Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Everybody in the group took their respective pills and Gold of life and went to absorb them as it was magical space nobody can disturb the here otherwise the group can cause quite the phenomena. Da Ming and Er Ming went to the corner, Xiao Wu and her mother sat cross-legged at some distance. Ah Yin also sat a distance. Tang Hai went near Ah Yin to absorb the Gold of life. Tang Brothers sat near the platform.

Tang Chen and San summoned their blue silver spirits and extend it their piece of gold of life. As soon as their spirits touched the Gold of life they were shrouded in golden light.

when Tang Chen came into contact with Gold of life and his spirit, he felt a surge of warm energy. Immediately afterward, he felt that his spirit is filled with more vitality and the golden pattern on his spirit became even denser, he also felt that not only his blue silver spirit even his Hammer spirit is going under some changes. In that instant, Tang Chen's body turned the same color as the Gold of life. Even his spiritual sea was no exception. As the intense green light spread throughout his body, his body starts revolving Mysterious Heaven Technique starts revolving, his meridians started opening his spirit power is enhancing and becoming pure and thick.

An unprecedented comfort flowed throughout his body, causing Tang Chen to feel as if every minute area of his body was m.o.a.ning in happiness. His body greedily s.u.c.k.e.d at the vigorous life energy being released by the Gold of life. He seemed to be able to see everything inside his body: Everything turned golden and were filled with the same life aura. His passageways became more flexible, his organs became tougher, his bones were strengthened… His entire body seemed to its quality raised. The most obvious change he sensed was in his passageways. Even though they hadn't dilated, Tang Chen was sure that his passageways could definitely withstand a greater flood of soul power due to their increased resilience. As the golden light cleansed his entire body, all of the impurities within his body were rapidly expelled through his pores. All of the cultivation that he'd acc.u.mulated over the past few years was also cleansed under the nourishment of this wave of vigorous life aura. He felt that his body had finally become whole; even things that he hadn't understood in the past became clear to him as his mind cleared up. his cultivation speed had been greatly increased. Only a tough body could accommodate an abundance of soul power, which in turn would allow him to better absorb it and increase his cultivation faster.

This process continued for 2-3 hours, after that the golden light surrounding him was diminished but he was still meditating, he can see that 6 of his eight extraordinary meridians have been opened, his purple Demon eyes reached to the boundless realm. His spiritual sea was drastically different from before. If one could say that his original spiritual sea was a patch of nothingness, his current spiritual sea was now transformed into a patch of real space. This space was white, with no end in sight. The first thing he saw the moment he entered it was a large golden lake. This lake was filled with vitality and vigor, and its surface was calm and gentle like a mirror. Dense auras of life energy nourished his spiritual sea.

He now understands more about his spirits, his self created staff and sword arts, and his intents. He especially understands about Sovereign fist descend it didn't mean he can completely use the move but can now understand the intricacy of technique. He was sure there is his spiritual power that has transformed into a lake and he will gain the same benefits as Hua Yuhao as he can now absorb spirit rings of higher configuration among other things. He now had the same spiritual origin as Hua Yuhao which Necromancer Electrolux had said unprecedented even in DD2.sea. After today, the growth of Tang Chen's spiritual power will be at least three times faster than before, and his spiritual sea will be as good as eternal. Even his physical body has been influenced by this Life Gold – whatever his injury is, as long as his mind is still functional, it will regenerate on its own. It won't be so easy for him to die anymore.

Tang Chen woke up after one hour and saw he was the first one to wake up as his father was waiting for his mother to absorb the pill so that they both can absorb the Gold of life together. Tang Chen released his spirits one by one he first released his blue silver supreme ruler spirit and saw its changes he can see that his spirit now has a more dense golden pattern on it and even his fifth ring became denser look like of 70,000 year old he knows the reason as the blue silver king told him his this ring was a part of himself so it will evolve as their bodies evolve. His other rings didn't get much of a boost. He can even feel the change and evolution of his domain of blue silver spirit. His spirit power seemed to reach the bottleneck of rank 60. He then released his Hammer spirit, his Sovereign Clear Sky hammer had a golden outline on it and now was deep black golden in color. With the help of Gold of life his spirit now enhanced and has gained Absolute Strength quality to it. Due to him continuously just pursuing strength and overall evolution he gained today. His all hammer rings have a golden outline in them. He then walked towards the well and saw that external changes were also there he seemed to grow a bit taller and have more well-defined muscles. He already had the initiate strength but having gained absolute strength in one of his spirits his physical strength has skyrocketed. He didn't have any other changes.

Tang San woke up after him he also had similar changes in him except the Absolute Strength in his hammer spirit. He was shocked when he saw that his spiritual power has steeped in the boundless realm and turned into a lake as even in his previous life nobody has achieved such realm much less about transforming spiritual power to the lake he didn't even read such things even in core secrets of Tang Sect. He also came to Tang Chen's side and nodded at him.

After Tang San, both Ah Yin And Tang Hao woke up and came to their son's side smiling. They also were shocked seeing the changes in their body and spiritual powers They looked a little younger than before but not too much they can pass as early thirties couple. The pill had its effect and A Yin now completely change into a human. She also has gained a rank and steeped into Rank 97. She also told the group that all her previous powers gave a boost to her spirit rings and now she possesses 2 red rings. She also stepped into boundless real and both her and Tang Hao's spiritual power has also changed into the lake. They shared their progress with each other and Tang Hao told them to go and have sixth spirit rings soon as they will be having their training in a special place where they will not be able to gain ranks. Both boys nodded at that.

Xiao Wu woke up after them and came to their side she also had similar changes like Ah Yin, she now was a completely human and has was at rank 62 as all her power as beasts were changed and converted to a black spirit ring which she gained during the absorption of pill her other rings also got the boost but wast as much as they didn't change the color. She was worried about her mother but Tang Chen assured her and told her that the poison she was suffering from was very deadly but it will definitely be cured. It's just a matter of time that aunt will wake up.

On the Que as soon as he said that there was a dense pink aura spread throughout the space and its sources of the aura was Xiao Wu's mother. She opened her eyes and the aura receded. She came to the group and thanked the Tang family especially Tang Chen for giving her the opportunity to once again be with her daughter. She then introduced herself as no one knows much about her not even Xiao Wu, Da Ming, or Er ming knew her name. She extended her arm and summoned her spirit: " Xiao Wutong, Rank 95, Spirit: Soft boned Rabbit, agility attack system, Titled Douluo, Title: RABBIT QUEEN." Then 2- yellow, 2-purple, 4- black and 1- red ring appeared on her. She told the group that even her rings were enhanced.

The group chatted for a while then there were two resounding roars echoed in magical space. After some time Two 30- 34 years old males walked out from the direction where Da Ming and Er Ming has gone to. They both were 6ft tall but one man was looking like bodybuilder due to the number of pronounced muscles he had on him, he had black hair and was wearing black clothes while other was a Slim looking man and had blue hair on him. Both came to where the group was. Everyone in a group can easily guess the identities of the two males. They then bowed their head once again to Tang Chen and the slim looking male said: "Thanks Chen brother we both are in your de. We have now transformed into humans. I am Da Ming and this is Er Ming." Tang Chen said:" brother Da ming doesn't have to so polite with me we are brothers after all why to don't you introduce yourself to everybody."

Er ming then straighten up and said: " Er Ming, Rank 94, Spirit: Titan Giant Ape power attack system Titled, Title: TITAN." then 2-yellow, 2-purple, And 5 black rings appeared around him similarly Da Ming also introduced himself: " Da Ming, Rank 95, Spirit: Sky Azure Bull Python, Control system Titled Douluo, Title: Azure." and had similar rings as Er min on him. They told the group since they didn't choose to human in fist place most of their power was consumed in making them human and the rest they made into their spirit rings, They even told the group that only because of further purification of their bloodline they became Titled Douluo otherwise they would be soul Douluo.

The group then discussed and shared their gains with each other. Tang Chen decided to keep the rest of Gold of life in his space for now. Tang Chen didn't want to grab all the Gold of life in the lake. The reason why he didn't want to absorb the whole surrounding into magical space as it can cause a beast riot at this place also provides life aura to while forest and sudden disappearance of this place may even alarm the other 7 great beasts in the forest as shown in DD2. After 1 hour of chatting, Tang Brothers told them that they will now go to find rings for their spirit after that They all can leave the forest together. The group agreed and told them they will wait here for them. The brother than lept towards the beast region of the forest.

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