Hearing this,

Xiaosong and the others were stunned.

Xiao Hongsong was even more incredulous and said:

“Is this such a coincidence?”

He had the same idea as Su Ming.

He felt that he had worked so hard to find it, but it was delivered to him.

“I don’t know either, maybe you and it are destined to be together.”

Su Ming had no choice but to explain.

Xiao Song smiled, looked at the penguin again, and said:

“Maybe, but is this what wall penguins look like?”

“I thought it was a ferocious creature.”

He didn’t expect that the penguin Su Ming was looking for was so cute.

Su Ming said:”This is just a little penguin.”

“Adult wall penguins are exactly what you think they are.”

“It is also a ferocious beast!”

This made Xiaosong look a little serious:

“This little penguin is here.”

“Will its elders come looking for it?”

Su Ming smiled,”Who knows.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard several explosions nearby.

“Bang, bang, bang!!!”

Xiaosong, Aru and the others looked serious.

The penguin was so scared that he clung to Xiaosong’s thigh and trembled slightly.

“What happened?”

At this time, several people were also uneasy.

“Let’s go out and have a look.”

Then, the penguins and the wall penguins were suspended.

They flew out of the pit and flew in the direction of the explosion.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

When they arrived at their destination, they saw two giant penguins lying on the ground 50 meters in front of them. Their bodies were covered with wounds, bleeding, and they were dying at any time. There were several people standing around the two big penguins , including the GT robot. There was no need to look at it. The two big penguins must have been injured by these people. Seeing this scene, Xiaosong and his people were immediately angry.

“It’s those guys from the food club!”

“They’re going to kill the wall penguins!”

“Damn it!”

The little penguin next to Xiaosong saw the two big penguins lying in a pool of blood. He was even more worried, crying and rushing forward.

Seeing this, Xiaosong immediately hugged him.

“You can’t go over there, or you’ll be killed!”

But the little penguin didn’t listen at all, struggling desperately to break free.

Tears were streaming down his face.

Seeing this, everyone understood.

Those two giant penguins seemed to be the little penguin’s parents.

Thinking of this, everyone became even angrier.

“Damn food party!”

“These guys are so abominable!”

Aru and Sunny clenched their fists and wanted to rush over to kill these guys.

But before they could do anything,

Vegeta on the side raised his hand and fired a gas bomb directly at the Gourmet Club members and the GT robots.


The Gourmet Club members and the GT robots were hit before they could react.


Golden light flashed, and an explosion sounded.

The Gourmet Club members and GT robots disappeared from the world.

Seeing this, Vegeta hugged his chest and snorted disdainfully.

This also made Aru and the others dumbfounded.

They didn’t react. The Gourmet Club members and GT robots were killed in seconds?

Vegeta is really ruthless and doesn’t talk much…

But being killed in seconds is also good.

In their eyes, the Gourmet Club guys deserve to die.

In the eyes of the little penguin, these people deserve to die even more!

Because these people want to kill their parents.

Seeing that the Gourmet Club members and GT robots are dead.

Xiaosong glanced around and confirmed that there was no threat. He also let go of the struggling little penguin.

As soon as Xiaosong let go.

The little penguin desperately ran at full speed towards his parents who fell to the ground.

Everyone followed behind.

When they came in front of the two big penguins, the two big penguins were already in a coma, and their breath was weak.

The little penguin cried loudly.

Xiaosong felt distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

There is no doctor here.

And it is difficult to save a dying creature even if there is a doctor.

Su Ming looked at Weiss and asked:

“Weiss, can we save them?”

Weiss sensed the breath of the two large penguins and nodded slightly.

Su Ming hurriedly said:”Then save them.”

To be honest, Su Ming couldn’t bear to see the little wall penguin lose its parents.

Weiss nodded slightly and waved the scepter at the two big wall penguins.

The scepter had a green and soft life energy that merged into the bodies of the two big wall penguins.

The injuries on the bodies of the two big wall penguins were slowly repairing.

Gradually, one could feel the breath slowly growing from about to disappear.

When it was almost time, they finally opened their eyes slowly.

Then they could see Weiss in front of them treating them, along with the child in front of them, and then making sounds that only wall penguins could understand.

It was as if he was comforting the crying little wall penguin.

The little wall penguin’s mood immediately stabilized a lot.

He leaned over and hugged the big wall penguin.

It didn’t take long for the two big wall penguins to recover and return to their original appearance. They also stood up and made sounds to Weiss.

Although I couldn’t understand it, I could see that it seemed like they were thanking him.

Thank you Weiss for saving them and bringing back their children.

Others didn’t understand, but Weiss seemed to understand.

He also nodded slightly,”You’re welcome.”

The next scene was the warm and loving scene between the little penguin and his parents.

Seeing this, everyone felt a little warm in their hearts.

Xiao Song couldn’t bear to take the little penguin away, so he said to Su Ming:

“Mr. Su Ming, do we really have to take the little wall penguin with us?”

Su Ming said,”You don’t have to take it with you, but if you want to make the century soup, the saliva of the wall penguin is indispensable.”

Xiao Song said,”Then we can take some of their saliva now, so that we can make the century soup, right?”

Su Ming had no choice,”It’s all right.”

Su Ming has teleportation, and now he has come into contact with the wall penguin. As long as he remembers the breath, he can come to get the saliva at any time.

Although it is not convenient to bring the wall penguin with him directly.

But if it really doesn’t work, it’s the only way.

Anyway, his purpose is to complete the task.

Seeing that Su Ming didn’t object, Xiao Song smiled,”Thank you!”

But as soon as he said thank you, he saw the little wall penguin coming towards Xiao Song from the arms of his two parents.

When he came to Xiao Song, he also stuck to Xiao Song.

It also melted Xiao Song’s heart again.

At this moment, he even changed his mind a little and wanted to take the little wall penguin with him.

When he had this idea, the two big wall penguins in front of him made an incomprehensible sound to Xiao Song.

This made everyone confused.

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