Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 41 - Hell's Training

The training continued until 3 at morning when I was surrounded by corpse, if I gained coin for every bone broken, let's only say that I will have gained a small fortune. And if shrieks and shouts joined to the count, I will be the richest of the city in little time.

The training finished with a completely exhausted Lingling to a point that she couldn't even invoke her spirit. To lengthen the training a even gave Lingling some of my double stuff Oreos, without saying that they were my other spirit, only telling that it was a family secret, note that it wasn't a lie.

After some good work and a let off steam I left them at the ground sleeping completely exhausted only throwing them a blanket.

I went to the academy's main building I asked the principal to take all the personnel of our building, they only need to provide us raw food, this will help them not being so arrogant and to try harder in the future.

Since I was there I made the principal kick out the 5 students with Xue Beng that stopped Shrek. Under the option of kicking them or me leaving following Qin Ming and Shrek, he didn't need much thinking, glad that I didn't asked to punish the prince, with his royal power.

After some talk he finally agreed to both. I thanked to him and left his office. Outside I couldn't help to laugh imagine this rich mummy children doing all the house labor. I then went to sleep until noon.

Waking up I searched for Mayi. I found her at the training ground doing some light exercise. I approached her.

"It seems that their training went well" Mayi said signaling the 'corpses' which were still there.

"Yeah, all good. I sense you in good mood" I said.

"I'm happy to show them Master's, Master's training" She said smiling "But we only stayed 2 hours until they couldn't move, next time let me have Lingling"

"Okay, sometimes I will let you have her" I said "Would you like to visit Shrek Academy and meet Rongrong"

We went to the previous Blue Tyrant Academy now Shrek Academy.

Arriving at the academy's doors one guard stopped us "Stop! Identify yourself. Why do you want enter?".

"I am Ning Bai, this is Tai Mayi. I want to meet my sister" Showing him my clan's medal and manifesting my sword with 4 rings was sufficient to scared him to almost faint. The guard bowed to us and opened the doors.

Mayi and I walked towards the main building while looking around "It seems they have worst facilities than our academy, but they are in the upper side of other academies" I said.

I approached 5 students who were chatting while sat in a bench "Do you know where can I find Ning Rongrong".

They looked at me, seeing how I dressed, one that seemed their leader stood up and spitefully said "Eh, how can a noble come to our academy like owing it. Moreover, your searching for one of the goddess of the academy" He turned to the other students "Let's beat him, brothers!". "Yes!!!" shouted the other students.

Before any explanation they launched to attack me while activating all their spirits. I sighed, without any need to activate my spirit I beat them.

After 1 minute I found myself surrounded by 5 boys, all of the bowing to me with their faces so swollen that even their mothers will have it difficult to recognize them.

"Sorry for our manners! We should have served you the best of our possibilities" The leader said.

"At least you can learn from this. Will you guide us to Rongrong?" I said receiving a quick nod from them.

They guided us to a classroom. Just as we arrived the class seemed to finish and a group of students leaving it. One of them being Rongrong, followed by if I not remember wrong the rabbit beast Xiao Wu and Zhuqing I think.

Seeing me Rongrong smiled and hugged me "Big Brother!". But she quickly separated from me and she turned her head to one side angrily.

"Are you angry with me, Rongrong?" I asked.

Rongrong nodded "Big Brother didn't do anything when we were kicked out from Heaven Duo Imperial Academy. What are you doing here?"

"What will I do if not visiting my cute little sister?" I said trying to calm her "Sorry for that. I was traveling this months for my 4th ring so I didn't even know until yesterday. Don't worry, if you want I could try to made all of them apologize and recruit all your team again".

Rongrong smiled and hugged me again "It doesn't matter, I am happy to stay here. Moreover, I don't think that the other will accept to return after the offense"

Then Rongrong realized of my surroundings, angrily looking at Mayi and showing her tongue, Mayi reacting glancing at her. Rongrong was surprised looking at the beaten students who guide me, she signaled to them asking "Who are they?".

"Don't worry too much about them, they only guides who I 'taught' some manners" I said signaling to them to leave. They bowed and leaving at high speed even activating their spirits.

"So...Will you join me to lunch? I invite" I turned to Rongrong's friends "Of course, if you want to join I don't have any problem, it will be my luck being surrounded by such a beauties" I said gaining a poke from Mayi's elbow.

We were guided to a private room. Waiting for the food I said to Rongrong's friend "I listened how my academy treat you, I can only said that I am completely sorry. Forgive my academy."

"Don't worry too much the teachers are happier now with a bigger academy with Shrek name. Grandmaster even met her wife. Do you know that the previous principal was Grandmaster's wife? She gifted the academy to our principal. Moreover, the facilities are much better than previously" said Xiao Wu.

"So this was the reason for the name change. I'm glad that you're happy. For the culprit of your expulsion, the school already kicked the students out. For the prince let's say that in the future he would have a special training" I said.

Rongrong smiled "Mama's style?"

I nodded "Yeah, similar. Had the academy made difficult for any of you. I will use my influence to try to correct it"

"Dugu Bo took Xiao San away!" Angrily said Xiao Wu, she then turned very sad "I miss him a lot"

I blinked surprised "What?" I turned angry "Did he injured him or something worse? Where are they now?".

"Don't worry, San told the teachers that he is now okay, he now is training with Dugu Bo, and he will be away some months" said Rongrong.

"That little bitch didn't say anything about it, it seems that her training will need to be recalculated" I said in low voice for them not to listen.

"If all is under control I'm glad" I said "If you have any problem you can count on me for anything"

After that the food arrived and we all talked about what happened this months, I explaining some of my ring hunting adventure... and they some school stories. Rongrong and Mayi hugging each one of my arm not letting me eat while they glanced at each other.

After eating, I was a lot poorer, specially thanks to Mayi's food, maybe I should start charging for the training. I said good bye to them and they leave towards their academy.

After parting with Mayi who also returned to the academy, I went to Heaven Dou Royal Palace.

Showing Qinghe's coin they easily let me pass. I asked one maid if Qinghe was occupied. She guided me to a waiting room informing me that she will ask for the crown prince.

After 5 minutes the door opened, entering Qinghe "Glad to see you again. I wasn't expecting your visit so early" Qinghe looked at the surroundings and seeing me alone smiled.

"Hi, Qinghe. Sorry, but this time is for a personal revenge" I said. Then I explained him all that happened to the Shrek Academy.

"...So I want you to give me permission to some manner 'training' to you brother Xue Beng" I finished the story.

"It's a shame to lose so many talented individual who could be a very good publicity for the academy and so for the Kingdom. I will permit! I will appoint you as his teacher. You can teach him however and whenever you like. But please, I don't want any proof" Qinghe said.

"Don't worry there won't be any, at least externally" I evilly smiled "I owe you a favor for this, Qinghe"

"Don't! What are friends for?" Qinghe said giving me some certificate that dictated me as Xue Beng's tutor.

Since we were alone we expended some time talking about hobbies and what happened since we last saw, without counting yesterday.

When the sky was darkening we said goodbye and I returned to the academy.

That night the Yan's screams intensified.

Next day I approached the prince Xue Beng. Seeing my evil smile he was a little scared but he quickly recuperated returning to his arrogant self.

"What do you want with me? Don't try to do anything strange. I am a prince! Even with your clan you can't touch me without repercussions" Beng said.

"I came to present myself as your new tutor. I will teach you some manners from now, be prepared" I said showing him the tutor's certificate.

"Ho-how can it be?" He said with a mix of fright and surprise.

"Let's say that your big brother and I have a good relation and that you need some improvement" I answered "I think that now is a good time for our first teaching".

I approached him smiling evilly while he trembled scared. I dragged him outside.

I forced him to apologized to every student that we saw, completely bowing 90º saying how much trash he was. At first he tried to fight but quickly followed my teaching thanks to my 'negative reinforcement'.

Moreover, I prohibited to any school staff to help him in any way, only providing the pitiful and completely necessary necessities to live.

I also put some weight on him that made difficult to him to even move but with the 'reinforcement' as a punishment he accomplished all my tasks.

After we finished I went to find Lingling who healed Beng of the aftermath of the 'negative reinforcement'.

"Good work! See that is wasn't so difficult. Next day will go to the city, maybe next to the slums. Look forward to it!" I said while returning to my room leaving a crying Xue Beng lying down on the ground.

"It's really comfortable being the other side. I now understand mum" I said to myself smiling.

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