Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 197 - Goddess descend

The three ant emperors launched towards the wounded Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Chenxiang. Tang San stepped forward, his body shining with a deep blue sea color. "Xiangxiang, take Xiao Wu and run away!" Tang San ordered as his blue glow increased. He was about to burn his own spirit, putting his life in line to at least stop the ants and permit the girls scape.

"T-third brother" Xiao Wu said weakly, her wounds being the most serious.

Chenxiang clenched her hands. She didn't know how to react, they couldn't win against the ants, but she wouldn't let his cousin sacrifice. Moreover, if the other ants chased after Bai, it would be a game over for him. Chenxiang clenched her rapier stepping forward forward "Shrek don't abandon others. I will fight until the end." She smiled at Tang San "I won't let you be the only hero, cousin" she said trying to calm herself.

Tang San seeing her face and even Xiao Wu's he knew that they wouldn't leave him alone. He resigned himself and lifted his trident "We will fight together."

Suddenly, as they waited for the ants' attack, the ants stopped still "CRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Their body started shivering as a black aura shot out from them towards the end of the cave. Not only black aura shot from them, but even the crystals illuminating the cave behaved similarly. Once the black aura completely left their body, they collapse onto the ground without any energy, some legs bȧrėly twitching.

The human trio was shocked about the event. It couldn't be sensed any energy from the ants, like if it had all been absorbed. Just as the ants were about to beat them, the ants fell defeated.

Tang San and Chenxiang turned serious as they lifted their faces "God!" They said at the same time, detecting a strong power manifesting near them corresponding to a god.

"Bai!" Chenxiang quickly reacted running across the cave towards the exit previously crossed by Bai. She was sure that Bai was the cause of the ants' defeat. She was very worried about him, sensing the previous aura, the most probable was that he would be facing a god now, an existance impossible to beat. She wouldn't rest until she was sure that Bai is fine. And if she must die for it, she had made up her mind to die for him long ago.

Chenxiang quickly crossed the corridor, arriving at a bigger cave. It was a barren land with craters everywhere, at the center of it an especially big one. Chenxiang found Bai laying on the ground, all his body bloody.

"Bai!" She flew towards Bai. She landed next to Bai and carefully inspected him, he was gravely injured, all his muscles exploded with a lot of cracked bones, but thankfully, he was alive.

Bai slowly opened his eyes to see Chenxiang's worried face, tears falling from her eyes "X-xiang" Bai weakly smiled "Thank god that you're fine."

"Bai, you should rest" Chenxiang tried to clean her tears "We are all fine, the ants suddenly stopped. You did stop them. Rest for now, you can explain it later" Bai's state was horrible, it would worsen his wounds making him talk. The most important now was that he was fine, the god manifestation could wait.

"Is Bai fine?" Tang San arrived at the cave, he was carefully carrying Xiao Wu who had all her body wrapped by Blue-silver Grass Emperor.

"Bai is gravely injured" Chenxiang look up, seeing a hole that would lead towards the outside "We should quickly leave this place. We don't know the state of the other ants and we could be swallowed by them any moment. Are you able to fly, cousin?"

"Barely" Answered Tang San "I will need your hel-" "What did you do?!" A shout resounded over the cave interrupting them.

Searching from the sound, they found that it was from Bai's body, concretely from his ċhėst. Over Bai's left ċhėst where his heart was, a beautiful pink flower had bloomed. Chenxiang recognized the flower as Lingling spirit previous to her transformation, the voice also being Lingling.

"We are even a greater crisis!" Lingling shouted worried, she stopped for a second "Are you all fine? Your vitality is very low, especially Bai and Wu. What happened?!" She asked concerned.

"We are bȧrėly hanging, but for now we are okay" answered Chenxiang "Ling, what happens?"

"Something very bad" Lingling stated "Come here, I will treat you" The flower over Bai's ċhėst shined brightly, a vine surged from it piercing the ground. From the ground, more vines surged, intertwining between them creating a 2 meters tall portal.

Being familiarized with it, they didn't doubt. Chenxiang carefully took Bai's body while Tang San carried Xiao Wu, the 4 of them crossing over the portal.


After close of an hour fighting the infinite ants' army, the spirit beasts were becoming tired, the less powerful attaining some wound. Moreover, even Bai's formation disappeared and multiples ants were ignoring the spirit beasts, returning to the anthill.

"Retreat" Di Tian commanded knowing that any more battle would be pointless and even risk some of the beasts to die. They already helped them enough, if they died inside the anthill it was their problem.

All the spirit beasts quickly followed his command, returning towards the fortress. They entered the fortress while being protected by Mei and Myriad who acutely protected them while attacking the countless ants. Once inside, Bi Ji started treating the wounded beasts while Di Tian went towards Lingling's garden.

As Di Tian entered the beautiful garden, he approached the blue-haired beauty who was meditating with her eyes close "Did they accomplish anything?"

Lingling slowly opened her eyes "How could I know?"

"Don't try to hide it." Di Tian glanced at Lingling "I already know that you seeded him" Lingling's eyes opened wide in shock and fright "It was obvious being able to detect them. But, I will let it be if you continue doing your job. How are they?"

"They are alive, at least him" Lingling stated "But there's too much interference and too low vegetation, it's impossible to interact"

Di Tian frowned when "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Shouts of celebrations could be listened from the outside. Zi Ji quickly entered Lingling's garden "The ants!" her face impossible to hide her joy "They stopped! The ants are dying."

This statement shocked Di Tian and Lingling "It's true" Myriad and Mei opened their eyes "We finally are able to rest"

"Let's go!" Di Tian ordered leaving towards the Wall followed by Lingling and Zi Ji, Mei and Myriad disappeared digging the ground.

Arriving on top of the Wall, they finally were able to see the situation. A sea of ants were laying on the ground lifeless, only some shivering on some places and a lot spirit rings showing that they had indeed died. After a year, the plants finally stopped attacking.

"They had succeeded" Di Tian said amazed.

Lingling smiled "I knew that you would accomplish it."

"BOOOOOM!" Suddenly a black pillar pierced over the sky.

"How could it be?" Di Tian's face tensed, twisting in a furious face while he clenched his hands, his own nails piercing his skin "GOD!" He growled in fury with bloodshot eyes. He hated humans, especially human gods, they were the culprits of the collapse of the dragons' clans and the almost extinction of them.

From the horizon, an incredible fast figure appeared covered in a black aura, charging towards the fortress, it was Mayi "EATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" She shouted with unfocused eyes.

The vines were destroyed under Di Tian's body. Di Tian shot towards Mayi, his body transforming into a giant black dragon in the air "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" He growled, ultimate darkness surging from his teeth and claws.

Mayi spun her body, her speed increasing as black aura wrapped around her as her momentum increased. She instantly appeared in front of Di Tian's giant body, kicking his head, a black pillar shooting in the opposite direction.

Di Tian's body was shot down by a single kick! His enormous body crashing to the ground.

Mayi stood floating and her long tongue licked over her mouth, salivating "Yummy!"

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