Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 105 Come back with me and take you to meet your parents!

"Haha, it's not because many people in the clan are worried about your kid going out!"

The old man whom Gu Fei called Gu Gan smiled, and in a flash, he appeared directly in front of Gu Fei.

"It's been a long time since you worked hard!"

Gu Fei paid tribute to Gu Gan as a junior.

"It doesn't matter. At my age, let alone one year, even ten or twenty years, my cultivation will not make any progress!"

"You kid is different!"

"In the future, you will definitely be able to become the pillar of our clan. There is no room for failure!"

It can be heard that Gu Gan admires Gu Fei very much and has high hopes for him.

This time, he was ordered to hide beside Gu Fei. In addition to protecting Gu Fei, he was also responsible for observing and considering Gu Fei.

Along the way, Gu Fei's various performances made Gu Gan very satisfied.

Although Gu Gan occasionally has doubts, wondering why Gu Fei seems to know in advance before doing many things.

But in the end, he attributed it to Gu Fei's careful thinking and prudent work.

"It seems that even among that ancient race, Gu Fei holds great weight!"

After Cao Ying was rescued by Gu Fei, her eyes kept falling on the latter.

The tenderness in his eyes became a bit more shocking after hearing the conversation between Gu Fei and Gu Gan.

Although the Cao family is not a super rich family, they still know some of the secrets of the mainland due to their relationship with Danta.

It is said that the ancient clan did not live in Dou Qi Continent, but in an independent space.

Almost every one of these ancient clans has the power to shake the world.

Even the top powers in the continent such as Dan Pagoda and Soul Palace are not enough to face any ancient race.

Thinking of this, Cao Ying's eyes flashed with a hint of loneliness.

Gu Fei became more and more dazzling in front of her, so dazzling that he almost swallowed her up.

Can he afford such a talented person with a strong background?

[Cao Ying feels admiration, and her emotional value increases by 40]

[Cao Ying is shocked and disappointed, and her emotional value is increased by 40]

Gu Fei listened to the emotional value reminders that kept ringing in his mind, and glanced at Cao Ying from the corner of his eye.

"This little goblin's moods are really changeable."

Gu Fei secretly clicked his tongue in his heart.

At this moment, another gap was suddenly torn open in the sky above everyone.

An old man walked out of it.

This person is Xuan Kongzi who arrived late.

"I've met senior!"

Xuan Kongzi appeared, his mind suddenly condensed when he looked at Gu Gan, and he quickly stepped forward to salute.


"Judging from what happened today, the defense of our Danta still needs to be strengthened..."

Gu Gan nodded and said calmly.

"Senior is right...this incident is indeed due to my Danta's negligence, which actually allowed people from the Soul Palace to commit murder in the city..."

Hearing this, Xuan Kongzi replied very seriously and did not refute anything.

After saying this, Xuan Kongzi glanced at Gu Fei, who was standing next to Gu Gan, and said with emotion: "It seems that this young man is quite valued even among that ancient race. In just two years, Within a few months, two powerful fighting saints came to help!"

After a while, the Little Medical Fairy, Lord Tianhuo, Qinglin, and the Lion King also came here.

"Gu Fei boy, when do you plan to return to the clan?"

Gu Gan suddenly spoke at this time and asked a question that Gu Xiong had asked before.

In fact, Gu Fei already had the answer to this question in his mind at this moment.

This time, the Soul Palace directly lost two fighting masters, and they would definitely not give up.

With the methods of the Soul Palace, they will definitely investigate secretly. When the time comes, Gu Fei's whereabouts will naturally be known to the people in the Soul Clan.

If you continue to stay outside, there is no guarantee that the Soul Clan will do something crazy.

Therefore, Gu Fei's plan was to temporarily return to his clan and stay for a while.

On this trip, he must take the Little Medical Fairy and Qinglin back. As for Zi Yan...

"Zi Yan, what are your next plans? Do you want me to take you back to Dragon Island?"

Gu Fei looked at Zi Yan.

Zi Yan shook her head without thinking: "If I don't go back, I won't go back. If I go back, I will be forced to drink those unpleasant things again!"

"Brother Gu Fei, just let me follow you. I promise that I will be obedient..."

She suddenly grabbed Gu Fei's sleeve, fearing that Gu Fei would leave her behind this time.

"Okay! Okay! I promise you!"

Gu Fei nodded helplessly.

Gu Fei held the little medical fairy's jade hands and said softly: "We have known each other for such a long time, it's time to go back and meet the parents!"

"Meet the parents..."

This sentence made the little medical fairy startled.

She felt nervous.

After all, the parents I want to meet this time are all powerful people from ancient races.

However, she did not refuse. After a brief hesitation, she nodded happily.

"Elder Gugan, you're done!"

After making the decision, Gu Fei turned to look at Gu Gan.

"Haha, you have been away for more than a year, and the elders in the clan are very concerned about you. Don't forget to say hello after you return!"

Gu Qian laughed loudly, but he did not express his views on the matter between Gu Fei and the little medical fairy.

After saying that, he lightly moved his palm across the void, and a crack in space appeared.

When you reach the Dou Sheng level, you can easily build a long-distance space wormhole.

"Senior Xuan Kongzi, Miss Cao Ying, see you soon!"

After saying goodbye, Gu Fei took the little medical fairy, Zi Yan and others into the space crack.

"Goodbye by fate..."

Cao Ying looked at Gu Fei's back as he walked away, feeling sad. She secretly vowed in her heart that she must see Gu Fei again in the future. Gu Fei was so dazzling, and she had to continue to work hard.

Along the way, with the help of Gu Qian, a Dou Sheng-level strongman, Gu Fei and his team arrived in the East Region in just half a month.

Not long after leaving the space wormhole, a huge city appeared clearly in their vision.

"The Ancient Saint City is in front!" Gu Fei pointed to the huge city in front of him.

When they saw the city for the first time, Xiao Yixian and others were stunned.

The entire Ancient Saint City was built of pale blue giant rocks. As time passed, some pale green moss climbed on the giant rocks, making the entire city look a little decayed, and an unusually ancient atmosphere permeated the city.

"It looks a little dilapidated here!" Zi Yan muttered, the city was a little different from what she imagined.

Gu Fei smiled and said, "The Ancient Saint City is a relic from ancient times. It is said that it was built by our Doudi ancestor. The light shield contains a trace of Doudi's power. With this light shield protecting it, this Ancient Saint City can be said to be impregnable."

"The power of the Doudi!"

Everyone gasped and lit up when they heard it. No wonder, the closer to the Ancient Saint City, the stronger the pressure from the soul.

"In order to show respect for the Doudi strongman, the Ancient Saint City is a thousand feet in radius. No one is allowed to fly. Let's walk there, otherwise we will be knocked down from the air by the pressure."

After that, Gu Fei slowly landed on the ground, and the others followed.

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