy gear to bounce the enemy, leaving gaps in their positions, and then launched accurately The big move caught the monster in the wild spot in the bottom left corner of the Scourge Army Wild Area, and pulled himself out to escape.

After the beautiful self-rescue, the clockwork also retaliated with a lighting rocket backhand.

As a skill strengthened by the soul equipment, this light rocket damage is also 280 points. Although it can't kill anyone, right is a tribute to the exchange of gifts.

Zhao Dingguo, who happened to be here, saw the scene while throwing out the hurricane, and could not help but cry.

Even Xu Zhiguo ~ ~, who was surrounded by clockwork, had to admit that the big trick of clockwork, Huge Wilderness, was indeed in place. As long as one second at night, he was basically dead by the fire.

This set of counterattacks seemed to be quite long. In fact, it took only seconds for the tide hunter to refresh. The tide refreshed for four seconds, and the charm witch and Xu Zhiguo spiked the painful queen as the first stage. Then the enemy fully participated in the battle, killed the sand king, and was besieging the night demon and clockwork as the second stage. Now, although Zhao Dingguo hurried at a fast speed and hit a hurricane far enough to force the enemy to disperse his position to avoid it, it was no help.

The Nocturne, slowed by the double tombstones, cannot escape at all!

If he was able to avoid tp while taking advantage of the Black King Bar, he might be able to take another one. But the captain of the coconut juice squad wanted to see if he could save his teammates again, so it was delayed for two seconds. After the finally resurrected wandering swordsman finally arrived, he was too late to want to leave.

At this moment, it is meaningless for Zhao Dingguo to go on.

So, with Zhao Dingguo's abandonment, the Night Devil became the third member killed. After hitting a small group, Xu Zhiguo took the opportunity to recapture the upper-road channel stronghold that the coconut squad had just occupied. (To be continued)

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