Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 131 After leaving the ancient world, Yun Yun was forced to marry!

"Am I going to have another little guy to play with me in a few months?"

Zi Yan usually likes teasing little Xianle (yue) the most. If there is one more little guy, she will have a lot to play with in a day.

"Zi Yan, my pregnancy is different from that of humans. It will take three to five years before I give birth!"

Seeing Zi Yan's excitement, Queen Medusa replied with a smile.

"Ah, it takes so long to get pregnant!"

Hearing this, the excitement on Zi Yan's face faded.

"You two take care of Cai'er, and I'll refine some nourishing elixirs for her."

"Bring me some as well!" Zi Yan blinked her eyes with hope.

"It depends on your performance..."

"Okay, I will definitely perform well!"

After Gu Fei finished explaining, he left the mountain and went to a medicine warehouse to collect a large amount of medicinal materials.

Then he returned to the mountain to make elixirs.

The alchemy cauldron emerged.

A lot of medicinal materials emerged from Najie.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Fei sacrificed the strange fire and continuously heated up the alchemy cauldron.

Although this was Gu Fei's first time refining the Dragon Soul Holy Blood Pill, he was very skillful. He quickly threw two eighth-level magic cores with dragon blood into the pill cauldron.

The magic core was instantly burned red by the strange fire.

Next, several bottles of blood with huge energy were thrown into the medicine cauldron by Gu Fei.

When the elixir was completed, seven-color elixirs descended from the sky. The nourishing effect of the elixir experienced by the seven-color elixirs was far superior to the superior secret technique of the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood elixir inherited from the snake people.

"Seven Color Dan Lei, Gu Fei's medicine refining skills have improved again. Do you think the people from the Yao Clan will imitate the Yan Clan and keep an eye on this boy and want to marry the girls from the clan?"

"It's really possible that Gu Fei's talent in refining medicine is not inferior to that of the genius of the demon clan..."

As the seven-color Dan Lei emerged, some elders of the Ancient Clan with Dou Sage cultivation stared at him from a distance, talking and laughing, all expressing their admiration for Gu Fei.

Seventh-grade elixirs and low-level eighth-grade elixirs cannot enter the eyes of these Fighting Saints.

But the elixir above the seven-color elixir is worthy of the attention of the powerful fighting saints like them.

Gu Fei is only twenty years old now, and he can attract seven-color pill thunder. In the future, there is a high chance that he can reach the level of a ninth-grade alchemist.

The ninth-grade elixir is one that makes countless fighting saints salivate.

Except for those who have reached the pinnacle like Gu Yuan and have no way forward, all other fighting saints are eager to do this.

"You have a great grandson."

In a large hall, Gu Yuan smiled at Gu Lie beside him.

Gu Lie didn't hide his smile either.

Who could be displeased to have such an outstanding grandson?

"I have to have a good relationship with this guy Gu Fei in the future. Maybe one day I will need him to refine medicine."

"Yes, a ninth-grade alchemist is very important to our ancient tribe."

Alchemists have always had a special status, even among ancient tribes.

The elders of the ancient clan expressed their opinions one after another.

They began to face up to this young man who was getting closer and closer to the ninth grade alchemist.

"Cai'er, take the elixir!"

On the mountain peak, Gu Fei had just refined the Dragon Soul Holy Blood Pill and gave it to Medusa.

Although this elixir has mild properties, it is still an eighth-grade elixir and has strong medicinal power.

It’s not easy to absorb.

So Cai'er immediately went into retreat.

Zi Yan took good care of Cai'er during Gu Fei's retreat, and she also got the sugar pill she wanted.

Little Xianle is now half a year old. With the help of the little medical fairy, she has begun to learn to walk and even babbling.

A few months later, Cai'er came out of seclusion. There seemed to be a faint layer of blood on the surface of her body. It seemed that the Dragon Soul Holy Blood Pill had been absorbed very smoothly.

Women who are pregnant will always have more emotions unconsciously, and Cai'er is no exception.

After leaving seclusion, Cai'er often looked at her belly in a daze, as if she had something on her mind.

The little medical fairy was the first to notice something strange about Queen Medusa, so she asked, "Cai'er, I've always seen you in a trance during this time. Are you thinking about something?"

"It's nothing, just...I miss the snake people a little bit. After all, I am the queen of the snake people. I haven't been back for a long time. I don't know how the people are doing now."

Cai'er cares deeply about her ethnic group and has been away for a long time, worrying about their condition.

Speaking of the snake people, the little medical fairy also thought of the Jiama Empire: "Actually, I also want to visit the original small valley."

That small valley was where she and Gu Fei met, and it was also where the two of them established a deep friendship.

She wanted to take Xiao Xianle to see the small valley and remember this place.

"I wonder how the Motie Mercenary Group is doing now..." Qinglin also agreed softly.

"Then let's go back together and take a look. Anyway, there's nothing much going on recently."

Seeing that several people were homesick, Gu Fei supported taking them back for a visit.

When Zi Yan heard this, she jumped up and said: "I will also go back to Canaan College to see the old man and let her see my current strength!"

The old man in Zi Yan's mouth was naturally Su Qian, the great elder of the inner courtyard.

"Recently, I have been worried about my child. I wonder if he has successfully digested the Amethyst Source. I just want to go back and have a look."

The Lion King also has plans.

Gu Fei looked at Lord Tianhuo who did not express his opinion in the end.

"You all have to leave. Why am I, an old man, staying here? Of course we are leaving together."

So everyone finished their discussion and returned to the Jia Ma Empire to take a look.

When leaving, Gu Fei was still very low-key and did not tell his clansmen about his whereabouts.

After leaving the ancient world smoothly, they hurried along the space channel just like when they came.

The environment inside the space channel was as dark and lonely as ever. Fortunately, they were used to this feeling.

It was the first time for Xiao Xianle to enter the space channel, but with Gu Fei protecting her, she did not feel any discomfort.

The closer you get to the homeland, the more timid you feel. The closer you get to the Gama Empire, the more passionate your heart becomes.

Gama Empire, Yunlan Sect.

Deep in the Yunlan Sect, in a remote hall, soft lights swayed in the breeze, and the faint light enveloped the hall, driving away the coldness that lingered in the hall.

The huge hall was empty, and only the white dress in the center could add a touch of popularity to the hall.

Yun Yun sat cross-legged on a cushion, and her beautiful face, which was elegant and noble, was now filled with strange anger.

Earlier, her mentor Yunshan came here and said something to her, which directly made her body fall into a cold state.

"Yun'er, get ready, your master is going to hold a wedding for you."

"Hold a wedding? With whom?"

"The only person in the entire Jiama Empire who can match you is Gu He."

"You want me to marry Gu He?"

"Of course."

"I don't want to!"

"Then you stay here and think it through before leaving!"

This is the conversation between Yunshan and Yunyun, simple and straightforward, without any emotion.

Thinking of the words spoken from the mouth of her mentor Yunshan, Yunyun's coldness in her heart became more intense. How could Yunshan, who is now, still look like the kind teacher in her heart?

Yunshan used to take good care of her. It was under Yunshan's careful teaching that she was able to become a Douhuang strongman and successfully become the leader of Yunlan Sect.

But now?

In Yunshan's eyes, there is no emotion. He seems like a cold wooden man. The love he once had for her has disappeared, and only use has replaced it.

This is incredible!

What happened during the time when he was promoted to Dou Zong?

What made the teacher become like this?

And those elders who suddenly became Dou Huang, why did their strength suddenly improve so quickly?

The entire Yunlan Sect now seems to be shrouded in a haze from top to bottom, a haze that Yun Yun can't get rid of at all.

"Do you really want to marry Gu He?"

Yun Yun slowly raised her hand.

Her Dou Qi couldn't flow in her body at this time, because Yun Shan had sealed her Dou Qi when she left.

Because she didn't want to marry Gu He, she contradicted Yun Shan, and Yun Shan sealed her Dou Qi in anger and put her under house arrest here.

There was also a seal set by Yun Shan in the room, and she couldn't leave here at all.

When people are helpless, they always think of the person they want to rely on the most.

At this moment, a young and tall figure emerged in Yun Yun's mind.

"Where are you?"

A feeling of regret arose with this figure.

The person she missed was Gu Fei.

At first, for the sake of Yunlan Sect, she gave up the pursuit of a better life in her heart.

She is the leader of Yunlan Sect, and she wants to lead Yunlan Sect on the right path.

Let Yunlan Sect be admired by everyone and let Yunlan Sect step onto a new height.

But what about now?

Yunlan Sect has become so ghostly and sect-less.

If it were to happen again, Yun Yun would resign the so-called position of leader without hesitation and follow Gu Fei's footsteps.

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