Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 106 Xun'er: He actually brought a woman back!

At the gate of the ancient holy city, hundreds of figures in black armor stood upright, holding long spears. Their sharp and cold gazes continued to sweep around, and powerful auras filled the air from these people.

"Elder Gu Gan, Master Gu Fei!"

As Gu Fei and Gu Gan approached the city gate, the faces of the black Anni army guards guarding the city gate suddenly showed extremely respectful expressions.

"Is that Master Gu Fei's new girlfriend?"

"Master Gu Fei brings people back, I wonder what Miss Xun'er will do when she sees them?"

"Miss Xun'er is as beautiful as a fairy, and she is gentle and considerate. I don't understand why Master Gu Fei wants to break up with her and find a new love."

"I think Master Gu Fei's new girlfriend is also as beautiful as a fairy, and she is no less beautiful than Miss Xun'er..."

Along the way, many people talked and commented on the little medical fairy.

The noisy sounds around her made the little medical fairy feel a little uncomfortable, and she lowered her head unconsciously.

Gu Fei noticed the little medical fairy's emotions and put his arms around her slender waist.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Gu Fei whispered into the little medical fairy's ear, and his breath hit the little medical fairy's cheek, making her feel a lot more at ease.

Seeing Gu Fei hugging the little medical fairy, the comments around him immediately became much quieter.

Faced with the strong men everywhere here, Qinglin, the Lion King seemed a little restrained.

Zi Yan was a little more out of her mind, her eyes looking everywhere, as if she was very curious about everything.


With Gu Fei leading the way, everyone quickly arrived at the center of the ancient holy city.

To everyone's surprise, this place is not flat.

But a peaceful lake.

"Are we going to the ancient world from here?"

Lord Tianhuo has heard a little bit about the ancient clan, but doesn't know the details.

Zi Yan blinked her big eyes and looked at Gu Fei. Just as she was about to ask, the calm lake suddenly rippled, and at the same time, the terrifying power of space vibrated outwards.

Zi Yan is of the royal bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. She is most sensitive to space fluctuations and is even more aware of the power of this space.

As the power of space continued to be released, a bright beam of light rose into the sky, directly piercing the energy shield of the ancient holy city and connecting with it.


There were waves of rumblings in the space above the lake, and after a while, a black space door leading to the depths of the void slowly rose.

The majestic and solemn fluctuations spread out from the door of space, and those with weaker strength will feel palpitations.

"This door is the space door connecting the ancient world. I will take you in."

After Elder Gugan finished speaking, he walked to the door of space and entered the door first.

"Let's go in."

Gu Fei led the little medical fairy to the door, stepped in without hesitation, and appeared in the ancient world the next second.

"The energy of the heaven and earth here is so rich, it is many times more abundant than the outside world. I don't know how much faster it will be to practice here!"

Entering the ancient world, everyone felt the feeling of abundant energy in the world.

"No wonder there are so many talented people among these ancient races. It turns out they occupy such a good place for cultivation."

The Lion King couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"The ancient world was opened by Dou Emperor. It was continuously nurtured by the strong Dou Sage warriors of the whole clan. It formed a world of its own. Although its area is not as large as Dou Qi Continent, it also benefits from the abundant energy of this world."

Gu Fei explained to everyone.

The reason why their ancient clan has been strong for countless years is supported by a strong foundation.

While everyone was chatting, the sky gradually darkened, and there was a faint sound of thunder above the clouds. Only then did everyone realize that the sky in the distance had turned cloudy at some point.

Dark clouds were flowing in the sky and pressing in their direction.

Zi Yan looked at the dark clouds, her eyes suddenly condensed, and she said: "There is something on the clouds!"

"Don't be nervous," Gu Fei saw Zi Yan getting nervous and walked to her side and touched her head, "This is my ancient tribe's shuttle boat."

As the black cloud continued to approach everyone, the huge flying warship on the cloud also came into view.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh once again at the generosity of the ancient clan.

Just picking up guests is such a big deal, but just these few warships have swept away 90% of the forces in Dou Qi Continent, right?

"Come on board."

The shuttle boat stopped above everyone's heads. Gu Fei informed him and pulled the little medical fairy to a shuttle boat.

There are heavily defended black Anni forces on board the shuttle boat, each armed with a spear, showing no anger and self-reliance.

"What we are going to is the center of the ancient world, the Ancient Sacred Mountains. Outside the Ancient Sacred Mountains, there are a large number of ancient people living. You should try not to disturb their lives as much as possible."

Gu Fei explained to everyone.

"People of the ancient ethnic group? Are they people of the ancient ethnic group?" Zi Yan asked doubtfully.

"The two are not equal. The people of the ancient race are the lowest level of our race, but they are also the most important layer. They used to be the core of the ancient race, but as time goes by, the race continues to multiply, and the Dou Emperor blood in their bodies Being constantly diluted, their talents are no longer as top-notch.”

"Of course, there are a huge number of ancient people, and mutations and awakenings occur from time to time. When their bloodline becomes stronger and is discovered, they will be able to benefit from the resources of the ancient people and officially become a member of the ancient people, respected by thousands of people. "

Everyone suddenly realized that the geniuses of the ancient tribe were only one in ten thousand or even one million.

Ordinary people cannot bring in foreigners so easily.

Gu Fei's identity and this privilege can be seen from Elder Gu Qian's previous attitude.

As Gu Fei and his party arrived at the Ancient Saint Mountain Range, many eyes noticed them.

"Brother Gu Fei, long time no see!"

Gu Yunyou walked up with a smile on her face. Although she knew that Gu Fei had brought a woman back outside, she still didn't give up.

In her opinion, there is nothing wrong with having three wives and four concubines.

It's just that before, Gu Fei married the clan leader's daughter, so he probably couldn't do that.

Now that Gu Fei has divorced Xun'er, that worry is naturally gone.

"Brother Gu Fei is so popular!"

The little medical fairy also saw that Gu Fei was very popular among the girls of the ancient tribe, and felt a little pressure. She lowered her head and followed Gu Fei.

"Yun You, long time no see... I still have some things to do here, let's talk next time!"

Gu Fei responded to those who greeted him quite calmly, then took the little medical fairy's jade hand and walked towards the mountain peak where he was.

The little medical fairy also knew Gu Fei's intention, and felt warm in her heart.

"Brother Gu Fei actually brought back a foreign woman... Now that he has reconciled with Xun'er, then I..."

Not far away, Gu Yao stared at Gu Fei, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

"Oh, that girl Xun'er is so confused. Gu Fei lost such a good husband!"

On the other side, Gu Qingyang, who was also a genius of the ancient clan, couldn't help but sigh.

Although Gu Qingyang is now a one-star Dou Zun, he is seven or eight years older than Gu Fei, and the difference in their cultivation speed is very obvious.

"Brother Qingyang, it seems to be very lively over there. What happened?"

After a while, Xun'er came to Gu Qingyang's side.

At this time, she had just received the first stage of the Emperor's baptism, and her cultivation had already broken through to the two-star Douhuang stage.

After the breakthrough, Xun'er was full of confidence and always had a confident smile on her face.

"It's Gu Fei who's back..."

After hearing Xun'er's words, Gu Qingyang said bluntly.

"He is back?"

After hearing the news, Xun'er's first thought was to meet Gu Fei.

Now, she actually wanted to show off her cultivation talent in front of Gu Fei.

"Then I'll go see him!"

Xun'er finished speaking, but was stopped by Gu Qingyang.

"What? Can't I go see him?"

"I can see you, but Gu Fei is not alone when he comes back this time. He also brought a woman back with him."

"He brought a woman back?"

Hearing these words, Xun'er was stunned.

She didn't expect that Gu Fei would actually lead a foreign woman back to the ancient world.

At this moment, Xun'er wanted to see what the woman Gu Fei brought back was like.

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