Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 40 - Hell's Door

After one attack to the food stalls until Mayi was full, we decided to go to the academy.

Entering the academy grounds, the guards knowing us, let us pass without any hassle bowing. We walked to the emperor's building. I was looking forward to see how much the team improved in our absence. Specially, I was very happy to see Rongrong again, surely she and her team should have already joined our academy.

Entering the building we went to the usual meeting room to look for them. At the meeting room we found Yan, Tianheng, Osler, Lingling and Chenxiang, only the Shi brothers and Qin Ming missing.

I greeted them "Hi! How are you lot? How much did you improve this two months?".

They completely tensed looking at me terrified. Yan stood up pushing Tianheng and stuttered nervously "H-hi Bai. Go-good to see you. Sorry but Tianheng and I have plans. We need to meet some important people" They both left at full speed leaving me a little shocked.

I turned to the others "Something happened?"

Osler hit his forehead "Oh, yeah the meeting" he took Lingling arm "We must hurry" he also quickly left with Lingling saying "Good to see you Bai, don't worry to much for the meeting".

Lastly Chenxiang said "Oh ye-yeah, I also need to go. We will meet later, Mayi, Bai" She hurriedly tried to leave, but before she left the room I stopped her holding her arm.

"What happened? Why did they escape at seeing us?" I asked a little pissed to Chenxiang.

"No-nothing happened, it's only that we are very busy" Chenxiang answered frightened.

I smiled kindly at her "Don't worry, you can explain the truth, your my dear teammate I won't hurt you".

Chenxiang shyly looked at me. Finally she sighed and slowly explained warily "So you see, something maybe happened. Your sister's team...".

<3rd POV>

At the inner most part of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy there was one of the most luxurious and grand building, the emperor's building. Only seeing the front you can see how robust is the building and that they expend quite a sum of money to make it.

Suddenly, from the second floor a explosion occurred, a white light broke through the floor, destroying all the windows of that floor and illuminating the surrounding with a bright white light. Followed by an angry shout "WHAT THE FUCK DID THAT FUCKERS DO?!!!!!". Frightening all the people near it and causing for them to run away.

<Bai POV>

I was now surrounded by the debris caused by my angry explosion of intent plus domain before. I even can sense the wind that entered at the room by the now broken windows. With my uncontrolled rage I even manifested my sword spirit with its true rings, showing 4 rings, purple, purple, black, black.

I approach to Chenxiang who was pushed towards a wall, crashing in it. I help her to stand up. "So you said that the fuċkers of Xue Beng and Xue Qing kicked out my sister"

Chenxiang a little scared quickly nodded. "Explain what happened!" I asked her angrily.

"So you see, Shrek's people came to our academy. When they entered were stopped by Xue Beng and some students. After they laughed at Shrek, one of them kicked the prince. After some time the prince returned with his uncle and using his authority as supervisor of the academy he made Shrek leave the academy. Also, Qin Ming as a ex-member of Shrek he was offended and followed them leaving the academy" Chenxiang said.

I though a little and said "Even as supervisor he doesn't have that much of power, the elders and principal won't be so stupid as to kick out people as talented as them" I glanced at Chenxiang "What are you hiding?".

Knowing there was no escape Chenxiang explained "Xue Qing used Dugu Bo influence to make Shrek leave".

"So Yan's grandfather is at fault!" I said, Chenxiang nodding.

"What did you do? Where were you when that happened?" I asked her.

"I was outside of the academy, I couldn't do anything to prevent it" Chenxiang said looking away from me.

I patted her shoulder "If I find later that your lying to me, the punishment will be greater".

Chenxiang shivered "Sorry! I was in the academy, but I didn't learn about it before Shrek abandoned the academy. What I could even do?"

I angrily said "So didn't try to do anything, no?"

Chenxiang shook her head and said fearful "Are you going to beat me?"

I kindly smiled "How can I injure you, my dear teammate? But maybe the training it will become a little more brutal" I evilly smiled causing her to shiver more and even some tears to fall from her eyes.

I paused and thought a little. After a moment I said "Chenxiang, Mayi. Let's find the others members. I think that now is the perfect moment to start their new training. For the prince I will ask Qinghe for a need of etiquette lessons to his little brother. Surely he will be happy to have a great teacher like me teaching him" I evilly smiled "For Xue Qing and Dugu Bo, I will revenge in the future".

Chenxiang was about to leave when I stopped her saying "Do you know where did my sister go after leaving the academy?"

Chenxiang answered "I think that she and her team went to the Blue Tyrant Academy. I am not really sure what are their condition, but sometime after they left our academy, the Blue Tyrant Academy changed its name to Shrek Academy"

I nodded "The most probable is that they joined the other academy only in name to participate in the Continental Tournament. But is very strange for some academy as famous as the Blue Tyrant to gave its control to them and even change its name" I though a little "It doesn't matter I will learn it later. At least it seems that Rongrong is doing fine" I turned to Chenxiang who calmed a little and to Mayi that stayed still all the time "Let's go to find the rest!".

Before leaving Chenxiang pointed my still manifested sword "Ahh, about this. This is my true configuration, I hided it with a family technique so avoid problems. I expect for you to keep it a secret" I said disappearing the sword

She nodded and we left the building searching from the other teammates.

After 30 minutes we all returned to the emperor building training grounds. Mayi was dragging the Shi Brothers, Chenxiang somewhat convinced Osler and Lingling to come voluntarily, both of them following Chenxiang.

I was dragging a beaten Yan and Tianheng who couldn't even walk by themselves. Seeing all of them I could only smirk seeing their reactions at Yan and Tianheng's state "Let's only say that they were so desperate to start the training, that I couldn't help to show them a little of it" causing all of them except Mayi to shiver.

"It is already dusk, Why don't we calm a little ourselves and start tomorrow?" Osler said.

I smiled at him "I think that the best time to start at night. Don't worry too much for not sleeping, I think that you would have worst worries and I can ȧssure that after the training you won't have any problem to sleep" I threw Yan and Tianheng to Lingling "Quickly heal them so we can start quickly" I smiled at Lingling "I exactly know your healing speed, so don't try to be slow" Lingling quickly nodded.

After 1 minute Yan and Tianheng could stand for themselves "1 minute, it's okay. But I expect some improvement after this months Lingling" I said, Lingling nodding.

"What the fuċk are you doing, Bai?! To chase towards us like a berserk and beat us without any explanation!" Yan said.

"Oh, who were the ones that run away just seeing me? Who has some grandfather who kicked out my sister?" I angrily asked. Yan knowing that I learnt about the incident looked down the ground. Then she turned to Chenxiang "How could you tell him about?! Traitor!".

"It was you or me!" said Chenxiang. Then she did a pray sign with her hands "Your sacrifice will be remembered."

As Yan was about to use her poison to attack Chenxiang I stopped her "It seems that you gained a lot of energy this months. I shall do the training a 'little' harder".

Yan's face lost all his colors "N-no n-need. I'm very tired, the normal training will be enough. We trained very hard this months, with weight training and combat foundation in combination with Lingling healing".

I ignored her and turned to Mayi "Mayi, take the Shi brothers and start training with them".

Mayi asked "How hard?".

"Similar to mum's, but try to not break them" I paused a little and turned to Chenxiang "You can also accompany her. We all know that the Shi brothers are not very social, for you Chenxiang take it as a reward for your help"

I turned to the other smiling evilly "For Osler, Tianeng and specially Yan I will personally train you" I turned to Mayi "I will take Lingling, I have the sensation that they will need more of her healing".

"Y-you can't do this to us! I will tell my grandfather!" Yan said.

I turned to her "So your saying that it will be best to have more teachers" I glances deathly at her "Maybe uncle Sword or Bone want to also help the training".

Yan looked even more pale "N-no. Sorry! Please forgive us!".

I approached her and patted her shoulder, looking directly at her eyes I smiled warmly "This is for your own good".

<3rd POV>

At the inner most part of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy there was one of the most luxurious and grand buildings, the emperor's building. Only seeing the front you can see how robust is the building and that they expend quite a sum of money to make it, specially it can be observed the grand new windows that were recently changed.

In this building happened a curious thing. Before 10 months of the start of the Continental Tournament, in this building it can be listened shrieks and shouts of pain that seemed from poor tormented souls in hell. Sometimes even evil laughs and broken bones could be listened if you listen carefully enough.

There's also the cases when you can't listen anything at all, completely calm without any sound neither done it by people, insects, birds...

From this day all the building's personnel were fired, only to be seen very little people. All of them youngsters no more than 20 years old with white faces that seemed without any live and soul left.

From this moment people called the building Hell's Door and all student evaded to come near it fearful to be trapped by its claws and pressure.

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