Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 159 Xun'er: I don't agree with this marriage!

Gu Fei felt warm in his heart. He touched Xiao Xianle's face, looked at Xiao Yixian and Cai'er, and felt very satisfied.

The happiest thing in the world is that the family is together happily.

Nothing is more important than this.

"Friend Gu Fei, you have given me a great opportunity this time. You are a great benefactor of my dragon clan. If I can use it in the future, the dragon clan will definitely support me with all their strength!" Zhu Li came over excitedly to thank him.

"You are too kind. Zi Yan is my friend. I helped her without thinking about any return!" Gu Fei smiled and shook his head.

Next, after Xiao Yixian, Cai'er, and Qinglin congratulated Zi Yan on her breakthrough to Dou Sheng, Gu Fei continued to rest and recover his energy.

After absorbing some energy from the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, Gu Fei felt that he was only one step away from the Nine-Star Dou Zun. He originally planned to start the breakthrough after a sleep.

Unexpectedly, after sleeping for two days and two nights in a row, Gu Fei woke up and found that he had directly broken through to the Nine-Star Dou Zun.

"It would be great if I could keep breaking through while sleeping."

After waking up, Gu Fei, who was full of energy, felt the energy in his body and smiled.

"I don't know when I can become a saint!"

Because of Zi Yan's breakthrough, Gu Fei's heart was also ignited with a fire, and he was getting closer and closer to the semi-saint.

Zi Yan became a Dou Sheng, and Gu Fei couldn't wait to step into that realm.

Then launch the final charge to the realm that no one can come after.

Gu Fei also knows that the gap between the Nine-Star Dou Zun and the semi-saint or even the Dou Sheng is extremely huge.

Because, in order to achieve the semi-saint, you still need to go through the arduous process of nine turns to become a saint.

Compress and condense Dou Qi nine times.

Many people stay at this stage throughout their lives, and finally die of depression.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed."

Gu Fei restrained his breath, stopped checking his body, stood up and walked outside the main building.

Yesterday, Xiao Yixian told him that in order to welcome the arrival of the Thunder Clan delegation, the Gu Clan prepared a banquet and invited Gu Fei to attend.

Gu Fei was reluctant to go, but the invitation letter had been delivered to his doorstep, so it would be bad not to go.

After packing up, Gu Fei ran to the banquet.

On the way there, Gu Fei heard some rumors about the purpose of the banquet, but he didn't care about them, so he didn't listen much.

After arriving at the banquet, all the children of the Lei clan had arrived. Lei Dong was sitting in the front row and saw Gu Fei's arrival.

He first looked behind Gu Fei to make sure that Zi Yan hadn't come, and then looked at Gu Fei with a gloomy look.

Gu Fei glanced at Lei Dong lightly and also noticed his slightly hostile look.

But he didn't care, found his seat and sat down.

Xun'er's eyes also fell on Gu Fei, and her eyes were very complicated.

There was reluctance, confusion, loss, and some reluctance.

Gu Fei never looked at her from beginning to end, which made Xun'er feel like falling into an abyss.

"Yes, the women around her are all so outstanding... It seems that I am not missing one!"

"Flowers are fragrant and butterflies come... I must become more outstanding!"

Xun'er thought silently in her heart, unconsciously clenching her fists.

Compared with the complex emotions of the younger generation, the elders of the Thunder Clan who were present looked at Gu Fei with admiration.

Gu Fei was already a nine-star Dou Zun in his twenties. This talent was even more terrifying than Lei Dong at the beginning, and the people around him were even more terrifying.

Shortly after Gu Fei arrived, Gu Yuan, Gu Lie and other elders of the Ancient Clan also entered the venue.

"Haha, the Ancient Clan and the Thunder Clan have not communicated for more than ten years. This time, you must have a good time..."

After everyone arrived, Gu Yuan welcomed the arrival of the Thunder Clan elders. After both sides praised each other, the banquet officially began.

At the beginning of the banquet, the decisive character of the people of the Thunder Clan was fully demonstrated. Just after Gu Yuan finished his polite words, an elder of the Thunder Clan stood up and said, "Chief Gu Yuan, we came here to propose marriage for Lei Dong. This is the gift from our Thunder Clan."

After the elder of the Thunder Clan finished speaking, a large number of boxes filled with rare treasures appeared.

"I wonder who the Thunder Clan wants to propose marriage to this time?"

Gu Lie asked.

"Of course it is Miss Xun'er, the daughter of Chief Gu Yuan!"

The elder of the Thunder Clan said.

As soon as this was said, it immediately caused a booing in the audience. They were not surprised, but their expressions were really like this.

This news had actually spread a few days ago. The elders of the Gu Clan and Gu Yuan had long known the intention of the Thunder Clan, and many elders felt that with Lei Dong's excellence, it would be a good choice to match Xun'er.

Gu Yuan asked just now just to go through the process and prevent accidents.

Otherwise, if the other party changed his mind, he, Xun'er and the Thunder Clan would not be able to get off the stage.

"Xun'er, what do you mean?"

Gu Yuan naturally would not agree directly. He doted on his daughter very much, so he naturally had to consult her opinion.

Xun'er's attention had been on Gu Fei before. When she heard Gu Yuan's question, she stood up and refused without hesitation: "Father, I only like Gu Fei. In this life, I only want to be Gu Fei's wife again."

"In my opinion, Gu Fei is the best person in the world!"

Hearing these words, Gu Fei frowned slightly.

He didn't expect that Xun'er would declare her feelings in public like this.

The people of the Lei clan had just proposed marriage, and Xun'er's words could be said to be completely disregarding the face of the Lei clan, and even pressed the Lei clan's face to the ground and rubbed it. Lei Dong felt that his face was a little red at this moment, and he was angry in his heart.

As soon as Xun'er finished speaking, everyone in the Thunder Clan frowned and looked at her.

Gu Yuan did not expect Xun'er to refuse so bluntly. His eyes stayed on Xun'er and then looked at Gu Fei, frowning.

He was not worried about offending the Thunder Clan, but he did not expect Xun'er to be like this now...

Gu Yuan remembered that before Xun'er and Gu Fei got married, the situation was exactly the opposite of now. Now it has completely reversed.

"Xun'er, we all know that Gu Fei is very talented, even the best talent in the Gu Clan, but there are people who are better than you, and there are always things that are better than you. You don't have to be so sure about anything. There must always be room for maneuver."

An elder of the Gu Clan stepped forward to smooth things over.

Gu Lie looked a little embarrassed on the side. The matter involved his grandson Gu Fei, and he really couldn't say anything.

Xun'er didn't take the elder's advice seriously and continued, "There may not be people who are better than you, and there may not be heavens that are better than you. Gu Fei's talent is the best of his time, and no one can compare to him!"

"In my heart, he is the best!"

Xun'er said this again, and Lei Dong finally couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up, and his fighting spirit surged. If he didn't restrain himself, he would go straight to Gu Fei.

"Hmph, he is the best person?"

"He is just a coward hiding behind a woman!"

Lei Dong stood up and said very unconvinced. Obviously, he felt that his semi-saint cultivation was better than Gu Fei.

A few days ago, he could have defeated Gu Fei in public, but Zi Yan who suddenly appeared stole his limelight. If it was just Gu Fei, how could he let himself leave in disgrace!

Gu Fei looked at Lei Dong indifferently, not wanting to argue with him.

But Xun'er didn't intend to give up.

"Lei Dong, do you think your talent is amazing? Do you think you can be compared with Gu Fei?"

"Let me ask you, how old are you this year? I'm afraid you are almost 30 years old. You are almost 30 years old, but you have barely reached the level of a half-saint. What was your cultivation level when you were 22 years old?"

Xun'er asked a series of questions.

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