Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 120 Xun'er: Do you think that you can get Brother Gu Fei to marry you just like this? D

"He actually refused directly?"

Hearing Gu Fei's answer, Huo Zhi, who was sitting in the next seat, was surprised.

Her eyes, which were originally as calm as a deep pool, showed a slight fluctuation.

At the same time, Huo Zhi's heart also surged with some inexplicable sense of loss.

Originally, she was quite dissatisfied with the "marriage proposal" arranged by the elders of the tribe. How could the woman rush to ask the man to marry her.

Moreover, she was proud of her good talent, and she didn't like ordinary men at all.

However, for Gu Fei, she had some different emotions at this time.

Of course, this difference, at the beginning, was just because of Gu Fei's terrifying cultivation talent and the means to integrate multiple different fires, and finally Gu Fei's refusal.

Huo Zhi is a strong woman. Although she is not the top in the Yan tribe, there are still people in the tribe who are comparable to her, but no one can catch her eye.

Now there is finally someone who is pleasing to her, but the other party doesn't like her.

"Great, Gu Fei really won't want this Yan clan woman..."

Unlike Huo Zhi, Xun'er, who was sitting opposite her, had a bright smile on her pretty face, and then she looked at Huo Zhi provocatively.

She seemed to be laughing at Huo Zhi, laughing at her for not wanting any man to marry her even if she approached him actively.


Huo Zhi caught Xun'er's provocative look, which aroused Huo Zhi's competitive spirit.

"Since you think Gu Fei won't marry me, I'll try to win..."

Huo Zhi made a decision in his heart, and this decision was not only because of competing with Xun'er, but also partly because of Gu Fei.

At this moment, everyone at the banquet fell into a brief silence because of Gu Fei's answer.

The expression on the face of the elder Huo Yao of the Yan clan was a little embarrassed.

Although Gu Fei's words were expressing his thoughts, for everyone in the Yan clan, it was no less than being slapped in the face.

They came all the way to propose marriage, but were directly rejected, and they didn't know how to end it.

"Mr. Gu Fei, today is just the first time we meet. In the future, with more contact, perhaps your thoughts will change..."

"Why don't we give each other some time to get to know each other..."

Just when Gu Lie was about to speak to ease the atmosphere, Huo Zhi suddenly stood up.

At this moment, the previous displeasure on Huo Zhi's face disappeared, and she showed the vitality and enthusiasm unique to an 18-year-old girl.

She was full of youthful breath!

"What's wrong with this woman?"

Listening to Huo Zhi's answer, Gu Fei couldn't help but frowned, feeling a little strange.

Is my charm so great?

This is just the first time we meet, okay, the other party is going to make a fuss about marrying me?

"Yes, I think Huo Zhi's personality is quite compatible with Gu Fei..."

An elder of the Gu clan nodded. Obviously, in such an occasion, Huo Zhi behaved generously and showed sincerity.

At this moment, more than half of the elders of the Gu clan agreed with this marriage.

The combination of the two clans' geniuses is very suitable in the eyes of these old guys.

"Huo Zhi, this girl is still so reckless..."

The face of Elder Huo Yao was a little serious. Huo Zhi's behavior, to put it bluntly, was just flattering others to marry her.

If Gu Fei directly rejected this again, I'm afraid the Yan clan would lose all face this time.

"Gu Fei, marriage is hard to say, it's better not to make a decision too early..."

"Think about it!"

A voice sounded above the hall, and everyone looked at it. It was Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the Gu clan, who was sitting at the first seat in the hall.

This person was Gu Fei's former father-in-law. The last time Gu Fei wanted to separate from Xun'er, Gu Yuan said something similar to today.

He is really good at smoothing things over!

Although Gu Yuan did not emit any pressure at this time, he was so calm that everyone in the hall had to be serious.

Gu Yuan's majesty is not only because he is the patriarch of the Gu Clan, but more because of his terrifying cultivation that is the best among all.

Gu Lie also knows the depth of the situation. Gu Yuan's words are to protect the face of the Yan Clan delegation.

"Child, since the Yan Clan is full of sincerity, you should stay with Huo Zhi for the time being!"

Gu Lie persuaded Gu Fei beside him.

Originally, Gu Fei mustered up the courage not to listen to Gu Yuan this time.

But now that Grandpa Gu Lie has spoken, he nodded and agreed first.

Anyway, this time he agreed, it's not really to sign a marriage contract. After the banquet, he can always find a reason to refuse this matter.

"Haha, young people, spend more time together, maybe there will be feelings!"

Elder Huo Yao's hanging heart finally relaxed. At least, at this banquet, the Gu Clan took care of the face of the Yan Clan.

As for whether this matter can be accomplished, it depends on whether Huo Zhi has the ability.

"How can father be so vague?"

Seeing things develop to this point, Xun'er's face was very ugly.

She blamed her father Gu Yuan in her heart.

If Gu Yuan hadn't spoken, perhaps the matter would have ended here. Now, if Huo Zhi continued to stay in the ancient world, things would be unknown.

Next, the banquet continued, and Huo Zhi took the initiative to come to Gu Fei.

In terms of appearance, Huo Zhi is definitely a rare beauty, and she also has a mysterious temperament. The other young generations of the ancient clan are very envious.

"Mr. Gu Fei, have a drink?"

Huo Zhi raised the wine glass to Gu Fei, stretched out her arms, and behaved gracefully.

Her face, beautiful, revealed a bit of mysterious charm, which made people unconsciously want to explore and uncover the mysterious veil.

"Miss Huo Zhi, please!"

Gu Fei raised the wine glass and didn't say much, which made Huo Zhi a little embarrassed.

"I heard that Master Gu Fei has made great achievements in alchemy. There are too few alchemists like you who are proficient in alchemy and do not delay their cultivation..."

Even though Huo Zhi was rejected by the audience, he continued to find topics.

Gu Fei responded politely with a few words.


Seeing Huo Zhi and Gu Fei chatting, Xun'er was very angry, especially when Huo Zhi gave her a look in the middle.

That look was exactly the same as the one Xun'er had used to provoke Huo Zhi before, and now it was returned.

"Do you think that this can make Brother Gu Fei change his mind..." Xun'er clenched her fists and drank alone.

Although other young men from the Gu clan came to chat with her, she ignored them.

Finally, Xun'er survived the banquet with difficulty and found her father alone.

"Father, why did you stop Gu Fei just now? Isn't it good that he refused?"

Xun'er said with grievance.

"Xun'er, for Gu Fei, Huo Zhi of the Yan Clan is indeed a good match... Could it be that you still want to get back together with him?"

Gu Yuan frowned slightly and said.

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