Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 196 - Mayi's Transformation

"Crunch!" Bai ate his last Double Stuff Oreo. Black aura exploded from Bai and Mayi, Bai's scythe and Mayi's eyes shining with a deep purple light. Mayi charged towards Bai thrusting her claws.

Bai twisted his body as he spun his scythe, blocking Mayi's claws and letting them go across the shaft. Bai changed his hands, twisting the scythe's blade towards Mayi's back. Then, he thrust the scythe backward, helped by Mayi's strength.

The blade hit Mayi, throwing her to the ground. Bai was unable to cut over Mayi's armor yet, but it was the first time that he was able to dent the armor, even if it was quickly repaired by Mayi's energy. Not a single crack appeared over the blade this time.

"CRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Mayi stood up and seemed to become madder, her purple energy surging from her body.

Bai grinned, this made it easier and faster absorbing Mayi's aura. Bai knew that he didn't have much time, his body was at his limit, all of it numb and trembling, he was unable to sense most of it. He couldn't continue fighting intelligently against Mayi, his body was too exhausted for it, now only be able to move by sheer willpower. In this condition, it would be impossible to fight against the overpowered Mayi, so Bai decided to put all his strength in a last attack. If it didn't work, not even his Immortality would save him as he would be left without any strength.

After absorbing so much of the purple aura, the scythe had transformed, the blade becoming longer and sharper, the scythe pulsed, blood seemed to run along with its shaft, concentrating in its blade. The scythe had become much stronger, in sharpness, hardness and ominous and evil feeling of it. Even its weight had greatly increased, for him it weighed 1000 kg, but Bai knew that it was only due to his link with it thanks to his Slaughter Intent, if not it should weigh over 50.000 kg. Without a doubt, this scythe had become stronger than his own swords spirit and this was even without having absorbed all of Mayi's aura. This was truly an incredible weapon.

Bai held his scythe tightly with both hands, letting the blade drop to the ground pointing at Mayi. Bai focused all of his strength over it, the purple aura over it increasing "Crunch!" Bai ate his last White Fudge Oreo, the aura around the scythe exploding.

The purple aura was so strong that it was even invading Bai's mind with resent and killing intent. Bai grinned at it, fully immersing in the feelings. It wasn't like it was his first time and if he was capable of saving Mayi, he wouldn't mind being swallowed by it again, he was sure that he would make it his.

Bai's black aura tainted with the purple one, his eyes shining with a purple glow and his grin widening. The scythe seemed to be trembling cheerfully, absorbing Bai's purple aura, the blade growing reaching over 3 meters long.

Bai and Mayi charged at each other, leaving craters with each of their steps. Bai held tightly his scythe, dragging it across the ground that was being tainted by a purple glow "<All Sword: Resentment>!" Purple aura exploded, the scythe increasing, even more, its size, becoming 5 meters long.

Using his last strength, Bai lifted the scythe swinging it towards Mayi. There wasn't any technique or style behind, it was pure power. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

Mayi opened her mouth widely, her four mandibles shining with a powerful black and purple aura thrusting towards Bai as she wanted to swallow Bai's all. "CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!" The clash of such great power caused an enormous explosion. All the cave trembled, rocks fell from the ceiling threatening the cave to collapse, all the forest was destroyed by the shock wave only leaving a giant crater covered by a big dust cloud.

"Shin!" Something was shot out of the crater, spinning as it cut the sky finally being pierced at the ground. It was Bai's scythe, its purple color seemed to even have increased, but it had lost its glow.

Finally, the dust cleaned, revealing the two people standing at the bottom of the ground. No. They weren't standing. Mayi stood holding Bai by his neck, Bai's body was simply hanging almost death. Bai's body was all bloody with lot of graves injures while Mayi's only wound was a crack over her helmet.

"Crack!" The cracks around her helmet grew and extended all over. The helmet broke down and fell to pieces, revealing Mayi's beautiful face. She didn't change at all these years, keeping her young face, even it seemed to have become younger, keeping the appearance of a 15 years old beautiful girl. Her blurred eyes were purple and reflected resentment and fury towards Bai.

Mayi lifted her right claw, purple aura surrounding it, pointing it at Bai's neck. Mayi thrust her claws forward.

Bai weakly opened his eyes. He looked directly at Mayi's eyes "M-m-mayi" Saying her name was the most that he could do in his weaken self, paying the price of overexerting his limits.

Mayi's claws stopped still, they just grazed Bai's neck, a little blood drop leaking from it "N-no!" tears were falling from her clouded eyes. Her gaze seemed to fix at Bai's eyes "B-b-bai" Her teary eyes seemed to focus, revealing her beautiful brown colored eyes.

"NO!" Mayi shouted as she put her hands over her head, releasing Bai who felt to the ground. Bai supported with his arms, lifting his gaze to see Mayi. She was contorting in pain, purple aura shooting around her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mayi shouted powerfully. She looked at Bai and smiled a little sad "Bai" she said silently. She jumped away, creating distance with Bai. Mayi hit her own head "Go away!" Black aura started shining brightly over her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Black aura exploded from Mayi, 50 meters around her completely vanishing, keeping herself floating. The power behind the black aura surged with greater strength than ever. It seemed like if it was being suppressed a lot of time and now finally was able to show all its might, the devouring aura becoming much, much stronger.

Mayi's aura condensed around her body as she looked towards Bai "Bai" she had a difficult expression. She was very happy to be able to see him again, but she was in pain having almost killed him. About the destruction of all the forest, she couldn't be worried less about it.

Seeing that Mayi had freed from the control and seemed fine, even their link having somehow recovered, Bai smiled brightly at her trying to stand up "Mayi"

Mayi smiled brightly wanting to approach and hug Bai. As she was approaching, suddenly, her face contorted in shock. Mayi looked frightened at Bai.

"No! Run away!" She backstepped as black aura surged from the cave's walls penetrating and being absorbed by her. It was like countless black threads were connecting with her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Mayi shouted receiving the new energy. Over her back, her ant spirit appeared. This seemed different and stronger. Her spirit rings appeared surrounding her, surprising greatly Bai. 9 spirits ring rose over her, all of them with a deep red color.

It didn't stop there, as the black aura was being absorbed by her, the ant spirit fused with her body, a black aura surrounding her creating a cocoon around her. Inside it, it could be seen Mayi's silhouette. Mayi was becoming smaller, her armor was perfectly fitting her new height, at the same time seeming to change becoming some kind of black robes that hugged Mayi's body, however, even as robes their hardness was much greater. Somehow her head seemed to be growing.

Finally, the black aura threads disappeared all in the cocoon. The cocoon shined brightly with a black light, breaking it revealing the new Mayi. A petite body, 1,45 meters, she seemed to have return to her 12 years old. She was dressed in a beautiful and cute black princess dress, adorned with two pink ribbons over her hip. Her head was hidden by what it seemed a big plushie helmet of an ant's head, 1 meter wide, with a long tongue out of the slit that was the mouth.

Bai was shocked. What was most surprising was her rings, 9 red rings and over them a shining black golden one that illuminated all the cave with its black ŀuster. This meant that Mayi had become a goddess!

"AHHHHHHH!" From Mayi a powerful black pillar showing her divine strength shot up, penetrating all the ground and surging towards the sky. At this moment every people and beast over the continent sensed a feeling of hunger.

Mayi's body stopped floating, she slowly and cutely landed at the ground. Even if it was cute, each of her movements carried dignified feeling. She looked around "MAYI'S HUNGRY!" She shouted destroying her surroundings. This tantrum breaking her dignified figure as she instantly jumped up towards the hole previously made, disappearing from the cave.

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