Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 119 How could a woman rush to ask a man to marry her?

Deep in the mountains, in the solemn black hall, a large group of ancient clan elders gathered here. Each of them had a solemn expression and was seriously considering one thing.

That was the Yan clan's marriage proposal.

After meeting with the elders of the Yan clan, Gu Nanhai immediately contacted the elders of the clan to gather in the ancient clan hall to discuss Gu Fei's marriage.

As Gu Fei's grandfather, Gu Lie also temporarily put aside the affairs of the Black Annihilation Army to discuss.

"The Yan clan came to propose marriage to Gu Fei. The woman has excellent talent. The Yan clan is willing to give her up?"

"What's there to be reluctant about? In terms of talent, my grandson is much better than the Yan clan woman. They will not suffer any loss..." Speaking of talent, Gu Lie was the first to express his dissatisfaction. Gu Fei's talent is not inferior to anyone!

"In my opinion, the Yan clan's move is not just for this purpose. I guess they are attracted by Gu Fei's ability to fuse strange fire!"

An elder said the key point, which immediately attracted the approval of countless people.

Controlling several kinds of strange fire at the same time and fusing them is unheard of except for the strongest who rely on their powerful strength to force it.

This secret of Gu Fei is indeed very attractive to the Yan Clan.

"Yes, most of the Yan Clan's methods are to control fire, and there are many strange fires, but except for the clan leader Yan Jin, no one can refine two kinds of strange fire at the same time, and Yan Jin can only do it with his powerful strength."

"On the other hand, what about Gu Fei? He has already fused four kinds of strange fire with just Dou Zun's strength. The Yan Clan should want to use this marriage to get the secret of fusing strange fire from Gu Fei!"

Many elders who didn't know much about Gu Fei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they heard this. Has Gu Fei already fused four kinds of strange fire in his body?


"Then, should we agree to this marriage?"

After some discussion, an elder asked.

"Since Gu Fei and Xun'er have divorced, Huo Zhi is a good candidate!"

"They want to get something from Gu Fei, but we can also get the Yan Clan's strange fire..."

As soon as this idea came out, many people agreed immediately.

"But, my grandson already has someone he likes..."

Gu Lie suddenly spoke at this moment.

He could not forget Gu Fei's bold words in front of him before.

If I were a Dou Emperor, my bloodline would definitely be top-notch!

He respected Gu Fei's choice and would not change it because of these elders.

Gu Lie was Gu Fei's direct relative, and his status in the clan was second only to the clan leader Gu Yuan.

If he did not get his support, this matter would be difficult to handle.

Just when everyone was in trouble, a man in coarse cloth appeared in front of everyone present without warning.

Most of the elders present were Dou Shengs. There was only one person in the entire Gu Clan who could appear under their noses without their knowledge, and that was the clan leader Gu Yuan.

"In my opinion, whether to agree to this marriage or not should be decided by Gu Fei after he meets the woman. Let's have a banquet tomorrow and ask Gu Fei to come..."

After Gu Yuan spoke, the elders didn't say anything else, and the final decision was handed over to Gu Fei.


In the evening, Gu Fei returned from the affairs of the Black Annihilation Army. After entering the house, he found that the atmosphere in the house was a bit heavy.

He looked at Xiao Yixian, who lowered her head, with a strange look in her ethereal eyes.

"Brother Gu Fei, you don't know..."

Zi Yan winked at Gu Fei beside Xiao Yixian, and Gu Fei immediately understood what was going on.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about? I will not agree to marry Huo Zhi..."

On the way back, Gu Fei had naturally heard about those things. He knew that Xiao Yixian also knew about this, so he stepped forward to comfort her.

"I know you won't... but, that Yan clan girl is so outstanding, there's no guarantee that the elders in your clan won't agree!"

Xiao Yixian threw herself into Gu Fei's arms and whispered.

She knew Gu Fei's intentions, and she could also guess what the elders of the Gu clan thought...

Gu Fei was devoted to her, but the elders of the Gu clan didn't approve of her.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm firm, the clan leader and grandpa won't force me to change my mind..."

Gu Fei was still very confident about this.

Looking at Gu Fei's determined eyes, Xiao Yixian's originally unstable heart finally stabilized a little, squeezed out a smile, and snuggled in Gu Fei's arms.

[Xiao Yixian has a feeling of being touched, and the emotion value increases by 100]

[Xiao Yixian has a strong feeling of dependence, and the emotion value increases by 200]


The next morning, Gu Fei had just opened his sleepy eyes when he was summoned by his grandfather, saying that he was going to attend a banquet.

Gu Fei immediately knew the real purpose of the banquet and looked at Xiao Yixian lying beside him.

"Don't worry, wait for my good news!"

Gu Fei kissed Xiao Yixian lightly on the lips, said goodbye to Xiao Yixian, and rushed to the banquet.

In the banquet hall, Xun'er, Gu Qingyang, Gu Yao and other young talents also took their seats.

Xun'er's eyes often stayed on Huo Zhi, full of gunpowder. It felt like she regarded herself as Gu Fei's original wife and Huo Zhi as a mistress.

Huo Zhi never paid attention to Xun'er, and even never looked at her from beginning to end. In her eyes, Xun'er was not as threatening to her as that foreign woman Xiao Yixian.

"Elders, Gu Fei is late!"

Soon, as Gu Fei stepped in, many eyes were attracted to him.

Huo Zhi also looked at him. In terms of appearance, Gu Fei was also handsome, but this was not what Huo Zhi cared about.

"It's the breath of strange fire, and there is more than one kind. It seems that the news received by the clan is true..."

Huo Zhi's eyes flickered, and she murmured in her heart. At the same time, the flame pattern on her forehead quietly bloomed.


Gu Fei looked at Huo Zhi and noticed the pattern on her forehead.

The strange fire in his body suddenly became active just now, showing excitement.

Her strange fire... Red Lotus Karma Fire?

"Gu Fei, come and sit here!"

Gu Lie called Gu Fei to sit next to him.

The seat next to him was a group of people from the Yan Clan.

"This boy's cultivation has reached the four-star Dou Zun! He has a bright future!"

The elder Huo Yao of the Yan Clan found out Gu Fei's cultivation and couldn't help but be surprised.

Although he knew that Gu Fei was a genius, he didn't expect that he had reached the four-star Dou Zun.

In front of Gu Fei, Huo Zhi's eight-star Dou Zong seemed insignificant.

"Four-star Dou Zun?"

Huo Zhi was also shocked when she heard the elder's words. Gu Fei was about the same age as her, but she didn't expect that he was so much better than her.

This immediately changed Huo Zhi's eyes when she looked at Gu Fei.

Strong strength is enough to redefine the inherent impression in many cases.

"Child, why did I ask you to come here today? I believe you know it!"

Gu Lie looked at Gu Fei and asked.

"Yes!" Gu Fei nodded, then looked in the direction of the Yan Clan.

"For the kindness of the Yan Clan, Gu Fei can only say sorry!"

"I already have a woman I like!"

Gu Fei replied without hesitation.


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