I wake up and (like always. Sighs!) look my surroundings. I find in my bed and in my room there are my dad and Qinghe. I attentively look at Qinghe (He seems a little like a girl but he is clearly the crown prince of Heaven Dou empire so he will be a boy, also has a lot of male characteristic lie an adam aplee and the absence of curves. I really would like to meet a so beautiful girl. I internally sigh, another effect to put on my unconsciousness mirages).

"How do you feel? You have my most sincere apology for injuring you. It seems that I overexcited a little while fighting. That and the shame of possible losing to someone of less rank and younger than me I had that reaction." Qinghe bows 90º "Truly sorry!". I quickly jump out of the bed and do a little of stretching "It seems all good, without any problem" I turn to Qinghe "Don't worry too much for it me falling unconscious is like a part of my routine if I don't do it 2 times a year is that there's something wrong with me, hahah". At that my dad sighs and turns to leave saying "It seems all good I'll live you alone to finish your affairs".

Qinghe bows to my father leaving then turns to me with a serious face and says "It was your win I promised that I won't use my 4th spirit skill". "What the Fuck are you saying?!" I shout surprising him "You lost because some prespeech? We were only analyzing our rival and watching how he reacts it's normal when your put in a fight to use your full strength if needed. Moreover I'm happy to push you so much that you must use your full power. I little injury while fighting it's normal we're not flower in a greenhouse or at least I aspire to be much more. The reality it was that this was my first serious fight versus a spirit master even if it started as a spar. I usually only spar with people of my rank that are too weak and old or spar with my mother and in this case the correct world is not spar is being beaten. So I'm glad to have the opportunity to fight some other genius at my age group even with the lost" I smile at him and extend my hand "I really like be friend with you and have more 'spars'" for some reason his cheeks turn a little red grabbing my hand and doing a handshake he says "I really would like to be your friend it was the same for me my first true fight without any restrain it is a little funny that it was in a spar" he laughs. "So from today we are best friend! Like my mother says true friend are made at the heart of the battle so I wouldn't fight a better way to start our friendship" I say laughing "And about the spar what was that last final explosion? It didn't seems like your first skill and I sensed a very pure spirit power emitted by you" At that Qinghe's face turn somber replying "It's a secret techniques of my family if they know that I showed to you I will be hardy pushed" He bows "Please don't say anything!"(It's a taboo asking for secret techniques so best to stay silent). I pat his shoulder saying "What are friends for I won't say a thing and don't worry too much for family technique in our fight I used a lot of mine" he sighs in relief.

"I remembered that you said something of a conversation drinking a tea, how does it sound?" asks him smiling. "For me okay but if you're not in disagree I prefer a good cup of coffee". Then I guide him and both go to big terrace with a little table where you can have a view of all the frontal garden.

After 2 minutes a maid came leaving a cup of coffee and another one of tea, after leaving I scan the area with Mind Eye to detect any spy, not detecting I turned serious and say "Ok we're alone. I will like to ask why did you become my father's student? Yeah sure he is very intelligent but I don't think that he has the capacity of teaching you too much due to secrets so an average teacher will suffice. In this case what are your reasons? And what is their relation with me and my clan?" I sip the coffee seeming interesting.

Qinghe listening turned serious and replies "You're father is one of the most intelligent people of the continent and I'm learning a lot from him but the truth of being my teacher is for connection and information". I ask "And what is your main objective for obtaining them?". "Even when nowadays the continent is it in peace I don't think it will be very lasting and the main culprit it will be Spirit Hall. There's some strange movements for its part, they're preparing for a war while they also seems to be searching for some think but my net of information didn't exactly find anything concrete. So the best will be to prepare ourselfs, improving our strength and creating alliances between us. For these reason I approach your father being the clan head of one of the upper clans being recognized by his wits and intelligence t was the perfect teacher to learn information of the continent trying to find promising people and recruiting to my side improving my strength". I smile sarcastically "And that they will help in swiftly ascend to the throne of the empire doesn't have anything to do?". He smiles replying "It's not the main point but nevertheless it is a good extra".

I start laughting "I like you. Sure it's important to keep the continent in piece but if yourself don't have any gain why the need to work so hard. You're like me we fight for our profit or the people that we care about. It is a sophistry to say that peace is the first". Qinghe keep calm answer "It maybe be, but it is not necesarry for a monarch to create a kind and fair image to be respected by its people" He smiles "Yeah I know that we should act for our profit but it necessary to at least appear that is for the good of people. So I will ask as a friend if you will help me adquiring information and power and in the future at the battle with Spirit Hall" He extends his hand. I grab his hand saying "I will help you in anything that I can while it doesn't affect me negatively".

"Clap! Ok so we finish all this bored conversation. How much time you can stay in the clan before returning to your empire?" I ask. "I came here as a intermediary for our empire and your clan in the form of a teacher-student relation so I can stay 1 month before return, after that it will be your father to come there" He answer. "So there's no time to waste, it's time!" I shout. He makes a confused expression asking "Time for what?". I grin "Of course for a helling training. I can't waste the opportunity of having a good spar partner improving my fight against people on the other hand you need to improve your foundation, you're skills, spirit power and characteristics are top notch but its fluidity and your between skill is very forced having no style at all except overpower the enemy so in this month you need to at least start creating a self style. I need to have some rest so we will start tomorrow" I leave the room waving my hand "Be prepared!" leaving a astonished Qinghe.

I wake up the next day meditate a little and find something change at the Oreo spirit so I enter its mindscape. At the Oreo space it seems that Glut has finish digesting the Lighting Wolf meat causing to grow to 2 m and turning his hair a brilliant brown tone that seems harder, inspecting it I know that he grew to 850 years old (so it won't be long to become a thousand years old beast) causing the effect of the first skill improves to 15% for tools spirits and 30% for beast spirits. I ċȧrėss Glut a little and say good bye to him leaving the space. In my room I decided to go have some breakfast.

Going to the dining room to have breakfast at there I find my family happily talking with Qinghe stopping when the saw me coming. "Oh Bai, we were talking with Qinghe and I must say he is a charming little one, I'm very happy for you making good friends" My mom says with a big smile causing I and Qinghe to bush a little. "Big brother Qinghe is cool!" Rongrong says. I approach to him and in low voice so that he can only hear I say "If you touch my sister, forget being friends, you're dead!" I have a big smile "Do you understand" causing Qinghe to only nod.

"So what are you planning for today, boys?" dad ask. "We are going for some training together at the morning, in the evening he must attend your class father" dad nods. Qinghe and I finish eating and we go to the training ground.

"First of all, you depend to much on spirit energy and skills so in the first week we will only do physical training and spar using our fist, in my case I won't use my sword. So will we start doing 10 ŀȧps to the mansion with this heigh" I say while a take arms and legs weighs of 10 kg. "You want to run with 10 kg of weigh 10 km without the use of spirit energy, you're crazy" He shouts. "No, no. I want with 40 kg it we will use one of them for every extremity" I reply causing her mouse to hang.

We finish the ŀȧps in 1 hour in my case with only a little sweet and for Qinghe he is so exhausted that can't even move. "Not so majestic now, eh?" I teased. "I whose fault is this?!" he shouts. "Hey don't get angry is only a light warming up at the final of the month it will be a child game, moreover I only say that you can't use your spirit energy while running. You can use it now to recuperate in 10 minutes we will start sparring. Then I decide to give him the Oreo black part (It will only be 1 month so the effect won't be to strong but it is delicious and eating some sugar won't go wrong). I give to him "Eat it, you need the energy". He eats saying "It's sweet and very good do you have more?". "After every ŀȧp training I will gift to you, ok? It will be the gift for a good world done".

After 10 minutes Qinghe recuperate his proud face and majestic bearing. "So, start!" He charges at me "You're a swordmaster while I'm a close fighter you don't have any possibility" throwing a punch I lightly dough toward the left evading the punch I grab her arm and using the same impulse of his charges I throw him to the ground using my back. "Speed and power if you can't directly overpower you're rival the best technique win. You blind charged without any kind of faint or thinking of the next attack. So foreseeable that there wasn't any difficulty to throw you."

We spar or better say I beat him for 4 hours, he didn't even grace me I didn't even need to block, finishing today training I saying "Everyday is will be more difficult 2 kg more and 1 ŀȧp more" causing him to flinch.

With this regime 1 week passed and Qinghe and I are sparing. He throws a punch at me, I dodge to the right trying at the same time to grab his wrist. He twist all his body kicking me I bend my left arm blocking the attack. Then I punch towards his stomach with my right hand, he twist his body jumping using my shoulder as a support to impulse his body away of me while doing a somersault perfecting landing 5 m of me. "Ok so we finish this part of the training. You're truly a genius with only one week you arrive almost at my level taking advantage of your superior speed and flexibility. Now we will fight using spirit energy, but only as a support not offensively with this you will learn its movements and how to control it being more efficient when using spirit power consuming less".

We continue sparing this time using spirit energy enlarging another time the power between us winning me easily. After the spar I say "Take off your shirt" causing his face to turn like a tomato asking "Wh-why I need to do something like this?". "I will help your spirit circulation by guiding eat so it will be easier for you, It's like and specialized method of my clan being know for our control, but don't worry is not any secret or big think is only creating a way easing the move of spirit energy" I answer. The red color goes down a little and he calms and then open the back part of shirt only showing me his back "You don't need to touch more so this is sufficient do what you must do". I out my hands at is back (Woah how white and tender he seems like a girl) and start to improve his spirit power circulation. Having finished I ask "How do you feel?". She looks around her "It seems a little strange but I can move more energy easier so when I'm used to it will be a big improvement". Training and me guiding his spirit power another week passed.

"For this week is will be a use of physical progress and spirit power"I say being interrupted by him "So finally prepared to lose with normal fighting?". "No, you need to create a self style that combines your skills while fighting, for example the first skill is one of the most important, due to its low consumption creating the future way that will follow the spirit master. In your case when you fight sometimes you illuminates some attack increasing its attack power, why don't you use it in this cases your first skill fully?" I ask. "My first skill is an explosive concentration of spirit energy if I make it explode near me I will also be injured" She answer. "So you only need to control the explosion, control it range and direction and you can use it completely at close combat, not only that if you can perfectly control it its use won't be only for attacking you can use it to propel yourself gaining speed or impossible evades" I explain causing him to be very surprised and then like having some revelation hugs me tightly shouting excited "You're right with its my power and especially my maneuverability will improve by leaps and bounds". Realizing what he did we separate and both of use blush (How can he smell so good. I'm not gay I like beautiful women!).

2 weeks later you can see two boys that seems age 12-13 years old running 40 1km ŀȧps around a big mansion carrying weight of 100 kg. Finishing the ŀȧps they enter a training room and don't leave for 4 hours only being able to listen explosion sounds and the sound of destruction. At leaving you can see the two boys heavily exhausted and full of light injuries but with smiling faces. Of course they are Bai and Qinghe.

I wake up today being Qinghe farewell I go to the principal entrance to see all my family there and Qing in front of a carriage. Qinghe bows to us saying "Thank you for having me stayed here for 1 month. I'm very grateful for all" he turn to me "Specially you Bai. I can happily say that I did my first true friend and thanks to you I improved a lot my fighting progress. I will continue training and I want to continue being in contact with you" then he blush a little and hugs me (He really smells good) saying at my ears in low voice "I expect a good fight the next time we meet, if you win maybe I can tell you a little secret". We separate him having a teasing smile leaving me completely shocked (Maybe he is the gay) then turn to my family and waving his hand "Good bye to all, I'm really looking forward the next time we meet!" Then he enters at the carriage and I watch him leaving until I can't see anymore.

Two month passed and I continued with my normal regime training missing my friend and spar partner. I go to my father office, I nock the door and receiving permit I enter. There I can see dad sat at his chair surrounded by a lot of documents. I bow saying "Dad I have a request for you". He signal me to sit and says "And what would it be?". "In the month with Xue Qinghe I learn an important thing, one strength is not enough. Don't misunderstand me in crisis time sometimes you only can trust you own strength but with the changing times is being more important to win allies specially when our clan is a support one, we need strong fighters to maintain our power. So I decided that I need to go out of the clan and meet people, make allies and connections improving our strength and maybe find some cultivation partner like you with mum". My father say raising an eyebrow "It seems you think it thoroughly. I don't going to stop you. However, I want to know what place you decided to go".

I breath and say full of myself "I will go to..."

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