Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 130 Good news continues! Queen Medusa is pregnant!


Seeing this, Gu Fei shouted quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, two midwives who had been invited here in advance came over quickly.

"Madam is giving birth!"

The two midwives glanced at the Little Medical Fairy and immediately began to prepare to deliver the baby.

In order to prevent himself from disturbing them, Gu Fei sent the little medical fairy to the soft bed in the room, then left and waited anxiously outside the house.

"Is the little medical fairy sister going to give birth?"

Zi Yan and others also heard Gu Fei's cry and came outside the bamboo building one after another.

"Ma'am, it's almost time to give birth, please push harder!"


In the room, the shouts of the midwife and the intermittent cries of pain from the little medical fairy always affected Gu Fei's mind.

He walked back and forth, his heart beating wildly with nervousness, anticipation, excitement, and all kinds of emotions filling his heart.

"Husband, don't worry too much. The little medical fairy sister has been prepared for a long time. Everything will go well!" Seeing Gu Fei's reaction, Queen Medusa comforted her softly.

Gu Fei held Cai'er's hand tightly, as if the pain at this moment was on his body.

"Ma'am, if you push harder, it's already halfway out!"


Soon, as a loud cry sounded, Gu Fei's heart finally calmed down.

"Give birth!"

Gu Fei couldn't wait to walk towards the house. Suddenly he thought that he was making too much noise, so he quickly slowed down and gently opened the door.

In the room, the little doctor Xianxiang was dripping with sweat, with a pale face but a sweet smile.

After Gu Fei entered the room, he did not go to see the child first, but went straight to the little medical fairy.

"There's nothing strange about your body, right?"

What Gu Fei is most worried about is what happens to the little medical fairy during the birth process.

Fortunately, it didn't happen.

"Take this pill."

Gu Fei handed the healing elixir prepared in advance to the little medical fairy.

The grade of this elixir has reached the eighth grade.

The little medical fairy took the elixir and felt the pure medicinal properties in the elixir. A blush appeared on her face, and she felt indescribably sweet and moved in her heart. When Gu Fei came in, the first thing she cared about was not the child, but herself.

This moved her heart very much, and she felt a huge sense of happiness.

"Congratulations, sir, mother and daughter are safe."

The midwife congratulated Gu Fei at this time.

"Mother and daughter...are they a girl?"

"Look at the kid!"

After Gu Fei finished speaking, the maid took the child over.

Gu Fei took the child and placed it where the little medical fairy could see it.

In the swaddle, the pink baby was crying loudly.

"Don't cry! Don't cry!"

Gu Fei was a little at a loss.

"It's normal for a child to cry when he's just born and doesn't adapt to the environment..." the little fairy doctor said with an angry smile.

"Well... our daughter is so beautiful, as beautiful as you."

Gu Fei nodded and said happily.

"The baby has just been born and his eyes haven't opened yet. How can you tell."

Hearing this, the little medical fairy was upset.

Next, the midwife walked out of the room and announced the good news to the people waiting outside the door.

Cai'er, Zi Yan, Qing Lin and others quietly entered the room.

"Is this Brother Gu Fei's child?" Qing Lin asked excitedly when he saw the child.

"She's a little girl. She should have looked like this when I was a child...but why is she crying...she's so cute."

Zi Yan poked her head, originally wanting to make a quarrel, but she changed her mind after looking at it.

My name is Little Medical Fairy Sister, and this is my precious niece!

Is this what it feels like to be an elder? Zi Yan likes and enjoys this feeling.

Cai'er looked at the sweet look of the little medical fairy and Gu Fei and touched her belly.

She felt like there was always some reaction in her stomach recently.

She also seems to be pregnant.

It’s just that I haven’t had time to tell Gu Fei yet.

"Have you decided on a name for your child?"

The little medical fairy suddenly asked.

Gu Fei had a headache before when he mentioned the name. He always felt that any name he chose didn't sound good or didn't meet his expectations.

But now, looking at the sweetly smiling little medical fairy in front of him, he had the answer in his heart.

"Let's call this child Xian Le..."

Gu Fei responded with a smile.

The reason why he named his daughter Xianle was because the little medical fairy encountered many misfortunes and suffered many hardships when she was a child. Only after meeting him was she able to have a quiet time.

He hopes that his daughter will be happy all her life.

"Xianle...le, what a good name!"

The little medical fairy agreed with this name very much.

The birth of Xiaoxianle added a lot of joy and laughter to the mountain peak.

As Gu Fei's daughter, she was naturally loved and cared for by everyone on the mountain.

Venerable Tianhuo has an elder's heart, and he almost regards Xiao Xianle as his own granddaughter.

Zi Yan has always been the little one among Gu Fei's group.

Now, with a smaller one, she is not 'jealous', but wants to give her best to Xian Le.

Sometimes, when the little medical fairy gets tired of taking care of the children, Zi Yan will take over.

Xiao Xianle also liked to play with Zi Yan. The little medical fairy even said jealously that Xiao Xianle seemed to like Zi Yan more.

In the ancient world, Gu Fei's grandfather Gu Lie was very happy when he learned that his great-granddaughter was born.

I thought hard about preparing a gift for my great-granddaughter for a long time, and found that the only thing I could offer was my own strength.

So I prepared a very abstract gift.

"Grandpa, you are here."

When Gu Fei learned that Gu Lie was coming, he brought the little medical fairy and Xiao Xianle to see Gu Lie.

"Xiao Xianle, please let me hug you."

Gu Lie showed a kind smile. Although he had tried his best to suppress his aura, even if it was just on the surface, it made Xiao Xianle feel scared. Before he reached Gu Lie's arms, he was already crying.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Xianle. This is your great-grandfather. He loves you very much. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, just mention your great-grandfather's name."

Gu Fei said to Xiao Xian Le, but how could Xiao Xian Le understand it.

After adapting like this for a long time, Xiao Xianle finally came safely into Gu Lie's arms.

Gu Lie held Xiaoxianle like a treasure, fearing that Xiaoxianle would be bumped in his arms. His appearance was very different from that of the usually majestic Black Annihilation King.

"Grandpa also prepared a gift for you."

Gu Lie said, stretched out his hand, and a space jade slip appeared in his hand.

The gift Gu Lie prepared for Xiao Xianle was the space jade slip that he personally refined.

Seeing this gift, Gu Fei couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The space jade slip needs to be crushed before it can be used. Xiao Xianle had just opened her eyes. It was very difficult to pick it up, let alone crush the jade slip.

This space jade slip will probably collect dust over a long period of time.

"Xiao Xianle, why don't you thank your great grandfather..."

Although he thought so in his heart, Gu Fei still cooperated with Gu Lie to make Xiaoxian happy,

Xiao Xianle didn't understand what the adults were talking about, and looked around with her two small black eyes.

"Hahaha, I have four generations living under one roof!" Gu Lie laughed heartily and couldn't wait to spread the news in the ancient world.

The elders in the ancient tribe were all envious of Gu Lie, and they urged their children or grandchildren to have children as soon as possible. If they couldn't beat Gu Lie, they had to compare him to something.

And this is not the only happy event for Gu Fei.

As early as a month ago, Cai'er felt the breath of life coming from her belly, but it was still very weak and uncertain at that time.

But now, she could clearly feel the signs of pregnancy.

"It's time to tell your husband."

As the father of the child, Gu Fei should know the news of his pregnancy as soon as possible.

Cai'er came to Gu Fei while Gu Fei was taking care of Xiao Xianle.

Gu Fei knew Cai'er very well.

One look at the expression on her face at this moment, and he knew that she had something to tell him.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Fei asked with concern, walked towards Cai'er and held her in his arms.

Cai'er looked at Gu Fei affectionately, and after a moment's hesitation, she said, "I'm pregnant."

Gu Fei...

"Double happiness!"

What greeted Cai'er after the silence was Gu Fei's surprise. Gu Fei didn't expect that he just had Xiao Xianle, and Cai'er had an immediate reaction.

His ability must be too strong, and he actually made both of them pregnant so quickly.

With the experience of taking care of the little medical fairy, Gu Fei is no longer at a loss as before.

"The next step is to have a good rest and take care of your baby."

Gu Fei quickly took care of Cai'er, but Cai'er refused.

"Pregnancy is different between us snakes and humans. The pregnancy period of snake people is much longer than that of humans. What's more, I have become a colorful sky-swallowing python of ancient blood, and my pregnancy period is longer."

"Approximately how long will it take?"

"It's estimated to take three to five years."

"so long?"

Gu Fei looked at Cai'er's belly and thought, the colorful sky-swallowing python is equivalent to the physique of a Warcraft. It is much more difficult for Warcraft to give birth than a human, and it is normal for three to five years.

"During pregnancy, do you need a magic pill to nourish the fetus in your belly?"

Gu Fei remembered something.

Hearing this, Cai'er opened her red lips slightly, nodded and said, "That's true. During pregnancy, our clan will use secret methods to nourish the fetus, which can enhance the baby's bloodline ability, and the potential after birth will be even more terrifying."

"The most powerful secret technique passed down by the snake people is the Heavenly Soul Blood Melting Pill..."

"The Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill is just a seventh-grade pill. Wherever it is enough, our children will use better ones!"

Before Cai'er could finish speaking, Gu Fei interrupted him, and his words moved Cai'er even more.

"I once obtained an eighth-grade pill recipe called Dragon Soul Holy Blood Pill. Its effect is similar to the Heavenly Soul Blood Fusion Pill, but its effect is countless times more powerful than the latter!"

Cai'er looked at Gu Fei with emotion. Gu Fei used the eighth-grade elixir, and the anti-fetal medicine he gave to the little medical fairy was also an eighth-grade elixir.

He and the Little Medical Fairy have the same weight in Gu Fei's heart.

"Just have a good rest and leave the refining of the elixir to me. I will ensure that you and the child receive the most abundant nourishment!"

Gu Fei helped Cai'er go back to rest, and called Zi Yan and Qing Lin to pay more attention.

"Sister Cai'er is pregnant too!"

"This is so cool!"

Hearing Gu Fei's words, Zi Yan's little face instantly showed excitement, as if the pregnant person was not Queen Medusa but her.

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