After Zi Yan finished speaking, the tyrannical aura raged again, bringing terrifying pressure to everyone present.

Her purpose is to deter those nasty people who dare to come here to cause trouble for Gu Fei.

"The wings of the sky phoenix, the body of the giant dragon! This is the bloodline of the ancient dragon and phoenix!"

"My ancient dragon clan is about to rise!"

Zhuli Lao burst into tears and was so excited that he even knelt down. The Lion King also knelt down subconsciously because of his Warcraft bloodline.

The ancient dragon and phoenix were the absolute supreme beasts. In ancient times, as long as they did not die young, they would definitely become the Nine-Star Fighting Saint in the future.

Even the ancient Heavenly Phoenix couldn't bear the pressure of this bloodline and had to bow down.

"She...isn't she the little girl who was with Gu Fei before? Why did she suddenly become so strong?"

Xun'er was shocked when she saw Zi Yan emerging from the sky in the distance.

Xun'er has a particularly deep memory of this lively and cute little girl beside Gu Fei.

She had fought against Zi Yan before and was surprised by Zi Yan's strength.

However, she remembered that before the retreat, Zi Yan was just a Fighting Emperor. How come it has only been more than a year since she became a Fighting Saint?

"Looking at her aura, she shouldn't be from the ancient clan... Why is she so strong?"

"I think she is even younger than Gu Fei, but she is already a Fighting Saint!"

The onlookers were all amazed and amazed at Zi Yan's strength.

The newly promoted Fighting Saint was rippling in the ancient world. Gu Yuan and Gu Lie sensed this terrifying aura early on and looked towards this place one after another.

"Although I knew that this little girl would have a great opportunity, I didn't expect that she would be so strong, and she would be promoted to the Fighting Saint!"

In the distance, Gu Fei's grandfather Gu Lie secretly smacked his lips, marveling at Zi Yan's opportunity.

“I’m afraid even the ninth-grade elixir cannot match this effect!”

Beside him, Gu Yuan smiled helplessly.

Although the ninth-grade elixir is powerful, there is no way for a Douzong to directly rise to Dou Sheng. Such an opportunity is hard to find in the world.

However, they cannot envy this opportunity that only belongs to the Warcraft clan.

"Boy, is that you?"

Zi Yan's eyes fell on Lei Dong, the leader of the Lei Clan's children. Lei Dong was obviously the leader of this group of people.

Being stared directly at by Zi Yan, Lei Dong felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end.

The power of thunder on the surface of the body was suppressed into the body, and he was too afraid to appear again.

Lei Dong had only seen such terrifying power in angry Lei Clan elders.

Lei Dong's arrogant attitude when he first arrived has all subsided.

The next moment, with an apology on his face, Lei Dong bowed to Zi Yan and said, "Senior, this junior was originally looking for brother Gu Fei to discuss matters. I didn't expect to alarm you. Please forgive me."

Lei Dong is proud, but not stupid.

Now if he dares to provoke Zi Yan, Zi Yan will give him a beating.

Moreover, even if he was beaten, the elders of the clan would not come forward.

"Brother Gu Fei is not in the mood to compete with you, so get out of here!"

After Zi Yan finished speaking, she waved her jade hand, and an invisible force swept across them. Lei Dong and others were knocked down into the sky, and they were all in a very embarrassed state.

Lei Dong had an ugly expression on his face when he got up, but he didn't say anything more, turned around and hurriedly left with a few children of the Thunder Clan.

"It's a good thing for this kid Lei Dong to suffer a loss. It will make him more motivated."

"Yes, after being stimulated like this, he will only work harder."

As early as when Zi Yan came out of seclusion, the elders of the Thunder Clan noticed it.

They were worried that there was any danger from Lei Dong and rushed to the scene immediately and witnessed with their own eyes what had just happened.

Regardless of status, with Zi Yan's current cultivation level, these Thunder Clan elders must be treated equally, and even some of the elders are not as strong as her.

It is not convenient for them to take part in the dispute between the younger generations, so they can only let Lei Dong have a long memory.

Seeing that all the people gathered on the mountain had left, Zi Yan restrained her fighting spirit, and the visions of heaven and earth immediately restrained, and she flew down in front of Gu Fei, the Little Medical Fairy and others.

The reason why she took a strong move to drive everyone away was because of Gu Fei.

Gu Fei spent a lot of money refining the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit for her, and he has not fully recovered yet.

So she didn't want others to disturb Gu Fei.

Zi Yan looked at Gu Fei in front of her with a proud expression on her face. For this reason, she deliberately released some of her powerful aura and said proudly: "Brother Gu Fei, now I am stronger than you. Oh, from now on, it will be my turn to protect you!"

After Zi Yan finished speaking, she waved her little fist, showing off her old ladylike demeanor in Canaan College.

At this moment, Zi Yan has an adult face and an amazing figure. Although her face is similar to the previous face, her temperament has changed greatly. When she heard Zi Yan's sincere words, Gu Fei smiled unconsciously.


Gu Fei happily agreed, and Zi Yan was also very happy.

"Zi Yan's promotion speed is too terrifying!"

Cai'er, the Little Medical Fairy and others came to Zi Yan's side.

They thought that Zi Yan would improve a lot, but they never thought that Zi Yan would directly be promoted to Dou Sheng. Even Gu Fei was far away from that level.

It is no exaggeration to say that one can reach the sky in one step.

Far away on the mountain peak, Xun'er looked at Gu Fei's bamboo house with reluctant eyes, feeling very complicated in her heart.

In terms of talent, she looked down upon Lei Dong, thinking that Lei Dong was not as good as Gu Fei.

But after all, Lei Dong is a few years older than Gu Fei and has practiced for a few more years. In terms of current strength, Lei Dong is much stronger than Gu Fei.

She originally hoped that Lei Dong would come and defeat Gu Fei in public, dampening his spirit, but she didn't expect Zi Yan to suddenly appear and even make Gu Fei stand out.

Because, the Dou Sheng strongman that everyone feared was like a well-behaved little sister in front of Gu Fei.

Under this strong contrast, the sense of superiority she had previously felt because of the pursuit of a high-quality young man like Lei Dong disappeared.

In terms of quality, Zi Yan crushed Lei Dong.

Not only was she stronger than Lei Dong, but her talent was also much stronger than Lei Dong! After all, Zi Yan looked much younger than Gu Fei!


A crisp sound suddenly came from behind everyone, the door of the bamboo building was opened, and Xiao Xianle came out of the bamboo building.

"Daddy, I just felt a strong force, what happened?"

Xiao Xianle walked out, and Cai'er lifted the previous ban.

The terrifying power of Zi Yan Dou Sheng, the ban set by Cai'er obviously couldn't block it.

Xiao Xianle quickly ran to Gu Fei, and Gu Fei picked her up and looked at Zi Yan.

"It's your sister Zi Yan who has made a breakthrough. She is now very powerful, even more powerful than daddy. From now on, you will need sister Zi Yan to protect you."

"Sister Zi Yan?"

Xiao Xianle looked at Zi Yan suspiciously, and compared her appearance with her memory for a long time before she was sure that it was indeed Zi Yan.

"Daddy, is this really sister Zi Yan? How come she grows up so fast?"

"I also want to grow up quickly! Can sister Zi Yan teach me?"

Xiao Xianle's childish voice sounded.

"Why do you want to grow up so much?"

Zi Yan was amused by Xiao Xianle.

"When you grow up, you can protect daddy like sister Zi Yan!"

Xiao Xianle looked hopeful.

"Daddy doesn't need your protection, I just hope you grow up happily!"

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