"I! I..."

When asked by Gu Yuan, Xun'er was obviously a little anxious, and the words she wanted to say were on her lips but she couldn't spit them out.

"Am I really willing to do this?"

Gu Fei's appearance appeared in her mind, and Xun'er felt empty in her heart.

After a moment of silence, she nodded slightly and said in a very weak voice: "Yes..."


After getting Xun'er's answer, Gu Yuan sighed, his expression was very helpless.

"Xun'er, you should know that it's your fault that you and Gu Fei divorced. Since you still like him now, why did you do such a thing in the first place?"

Gu Yuan has a good temper. As the head of the family, he has always been calm, but every time he thinks of this matter, he feels angry.

He is angry at his disappointing daughter.

Xun'er also knows that she is wrong, so she lowered her head and said nothing.

"I won't get involved in your affairs with Gu Fei anymore, lest that boy resent me in the future... Also, you have a good talent. If you keep entangled in such things, I'm afraid that even the best talent will be delayed..."

Seeing Xun'er silent, Gu Yuan left a word and disappeared in front of Xun'er.

Some pain should be deeply felt by Xun'er, otherwise, under his pampering, she will always be a proud and arrogant princess who never grows up.

After Gu Yuan left, Xun'er stood there alone, looking at the empty surroundings, at a loss.

She didn't expect that even her father didn't support her now that she wanted to find Gu Fei.

Was it wrong what she did at the beginning?

Did she and Gu Fei have no chance anymore...


"Women are really more difficult than one another. I haven't gotten rid of Xun'er yet, and here comes Huo Zhi..."

After the banquet, Gu Fei returned to his mountain.

Originally thought that Huo Zhi would retreat when he knew the difficulty because of his decisive words, but he didn't expect that he would rely on him. It's difficult to deal with.

"Brother Gu Fei, you're back. How's the matter?"

Seeing Gu Fei's return, Xiao Yixian hadn't spoken yet, but Zi Yan started to ask.

Gu Fei heard this and looked at Xiao Yixian and said, "Huo Zhi is indeed here to propose marriage to my Gu Clan, and the one he's proposing marriage to is me."

Hearing this, Xiao Yixian smiled and joked, "Brother Gu Fei, wouldn't you be moved by the beauty throwing herself into your arms?"

"Of course I didn't agree. After the Huo Clan envoys stated their intentions, I rejected them on the spot, but... Huo Zhi took the initiative to say that we should communicate for a while before making a decision."

"What's there to communicate with her? Let me communicate with her with my fists!"

Zi Yan gestured with her little fists to show her brute force.

"She's a Dou Zong, you can't beat her..." Gu Fei said faintly.

Zi Yan heard this, touched her head and smiled awkwardly: "I can't beat her, but you are here!"

Gu Fei patted Zi Yan's head, and did not speak to Zi Yan anymore. Instead, he looked at Xiao Yi Xian and gently held her in his arms.

"I have no intention of communicating with her, but the clan leader came out to let me spend a few more days with her. The clan leader gave face to the Yan clan, and my grandfather also got involved, so I can't offend them."

"It's a temporary measure, so I can only agree to it first."

Gu Fei's patient and gentle explanation made Xiao Yi Xian feel warm in her heart. She felt very relieved about Gu Fei, and even if he didn't explain, she would not doubt Gu Fei's feelings for her.

"It's okay, I believe you." Xiao Yi Xian grabbed Gu Fei's hand.

"Ah, it means that the woman still has to stay in the ancient world!" Zi Yan complained: "But it doesn't matter, wait a few days, Brother Gu Fei, you can tell her clearly..."

After learning that Huo Zhi's strength was stronger than her, Zi Yan's tone was not so tough.

Gu Fei knew very well that the elders in the clan had hardly considered Xiao Yixian's feelings.

They just treated Gu Fei's current girlfriend as a transparent person, hiding a beautiful woman in a golden house.

Gu Fei knew it well but could do nothing about it.

He was a genius, but a genius was not a strong man. Strength determined all the rights of speech in the clan. Before he had strength worthy of the elders' attention, he had no right to speak.

After explaining, Gu Fei carried Xiao Yixian into the inner room. Seeing this, Zi Yan and Qing Lin left tactfully.

The next day, Gu Fei woke up and saw Xiao Yixian was still sleeping, so he kissed her red lips gently, and then got up and went to the training ground.

What he didn't expect was that Huo Zhi had been waiting here for a long time.

"Good morning!"

Huo Zhi saw Gu Fei coming and immediately greeted Gu Fei enthusiastically.

"Good morning!"

Gu Fei replied casually, then turned around and left to train.

"Greetings, Fifth Commander!"

The passing Black Army soldiers looked at Gu Fei with admiration, which was a manifestation of respect.

Seeing Gu Fei's prestige in the Black Army, Huo Zhi admired him even more.

Since ancient times, heroes love beauties, and beauties also love heroes. For a man like Gu Fei, even if he has a woman and is married, he probably can't stop other women from throwing themselves at him.

Although Huo Zhi is not in that state now, he can't stop his admiration for Gu Fei.

"Brother Gu Fei, good morning!"

Huo Zhi's heart was about to move, and suddenly another voice sounded beside him. Huo Zhi looked over and saw that it was Xun'er.

Xun'er noticed Huo Zhi's gaze and looked back with a provocative look.

Her eyes seemed to say, Gu Fei is not your man, I will come to see him if I want!

Her purpose of coming this time was also very simple, that is, she didn't want Huo Zhi and Gu Fei to be alone.

Although she felt that Gu Fei would not be easily taken down by Huo Zhi, she was still worried. If Huo Zhi really succeeded in the end, she would be really ashamed.

After all, Huo Zhi had declared war on him at the banquet.

Seeing Xun'er coming, Gu Fei frowned slightly. What were they going to do?

"Good morning!"

Out of politeness, Gu Fei still responded to Xun'er, but his attitude was extremely indifferent, and his steps continued to move forward without stopping.

But before he took two steps, another pleasant female voice sounded.

"Brother Gu Fei, the buttons of your clothes are not fastened!"

Gu Fei heard this and suddenly paused. He turned around and looked behind him. The person who came was Xiao Yixian.

"Why are you here? Weren't you asleep just now?" Gu Fei sent a message to Xiao Yixian.

"I was pretending to sleep. If I don't come again, you will be taken away by someone else, hum!"

Xiao Yixian's arrogant voice sounded in Gu Fei's mind. She felt that she should take the initiative at this time and not let others take advantage of her.

She landed in front of Gu Fei and put her hand on Gu Fei's collar, but there was no loose button there. She just deliberately unbuttoned one and buttoned it again.

The purpose of her doing this was also very simple, that is, to declare her sovereignty.

No matter how you fight for Gu Fei, Gu Fei is my man now!

Her heart belongs to me!

Gu Fei's originally hurried steps only stopped because of Xiao Yixian. This was the tacit response of the two.

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