Weiss on the side helped translate:

“These two penguins hope that Xiaosong can take the little penguin away.”

“”Huh?” Xiaosong exclaimed in disbelief.

“Is that what the parents of the little penguin really said?”

Weiss nodded,”Yes.”

“It seems that they don’t want their children to stay here.”

“Because they are easy to be killed by people who come here like those at the food party just now”

“It might be safer to be with you.”

“‘More importantly, the little penguin likes you very much.”

“I see.” Xiaosong also understood and was a little surprised,”If the little penguin is really willing to follow me and its parents agree, I will naturally be willing too.”

Then he looked down at the little penguin under him and asked:

“Little guy, are you willing to follow me?”

The little penguin nodded and chirped twice.

It was obvious that it was very willing to follow Xiaosong.

Xiaosong smiled and was also very happy:

“So from today on, you follow me.”

‘”Chirp, chirp!” The little penguin chirped twice again.

Xiaosong smiled and looked at the two giant penguins in front of him, saying:

“Don’t worry, I will take good care of the little one.”

“I won’t let anyone hurt it!”

The two big penguins made an incomprehensible sound again.

But we can know that they believe in Xiaosong. They are also relieved that the little penguin follows Xiaosong.

Then, they stared at the little penguin reluctantly for a few seconds.

Finally, they hardened their hearts, turned around, and left here with tears.

The little penguin also shed tears, but did not follow.

It knew that its parents were doing it for its own good.

Staying here is much more risky than staying with Xiaosong.

In fact, the little penguin is not afraid of death.

It mainly doesn’t want to worry its parents, and it also likes Xiaosong.

So, it hardened its heart and didn’t follow.

Xiaosong could see its emotions, touched its head and comforted it:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay. Just follow me. It’s not like we can’t meet again.”

“I will bring you here when I become stronger and fearless of the environment here.”

The little penguin chirped twice, and his mood became much more stable.

He believed in Xiaosong, and believed that this was not the last time he would see his parents.

After the two big penguins left,

Su Ming spoke:

“Let’s go, go back and finish the frozen bison meat that we haven’t finished yet.”

Several people nodded.

Then they floated up and flew back to the big pit.

After returning to the big pit, Xiaosong continued to cook the remaining frozen bison meat.

Everyone ate it very happily.

The little penguin even forgot about the separation from his parents just now under the impact of the delicious food.

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, another hour passed.

More than ten tons of frozen bison were all cooked.

Only bone remains were left on the ground.

And everyone was satisfied with the meal this time.

But in order to make everyone more satisfied.

Su Ming took out the finale.

It was the Century Soup. He originally wanted to take it back to drink later. But in this atmosphere, he felt that it was appropriate to drink it at this time. Seeing Su Ming took out the Century Soup, he was very happy.

The container of thick soup.

Everyone’s eyes lit up and became jealous.

Su Ming didn’t waste too much time and took out a few small bowls.

Then he poured some into each small bowl.

However, he poured more into one bowl.

It was for Xiaosong to drink.

Xiaosong was going to make the century thick soup, so there was no harm in drinking more.

Everyone had no objection, and they all knew what was going on.

Give Xiaosong more to drink, and if they can make the same century thick soup.

Then they will always have something to drink in the future.

If you have a little bit of brains, you will definitely not have any objections.

Some people are big enough to even give up their own thick soup.

But this time, although the thick soup is not much.

But it is still enough for everyone to get a little.

After everything was divided, Su Ming spoke:

“”Okay, let’s drink now.”

Everyone who couldn’t wait hurriedly picked up their own soup.

Looking at the colorful mist rising from the bowl like the aurora and the intoxicating aroma, everyone’s saliva flowed out, and they couldn’t help it anymore. They directly brought the bowl to their mouths and poured it into their mouths.

The moment they poured it into their mouths, their eyes suddenly widened.

The pupils shrank in layers.

“”Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!!”

It was like a series of critical hits!

At this moment, they directly entered a place that seemed like a fairyland.

In this place, images of different beast ingredients kept appearing in front of them.

The taste of the beast ingredients in these images was exploding in their mouths.

It was like the essence extracted from thousands of top ingredients merged together.

The taste buds were critically hit!

The soul flew out of the body and soared into the sky.

The cells in the body were dancing in revelry.

Aru and others closed their eyes unconsciously.

The corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and their faces were drunk and drooping. They looked stupid and wretched.

A more appropriate expression was that they were like stupid big monkeys.

This face could make people die.

But at this time, Beerus and others didn’t realize their expressions of death at all, and they were still immersed in the wonderful feeling of the fairyland and couldn’t extricate themselves. It was also a minute later that they gradually woke up.

Gradually, they returned to the original world from the non-existent world.

Then they all unconsciously expressed their feelings loudly:

“Delicious! Delicious! It’s really delicious!”

“Wonderful! It’s really wonderful!”

“Ahahaha, I’m dying! It’s so delicious!”

While expressing his feelings, tears flowed unconsciously.

It was so delicious that it made me cry!

This was the second time since the rainbow fruit.

However, the amount of tears this time was more than the rainbow fruit.

But they couldn’t do anything about it.

It wasn’t that they wanted to cry, but the tears came out of their bodies.

But they didn’t care at all.

The image and personality were not important at all now. They were still savoring the beauty just now.

The silly monkey-like face did not fade at all.

Another minute passed.

It gradually returned to its original appearance. But they all turned around and wiped away their tears.

No one laughed at anyone, and no one had the face to laugh at anyone. They tacitly forgot about the matter

“Ahem.” Su Ming cleared his throat and said:

“The soup is finished, so we can go back now.”

Everyone nodded.

Then Su Ming used instant teleportation to take everyone back to IGO Hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Su Ming asked Xiao Song to make the century soup.

He also reminded him that the saliva of the penguin was the key.

Xiao Song listened to the advice and immediately took the penguin to the kitchen to start making it.

He also promised Su Ming to make the century soup as soon as possible.

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