Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 16 - Versus Xue Qinghe

He was boy 5 cm taller than me with blonde hair, golden eyes and I white and perfect skin face that will make many women jealous. He was wearing golden clothes showing at his shoulders the royal shield of Heaven Dou Empire (I don't know why but I have a sense of familiarity with him like he is someone really important and special).

Seeing me he makes a light bow and present himself "I am honored to finally meet the famous young master of the STGTP clan I heart great thinks from your father. I am Xue Qinghe crown prince of Heaven Dou Empire". I bow a little more than him showing my lower statue "The honor is mine who did not know of the genius and future emperor? My name is Ning Bai your highness".

"You do not need to be so formal, as your father student I consider both if us the same so you can call me without honorifics, Qinghe is fine". He says smiling brightly (Woah is like he is shining). " In this case call me Bai" I answer. My dad leave the room saying " I will leave the young generation to talk alone".

All alone in the room Qinghe says " Now that we're alone there's no need to speak formal. I'm happy to meet you and I would like us being friends, being the crown prince there aren't a lot of people that I can befriend on similar terms. And I want to be in good terms with you and your clan that it's one of the 3 upper clans". "Yeah, I think that father prepared this meeting for me to make one friend, the majority of the time I spent training and you never know if the people that approach you are only interested in the power of the clan. And I'm happy to finally met you my father talked a lot of your great character and intelligence there's also your talent for cultivation known for everyone" I paused thinking to continue "Rather that having a pleasant talk while drinking tea what will you say of a little spar? I think that the best way to understand another one is crossing fist, in my case a sword". He surprised at first but rapidly changed his face of teasing one that cannot hide a little arrogance in his eyes "A little spar it will be okay, don't worry too much because I'm gonna restrain a bit there's never has been an opponent of my age that can contend me easily winning all fight I expect that you will be a bit better". " Oh you don't have to worry you won't lose your invincibility in your age" I paused and grin " because I'm a year younger". Qinghe laughed "How arrogant, I'll like to see if you have the strength to be".

Then I guide him to the nearest training room and positioned one in front of the other distancing 30 m between us "Ning Bai 11 years old rank 33 control system NTGTS spirit" I introduce me invoking my sword spirit showing 2 yellow rings and 1 purple. "Xue Qinghe 12 years old rank rank rank 41 power attack system Heavenly Swan spirit" He says while a big white and glowing swan appears at his back with 2 yellow rings and 2 purple.

We stay quiet with relaxed guard both knowing that could been changed in an instant at this moment Qinghe says "As you're the younger here I shall permit you the first move and as you're one realm lower I won't use my fourth ring skill". "Oh, what an honor" I reply activating my skill <2nd skill: wood stamina> turning my sword green. At that Qinghe observe his body with disgusted expression saying for himself"It seems a little more difficult to move my body" He thinks a little "No, it is not that is more difficult is it that in consumes more energy moving" He then turns to me "It's some kind of stamina absorption ability?". "As expected of a genius you deduced my skill in a moment" I answer. "In this case it seems that there's no need for worrying if I finish quickly" He points his palm towards me <1st skill: Light explosion> condensing spirit power in a bright yellow sphere form and shooting towards me, I quickly pierce forward <Intent: Remote Protection> shooting a shield-like white aura both attacks colliding causing a big explosion.

"Clap!Clap! Congratulation to stop my first skill it debility it that explode in contact so is easy to escape its damage for ranger attackers. How will you react to that?" He says pushing forward both of his arms <2nd skill: Heavenly Descend> the swan at his back charges at me for it I slash downward my sword activating in one instant <1st skill: Fire Power> increasing my power and decreasing his <Intent: Shield Protection> creating a white shield before me at that Qinghe smirks until my shield stop his swain causing to disperse and for his face to distort "How can this be this skill ignores defenses passing through them only being possible to evade" He calms himself "So it must be some sort of defensive skill with some attribute to stop this kind of attack how lucky for you". "Hahaha, yeah it's only luck big brother Qinghe". He flinches a little but then continue "Let me see how good you're at close combat" He charges quickly at me <3rd skill: Heavenly Swain Transformation> the swan seems to fusion with him spouting feathers all around and 2 wings on his back and he starts to shine. He throw a punch at me that I easily block with my sword then he throws a shiny kick at my right side (It seems that the shine is a concentration of his spirit power hitting harder) I bent my right leg <1st skill: Fire Power> blocking with me knee his strike. Even when one leg blocked moving all his body he tries to do a lower kick with his other leg I jump back avoiding it and letting 5 m distance between us also deactivating my skill.

"It seems that you're ability is to improve your strength and speed and some of application of your first skill to make an explosive power there's also the almost impossible flexibility" I explain. His face contorts a little and charges another time at me continuing attacking with some kicks and punches sometime even using his first skill to make explosion. I block or evade his attacks dodging to one side, jumping twisting my body an in the cases of explosion using my intent and first skill. Even though his attacks are powerful and quickly they are very predictable, causing his face to contort more with every attack evaded.

"Your fighting style is too rudimentary you surely usually only need to overpower your opponent with power and speed but if it can be coped it's no difficult to prevent" I say. Finally his facade broke and shows an angry face but only last a moment immediately changing to an arrogant one "You shall feel honored, not a lot of people needs me to not restrain myself. You shall see my 4th skill" He shouts jumping high flying 20 m over the ground opening his wings <4th skill: Feather Rain> out of no where appearing tens of brilliant feathers and falling slowly until he says "Dance!" then the feathers gain speed and are pushed towards me. I maximize my Mind Eye sensing it feather movement (Impossible to evade or block all of them, but with more speed) I pierce the ground <Intent: Scattering Protection> pushing the feathers away "You won't stop my technique only by pushing it " Qinghe laughs. <3rd skill: Lighting Speed> reducing the speed of Qinghe and his feathers and increasing mine I run toward him slashing no stop the feathers while dodging some of them I can't evade all and I receive some cut but not enough to make me stop (1 second) I arrive under him and jump up piercing up <Intent: Remote Protection> a white sphere goes up to Qinghe while pushing the feathers, Qinghe easily avoid it flying around it saying "Sorry but it seems that you will need to learn how to fly to win me, but you did it well enough". In this instant my right leg shine with a yellow electric light <Air Walk> I kick the air jumping toward Qinghe who makes a frighten and surprised face, my 3rd skill runs out of spirit energy (I don't need it now) I slash toward him but when my sword is almost reaching him some light surrounds him and explodes pushing me and making me unconscious. While closing the eyes the last image was a blurred view of 3 pair of wings and an exquisite beautiful face of a girl.

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