Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 6 Ancient Demon: Is he worthy of being a Xiao Clan waste?

Gu Fei stood up, bowed respectfully to Gu Yuan, and left.

From beginning to end, he never gave any extra glance to Xun'er.

Of course Xun'er and Gu Yuan both discovered this.

Xun'er didn't know why there was a strange emotion in her heart.

Didn't Gu Fei have a deep love for her before...

How did it become what it is today.

She bit her lower lip dissatisfied.

Seeing Gu Fei leave, Gu Yuan sighed deeply.

My daughter is so pampered and lawless.

She is married and still entangled with other men.

Isn't all this because Gu Yuan doted on Xun'er too much before?

Xun'er looked very much like his wife, so he unconsciously lowered his bottom line for Xun'er again and again.

After raising her, her cute and cute daughter behaved in such an unruly and lawless way.

For a moment, Gu Yuan didn't know whether what he did was right or not.

His somewhat rogue response to Gu Fei's request certainly destroyed Gu Fei's affection for Xun'er.

It's all this girl's fault.

"Xun'er, do you know you were wrong?"

"Since you are married to Gu Fei, of course you have to pay attention to your own behavior. Why do you still have a private meeting with your foreign man?"

"Besides, Gu Fei didn't crush that Xiao Yan. What good is a waste?"

Gu Yuan had sent spies to investigate the Xiao family a long time ago.

He naturally knew that Gu Fei's "genius" statement was a lie.

Xiao Yan of the Xiao family is clearly a waste.

The genius Xun'er doesn't like it, but she likes a loser?

Gu Yuan's tone was not harsh, it was just an ordinary father's teaching and admonishment to his daughter.

He thought his tone was gentle enough.

However, Xun'er looked aggrieved at this time.

Of course she still didn't think she was terribly wrong.

"Dad! Gu Fei is obviously making a fuss out of a molehill! Why are you scolding me?"

Gu Yuan glared at Xun'er and saw that her beautiful eyes were red, and his heart softened again.

He had no choice but to give up.

Gu Yuan waved his hand and drove Xun'er away. He also wanted to find a way to persuade Gu Fei.

After all, Gu Fei's decisive words before leaving didn't seem to be fake.

He really wants to separate from his former wife.

Xun'er turned around and left. Gu Yuan sat and pondered for a while, then stood up and left the hall.

Next, he planned to go to Gu Fei's grandfather Gu Lie to discuss the relationship between the two young people.

Gu Yuan still hoped that Gu Lie could persuade Gu Fei.

Gu Fei respects his grandfather very much. If Gu Lie opens his mouth, this matter may turn around.

On the other side, the news that Gu Fei and Xun'er went to the clan leader one after another quickly spread in the huge ancient clan.

In addition, Gu Yunyou, who was driven out of the mountain peak with Xun'er by Gu Fei last night, revealed something this morning.

Her beautiful eyes showed a little excitement, and in a few words she revealed what happened last night.

As soon as he clicked, Gu Yunyou turned and left, but the rumors about the ancient clan became more and more intense.

At present, many people in the ancient tribe already know that the relationship between Gu Fei and Xun'er is somewhat tense.

Gu Fei's marriage to Xun'er had already caused a lot of discussion among the entire ancient tribe.

Xun'er is the goddess of the younger generation, and Gu Fei is the most powerful person of the younger generation. The combination of the two naturally attracts discussion.

Now, less than half a year later, there is another rift in the relationship between the two.

Naturally, another round of controversy arose.

After Gu Fei left the main hall, he prepared to go back to his residence.

With his advanced cultivation, he naturally found that many people were whispering in his direction.

Their eyes all fell on Gu Fei, but Gu Fei walked towards his residence without changing his expression.

Maybe word has spread.

Gu Fei shook his head.

It has nothing to do with him what kind of negative impact his story will have if word spreads about it.

All the followers who usually complimented Gu Fei stood far away from him at this time.

They hid in the corner and whispered, and from time to time, doubtful, excited, and resentful eyes fell on Gu Fei.

And Gu Fei certainly enjoyed this sight.

No, he was enjoying the emotional value brought by this rich emotion.

[Gu Yue feels curious, and her mood value increases by 1]

[Gu Feiyang feels resentful, and his emotional value increases by 1]

[The ancient demon is angry, and the emotional value is increased by 5]

Although there are no lucky people here, the emotional value they bring is only a drop in the bucket.

But mosquito meat is also meat, so he naturally won't dislike it.

However, in the end, the anger from the person named "Ancient Demon" caught his attention.

Among the people talking, a man named Gu Yao had anger in his eyes.

The anger was caused by Gu Fei, but not against him.

The ancient demon once also liked Xun'er, because Xun'er was the goddess of the younger generation of the entire ancient tribe, so of course he liked her.

However, after Xun'er came back to marry Gu Fei, Gu Yao had no choice but to give up.

He believes that he abides by the principles of a gentleman, and of course he will not do evil things like taking away his wife.

Moreover, Gu Yao was also convinced of Gu Fei.

But where did that trash named Xiao Yan come from?

Why was the ancient demon so angry? How did he know about Xiao Yan?

It turned out that Gu Yao had just learned this morning from Gu Ling, who had gone to pick up Xun'er.

This time Xun'er and Gu Fei had a bad relationship, which was the reason why their relationship was so tense.

It is most likely because of a trash named Xiao Yan in the Northwest Continent.

Xiao Yan is a man, since Xun'er and Gu Fei are at loggerheads because of him.

That can only mean that Xun'er may be in love with Xiao Yan.

Gu Yao was extremely smart. After listening to Gu Ling's simple advice, he figured out the cause and effect.

He was able to give in because Gu Fei was good enough and worthy of becoming Xun'er's husband.

But why is Xiao Yan a loser?

Therefore, the ancient demon could not suppress the anger in his heart.

He suddenly had murderous intentions towards Xiao Yan.

The ancient demon was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the scenery in the distance, with a murderous intent in his sinister eyes.

"A waste like that can actually capture Xun'er's heart more than brothers Gu Fei and I."

"That's damn good!"

Gu Yao's eyes were full of gloom, and when he saw Gu Fei passing by the window, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart.

He unconsciously transferred his anger to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei's system reminded him faithfully, and he looked as if he was sensing something.

He was looking at the ancient demon with gloomy eyes beside the bed.

Gu Fei looked at him calmly, smiled slightly, and continued walking towards the mountain peak.

The ancient demon looked at Gu Feiyun's calm appearance, and his murderous intention towards Xiao Yan was even more overwhelming.

Such an outstanding man is actually not as good as a loser in Xun'er's heart!

It seems that this Xiao Yan cannot stay for a long time.

As soon as the idea in his mind was born, Gu Yao made up his mind.

He decided to do it immediately.

The ancient demon was originally a decisive person in killing, and now Xiao Yan happened to hit the muzzle of his gun.

It's just a waste, he can kill him if he wants.

Although he is not a person who kills indiscriminately, who makes Xiao Yan covet someone he may not be worthy of in his life.

If Patriarch Gu Yuan hadn't sent Xun'er to that poor place in the past, that loser would never have even thought of seeing Xun'er in his entire life!

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