Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 7 The seventh-grade alchemist, the most brilliant alchemy genius of the ancient tribe!

The ancient demon pondered for a moment and summoned one of his confidants.

"Rush to the northwest continent immediately."

The confidant looked up at him with slight doubts, only to see a strong murderous intent brewing in the ancient demon's eyes.

"Find Xiao Yan and eradicate that trash!"

His confidants were so frightened by his strong momentum and gloomy eyes that cold sweat broke out on their backs, and they quickly lowered their heads and said yes.

Here, the killers targeting Xiao Yan have been dispatched.

On the other side, Gu Fei returned all the way to the mountain peak.

After he returned to his residence, he sat down and rested for a while.

Then he decided to start refining a seventh-grade elixir.

A seventh-grade elixir, if it were exposed to the outside world, such a genius would frighten a group of people.

Gu Feicai is so young!

He is still only sixteen years old!

It is actually possible to refine many seventh-grade elixirs that many alchemists have been unable to refine in their lifetimes!

Any one of these seventh-grade elixirs can fetch a sky-high price at an auction.

Many seventh-grade elixirs are already priceless treasures, and releasing any one of them can stir up a bloody storm.

Previously, the system upgraded Gu Fei's alchemy skills to level seven.

Naturally, Gu Fei also mastered a large number of seventh-grade elixir recipes.

Gu Fei didn't sleep last night, thinking more than just about Xun'er's marriage.

More are these seventh-grade elixirs.

Now that he has mastered a large number of pill recipes, he naturally wants to start trying to refine them.

What Gu Fei wants to refine this time is a pill that can improve one-star cultivation in the Douzong stage.

His name is Tihaidan.

It is a priceless seventh-grade elixir on the market.

After all, that’s the beauty of Tihaidan.

After taking it, not only can you improve your cultivation by one star in the Douzong stage, but most importantly, it has no side effects!

There will be no instability in the foundation. Relying on a pill can directly increase the cultivation level of the Douzong strongman by one star.

Even a seventh-grade pharmacist would have to spend a lot of time refining these seventh-grade elixirs, and there is even a possibility of failure.

Why did Gu Fei try to refine the seventh-grade elixir?

He muttered to himself as he recalled the prescriptions provided by the system in his mind.

"Just think of it as killing time."

Yes, it usually takes a seventh-grade alchemist several weeks or even a month to prepare the seventh-grade elixir before he dares to start refining it.

Part of the reason why Gu Fei refined the medicine this time was to kill time.

The divorce cooling-off period is exactly one month. Maybe the time will be up by the time the elixir is released.

When he was ready, Gu Fei placed a ban outside the house.

He didn't want anyone to disturb him at a critical moment.

It's not good to delay refining alchemy.

Days passed, and the two protagonists never showed up in the ancient tribe.

The discussion about Gu Fei and Xun'er was so weak.

After all, of course they have to see the protagonist to have the desire to gossip.

Now that both of them are gone, who knows what they were doing.

Besides, daily practice is very busy.

On the top of the mountain, Gu Feipan was sitting by the window, eyes closed quietly.

The alchemy furnace in front of him is small and exquisite, emitting a faint luster.

A faint medicinal fragrance hovered in the room.

It wasn't until half a month later that Gu Fei suddenly opened his eyes.

The sky above the mountain peak he was on had already changed drastically.

Beyond the mountain peaks there were no clouds and the sun was shining brightly.

Above the mountain peaks, there were dark clouds.

In the meantime, there are also raging Dan Lei mixed in.

The Dan Lei was so thick that it made people scared after looking at it for a while.

The pill thunder first quickly gathered in the clouds, and then struck down as quickly as lightning.

It hit the house on the top of the mountain.

The sound and the impact caused many people from the ancient tribes around to be alarmed.

They all came to watch.

There are also several alchemists among them.

An alchemist who was quite prestigious among the younger generation looked at the elixir in the sky and was stunned.

He gasped in disbelief.

"This is the elixir that only appears when the seventh-grade elixir is released!"

Although there are only a few alchemists around, they all know how precious the seventh-grade elixir is.

One of the girls opened her mouth to praise, with a look of yearning for the strong on her face.

"I didn't expect that Brother Gu Fei not only has advanced cultivation far beyond ordinary people, but also has extremely high attainments in refining medicine!"

"Yes, brother Gu Fei is only sixteen years old...Miss Xun'er really shouldn't do this!"

A more respectable person from the ancient tribe said, with a little regret in his eyes.

After all, Miss Xun'er is also a very talented person, and the combination of her and Gu Fei will definitely bring the Gu clan to a higher level.

However, Miss Xun'er has another man in her heart...

There were a lot of comments around him, most of them with admiring tones.

These emotions, such as the admiration and envy that many people have for Gu Fei, are all integrated into the system.

[If Gu Tian has an emotion of worship, his emotion value will be increased by 1]

[An old saying produces the emotion of admiration, and the emotion value increases by 1]

[Gu Yaqin has feelings of love, and her mood value increases by 1]

All these detailed emotional values ​​​​are collected by the system.

Gu Fei listened with satisfaction as 1:1 emotion value was recorded.

Although it is small, a trickle of water can merge into a sea, right?

The last prompt made his lips curl up.

[Xun'er feels depressed, and her mood value increases by 100]

It turned out that Xun'er had also arrived, among the people of the ancient tribe around him.

Of course, no one there has noticed Xun'er's arrival yet.

Only Gu Fei's system exposed her.

At this time, Xun'er was hiding in the dark, looking up at the house on the top of the mountain like the people around her.

She couldn't help but think of where she lived a few days ago...

If Gu Fei hadn't mentioned Heli, would she also be the envy of everyone at this moment?

Instead of being pitied by everyone, it's a pity that she shouldn't have chosen another man.

Xun'er listened to everyone's comments. She had a high level of cultivation.

The noisy sound of the discussion was like a sword, piercing into her ears and into her heart.

Originally, she shouldn't care about everything about Gu Fei.

Why is it that while listening to the discussion of this group of people, I feel depressed?

Xun'er felt very uncomfortable.

Biting her lower lip, she frowned and looked up at the distant mountain top.

Xun'er's eyes were blank and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Although Xun'er didn't like Gu Fei, her appreciation for the strong in her heart still made her come over.

Because Xun'er noticed something strange in this area early, like the pressure that a high-level pill was about to be released.

She hurried over and planned to join in the fun.

After all, her father Gu Yuan was really angry at the time and actually announced that he would ground her for a month.

Only when Gu Fei comes to find his father again can Xun'er be allowed to move freely.

Deep in Xun'er's heart, she complained unconsciously.

Half a month later, she realized that a high-level elixir was about to be released here, so she sneaked out while Gu Yuan was not paying attention.

On the way, Xun'er was still in high spirits, thinking that it was the older generation of strong men from the ancient tribe who had mastered high-level elixirs.

Unexpectedly, the person who mastered the seventh-grade elixir was Gu Fei.

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